Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1883: Savannah

(The title of the gold list, one of the four great events in life, is waiting for every student who took the college entrance examination. Come on, for your life, fight it! ヾ(??°??°??)????)

"Do you know where the other skulls are scattered?"

"I only know a few, but I advise you not to hope too much. Even if you gather 12 and the last one is in Anna's hands, your previous efforts will be in vain."

"Always try it. It's nothing more than taking some time. Fortunately, I don't lack time."

"Well, I wish you success~"

"Thank you~"

. . . . . .

On the way back, Yang Cheng changed to Yang Cheng to drive. Compared with Luo Yue's steady driving method, Yang Cheng was much more ferocious. Big brother, this is the 918 that once occupied New North’s record for many years. Driving on the road is slower than Santana. Bad reputation?

Besides, it doesn't matter what car you drive these years, what matters is whether you can drive it with one hand, what one-handed Ferrari, one-handed 918, the temperament is so tight, you can't go wrong.

Luo Yue sat in the co-driver and asked leisurely, "Are you bored lately?"

"Why did you ask so?"

"Otherwise why do you study Mayan culture?"

Yang Orange smiled, "There are too many magical and mysterious things on the earth. Once something is studied, it will last a lifetime. For the future, this investment is still needed."

Luo Yue was confused and shook his head helplessly, "I don't understand you, where are you going now?"

"Would you like to go to Charleston? Remember the planter you met at Arras Manor?"

Luo Yue tilted his head and thought, "That's Charles? I thought you were just polite when you agreed to the invitation."

"Anyway, it's okay to idle, it's better to go shopping and see the famous Charleston."

"Yes~ I'm fine."

"Go on, go to the airport~"

People, life is just a pleasure. When you want to eat a delicacy, you can eat it immediately to get the greatest satisfaction. Of course, it can also be regarded as a manifestation of your freedom in life.

Similarly, wherever you want to go, just get on the plane and leave. This is called enjoying life.

Before boarding the plane, I called Charles and learned that Yang Cheng and his wife were coming to play. Charles was naturally very welcome. He said that he would go back to the reception immediately.

Yang Cheng asked, learning that Charles was discussing business in the neighboring city of Savannah, he changed his mind and decided to visit the oldest city in Georgia first, and then to Charleston, anyway between the two cities Not far away.

And these two cities are indeed worth visiting. If you want to recommend them to tourists, these two cities are excellent choices for tourists who want to understand the history of the founding of the United States and who want to take an in-depth tour of the southern United States.

Bill Bryson, a well-known American sociologist and writer who has traveled around the world, once said that Charleston and Savannah are the two most beautiful American cities in his mind.

Charleston was founded before the founding of the United States. As early as the 1770s, the British established the Carolina colony. Wealthy businessmen established large-scale rice and sugar cane plantations around Charleston, old houses and cobblestone roads in Charleston. , Carriages, and churches will make you feel like you are in an ancient European city, and the beauty is like a fairy tale.

It is a pity that the Civil War caused heavy damage to the city. As the labor-intensive plantation economy was abandoned due to the abolition of slavery, the city's economy has also entered a transition period.

Today, many of the residences of well-known wealthy businessmen in Charleston are open to the public, telling people the prosperity and glory of the city.

Charleston and Savannah were also the main slave trading centers in the United States in the 19th century. If you want to understand the difficult living conditions of American slaves, you may wish to visit the Old Slave Exchange Museum in Charleston.

However, it turns out that the only thing the Americans did right back then might be slavery. Okay, take it! Let's go on to meet river crabs.

Let’s talk about Savannah. In the 1830s, British colonists established the city of Savannah. