Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1881: What is hidden?

There is an ancient legend among American Indians. In ancient times, there were 13 crystal skulls that could speak and sing. These crystal skulls contained information about the origin and death of human beings, and could help humans to solve the mystery of life in the universe.

The legend also believes that one day people will find all the crystal skulls, gather them together, integrate the great wisdom of mankind, and play their due role.

This legend has been circulated in America for thousands of years. For a long time, people thought it was just a beautiful myth or fantasy. No one knows what the legendary crystal skull is. Judging from the content of the legend, it looks like An all-encompassing information library is also like an all-knowing book, but people don't know anything about it, and even doubt its existence.

However, European explorers in the 19th century believed in this legend, although no one has ever found the legendary crystal skulls.

Until the end of the 1920s, the British girl Anna finally made an amazing discovery on her birthday.

Anna’s adoptive father, Mitchell Higgs, was a British explorer and a member of the Mayan Cultural Committee of the British Museum. He was also an expedition writer, obsessed with Maya civilization.

In 1924, Mitchell Higgs organized an expedition from Liverpool, England, across the Atlantic Ocean and finally reached Central America, along with his beloved adopted daughter Anna.

With the help of local Maya descendants, the expedition finally discovered an ancient Mayan city ruins in the uninhabited tropical rain forest of Belize in Central America today.

This is a magnificent ancient city flooded by vines and big trees. It took the expedition a whole year to make this ancient city show its former style.

When the ancient city reappeared in front of people, Mitchell was stunned. The height of the main castle was much higher than that of the surrounding villages. It was about 45 meters high and covered an area of ​​15 square kilometers, including pyramids, palaces, tombs, city walls and In the basement, every part of the castle is made of cut white stones. The Mayans used the original stone axes to create such exquisite works, and the labor intensity is beyond measure.

While Anna was enjoying the scenery, she suddenly noticed something gleaming deep in the crack of the pyramid.

She immediately told her adoptive father that Mitchell took all members of the expedition to the top of the pyramid and removed the loose stones by the crack.

After several weeks of hard work, finally opened a hole for a small man to enter and exit. Anna climbed into the bottom of the hole alone, she suddenly found something illuminating her face. Upon closer inspection, she was like a human being. She was very excited about the skull crystal and brought it back to the top of the pyramid.

The treasure Anna found was the upper part of a transparent crystal skull. Mitchell was also very excited and ordered the team members to continue digging.

Three months later, they found the lower part of the crystal skull 7 or 8 meters away. When the two skulls were put together, they were exactly the size of a human skull.

This crystal skull is 17 cm long, 12 cm wide and 12 cm high, and weighs 5 kg. It is carved from a large piece of complete crystal according to the shape of an adult woman's head.

It is very delicate in workmanship. The nasal bone is made of three crystals. There are two round crystals at the two eye holes. Its lower jaw can be connected to the skull, or it can be disassembled. The whole structure is very delicate.

According to international practice, Mitchell dedicated the crystal skull to the leader of the local residents.

When Mitchell's expedition was about to return to the UK, the local leader presented the crystal skull to Mitchell in return for the expedition's help in providing them with medicine and food.

Later, people called this skull "Mitchell Heggis Crystal Skull".

After Michel's death, this skull has been kept by his adopted daughter Anna.

The appearance of the crystal skull has touched the nerves of archaeologists all over the world.

They compared the crystal skull with the real human skull and found that, except for the eye features that are slightly outside the normal range of humans, other parameters are almost the same as the real human skull.

However, crystal is one of the hardest materials in the world. It cannot be processed with copper, iron or stone tools. What tools did the Maya people use thousands of years ago?

In addition, although this pure and transparent crystal is very hard, its texture is brittle and fragile. Scientists speculate that if you want to make it thousands of years ago, you can only use very fine sand and water slowly. The ground is polished from a large crystal stone, but this is not a two-day effort. Even if the producer does not rest 24 hours a day, he will have to polish it continuously for 300 years to complete such a masterpiece.

According to the legend, the crystal skull hides the secret information of human origin and death, which can help humans solve the mystery of life in the universe. If this is true, how will it tell people these secrets?

Do you expect it to speak? This is of course unrealistic, and scientists will certainly not believe it.

