Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1882: Is it to borrow or buy?

The crystal skull collected by the British Museum was first reported to have been discovered on the ancient Aztec site in Mexico.

Scientists discovered that the crystal skull was polished and cut with a wheeled tool, and this technique did not exist in the American continent at that time.

There is no doubt that people now have more reason to doubt the authenticity of the Mitchell Higgs crystal skull.

Some scientists prefer that it is not a relic of the Mayans, but a product of modern people in the 19th century. However, this 100% pure and transparent crystal, even if it is not a cultural relic, its value is immeasurable. Who would use it to make a fake cultural relic?

It’s a well-understood thing. When you have 100 million, would you spend 5 million to buy a lottery ticket in exchange for 4 million lottery prizes?

Today, Anna has refused to do any scientific identification of the crystal skull. Therefore, scientists cannot judge whether it is a fake made by modern people.

But who could have imagined that in the hands of an ordinary and downright rich man in Los Angeles, there is actually a crystal bone exactly like Anna's?

Yang Cheng was really surprised. He swears that all the surprises of last year were not as surprised as they were today.

Yang Cheng tremblingly stepped forward to try to touch it, but was pulled by Luo Yue, who was the first to calm down, and motioned to Yang Cheng not to touch it randomly, without the owner's consent.

But Safra said very simply, "Just touch it, it doesn't matter, the crystal is not broken~"

I thought that something magical would happen to the touch, even if it wasn't the kind of summoning a dragon, at least I should hear a fairy sound or fall into an illusion?

But Yang Cheng put his hand on the crystal skull for a few seconds, and there was no response. He still stood there with all beards and tails. Luo Yue looked at him expectantly, while Safra smiled, as if gloat?

Yang Cheng couldn't help being disappointed, "Not as magical as in the legend~"

Safra shrugged, "This is just one of the dozen bones that have been circulated around the world, not the one in Anna's hand. You can see that the jaw cannot be removed."

Yang Cheng frowned, "So you think that apart from Anna's crystal bone, everything else is modern crafts? Or is it a scam created by someone deliberately?"

Zafra shook his head, "No, no, this is not a hoax. From my point of view, Anna's one may have been made by the Mayans, but the other crystal skulls should be the products of other American tribes."

Yang Cheng was puzzled, "You said before that the primitive Indian tribes should not have such a level of craftsmanship."

"This is where I am puzzled. In fact, crystal skulls made with modern craftsmanship can hardly be so exquisite.

But apart from this explanation, I can't find a better reason. "

Yang Cheng was still touching the skull, as if she was playing with it.

"You haven't opened it for research?"

Zafra shook his head, "No, I just studied it by appearance. To be honest, there seems to be nothing more worth mentioning except for being surprised at the flawless crystal."

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "This..."

He hesitated and said, "Why don't you lend me this skull? I have a research team in London. The machine and personnel structure is more reasonable than yours, and there may be breakthroughs."

Anyway, studying the golden mask is also a study, and studying the crystal skull is also a study. It is not a big problem to conduct the two at the same time. The key is that Safraken refuses to borrow.

Although he didn't say it, Yang Cheng could guess with his toes, how much it took Zafra to get this crystal skull.

"Of course, if you are willing to sell it to me, the best thing is, I will buy it back and let people study it, and promise to share it with you as soon as possible.

I think you also need to exchange funds to restore your old life, and you can also support your better research. "

Yang Cheng's proposal made Zafra a little interested, and scratched her head, "It's not impossible if this is the case, but I paid 2 million US dollars to buy this skull."

"So expensive?" Luo Yue couldn't help but mumbled.

Yang Cheng also thinks it's expensive. Even if he buys a crystal skull for 2 million, he doesn't know if it has research value.

"Who did you buy it from?"

"A rich Indian man, this skull was one of his former collections, but he died of illness, and his heirs sold all his collections for money.

I grabbed it at a high price from several people. "

Speaking of this experience, Zafra is still very proud.

Yang Cheng thought about it and thought that it would be too uneconomical to spend 2 million to buy a crystal bone of a handicraft, and she could only shook her head, "I can't accept this price, or you can sell me cheaper, and I will let you know the results of the research; Either you simply borrow me to research, and the results of the research will write your name. Of course, I also have partial ownership of the results."

This time it was Zafra's turn to struggle, "You ~ what price can you offer?"

Yang Cheng lowered his head and pondered for a moment, "Up to 500,000~"

"No, this is too low, so I can lend it to you, but you have to ensure the integrity of the skull, and of course you are also responsible for safety issues."

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand, "That's okay. I will ask you to sign a lease agreement with you later, and then take the skull. Don't worry, the research site is in my own manor. I won't lose it."

Zafra nodded, "I don't worry about Yang Sen's son, so let's do it, but you have to pay me a little rental fee~"

Yang Cheng sees that he is in short supply, otherwise he would not let the manor run down and not repair it.

He groaned, "Let's do it, 50,000 US dollars a year, let's rent for 5 years, and talk about it when it expires~"

This time Safra has no objections, "Yes~"

A smile appeared immediately, UU reading "Unexpectedly, I can make money from you."

After a few jokes, Safra suddenly said seriously, "Yes, in the legend, 13 crystal bones must be gathered to get important information, so you might as well try to gather them and study later. I don't have the strength, maybe You can do it."

Yang Cheng hesitated and gathered together to summon the dragon to fulfill the three wishes?

He questioned the authenticity of this legend, but had to say that this is a research direction. If there is no result, why not try it?

You must know that after all the possibilities are eliminated, no matter how impossible it is, the remaining clue may be the clue closest to the truth.

He believes that Zafra has made the greatest effort for the skull, and he has also eliminated most of the surface factors, so do you want to challenge the impossible?

Yang Cheng felt that it was necessary to try it in the future, so he asked, "Do you know where the other skulls are scattered?"

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