They believe that if the legend is true, then the crystal skull may be an information storage for storing secret information. To describe it in a way that modern people can understand, it is equivalent to a mobile hard disk.

Scientists have done such an experiment. They use crystal as a storage medium for information, write some information into it with a laser, and restore it with instructions after a period of time. The data inside is intact.

Experiments have proved that if someone wrote data into the crystal skull thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years ago, it can still be preserved to this day.

If the crystal skull is really an information storage, then how did the ancient Mayans store information thousands of years ago? Is it possible to think that the Mayans have mastered technology that modern people cannot master?

In other words, this is simply a gift from an alien civilization to the Mayans?

Of course, the most important thing is not how it came from, but how people should extract the information. As long as the information stored in it can be known, and then reversed, it is easy to figure out how the crystal skull came from. , Scientists can't do anything about it.

In addition, the scientists also found that when a beam of light shines on the skull, the combination of the prism hidden in the base and the hand-carved lens in the eye socket can produce a series of optical changes. The dazzling light beam has a kind of hypnotic magic power, which can cause hallucinations and auditory hallucinations.

A crystal expert who has studied crystal skulls for 6 years once said that when he was with the crystal skulls, he could hear a very quiet and noticeable sound, like the sound from a high-pitched bell, but also Images of mountains and temples are seen on the crystal skull.

Even after touching the crystal skull, some people found that their disease was cured miraculously. All kinds of magical phenomena are really incomprehensible. If you analyze from a historical perspective, modern optics was produced in the 17th century, and the ancient Mayans could not. Will use it.

All the mysteries concentrated on the crystal skull are unbelievable, so some people who advocate mysticism again classify it as a masterpiece of aliens.

And when they were about to leave, they gave the crystal skull as a gift to the Mayans. After that, the Mayans kept it in the pyramid until they were discovered by Anna.

Scientists have no way of verifying this statement, but when science cannot make a reasonable explanation for some mysterious phenomena, throwing the pot to aliens seems more in line with people's psychological expectations.

The Michel Heggis crystal skull has gathered all kinds of mysterious phenomena and mysteries, making people's guesses about it more and more bizarre, but in fact, this skull is not the first and not the only one to be discovered. skull.

So far, a total of about a dozen crystal skulls have been discovered in the world, of which 3 are kept in museums or research institutions, and the rest are in private collections.

Moreover, the dozen or so crystal skulls are not all Maya relics, but among all these skulls, the one now in Anna's hands is undoubtedly the purest, most perfect and most amazing one.

Perhaps it is precisely because this skull is so perfect that it has been jealous of humans, making people doubt its true origin, especially when the crystal skull was unearthed. Anna herself has different opinions.

In an interview in 1962, she said that the crystal skull was discovered by her father during an excavation of Mayan ruins in the late 1930s;

But 6 years later, when she wrote to an expert who studied crystal skulls, she said that the skull was discovered in 1926;

And more than ten years later, when she answered scholars’ inquiries, the time of discovery became 1924;

But in the "Mystery of the Crystal Skull" published in 1995, it is said that the crystal skull was discovered on Anna's 17th birthday.

All of these have to make people doubt the true origin of the Mitchell Heggis crystal But it is worth mentioning that among the Indian tribes, only the ancient Aztecs have the habit of carving skulls. The ancient Maya did not seem to have such a habit, which made the mysterious halo shrouded in this skull appear to be increasingly false.

Scientists believe that crystal is a kind of magical thing, which is easy to fascinate. In addition, the skull is also very easy to think of death and death. Using crystal to carve a skull, this hypnotic effect is doubled at once, so People who are susceptible to hints will be hypnotized by it, causing auditory hallucinations and hallucinations.

In the 21st century, the ancient Aztec crystal skulls of Mexico in the British Museum were officially identified as fakes by scientists, and the archaeological community was in an uproar.

At the same time, people questioned the skull of Mitchell Heggis.

Although the two skulls are of different origins, the overall shape is very similar, and they are both modeled on a female skull. The difference is that the skull of the British Museum is a whole piece of crystal, while the lower jaw of the skull of Mitchell Heggs is It is independent and can be removed, and the workmanship is more exquisite, but the striking similarity of the two skulls makes it hard to believe that they were made independently.

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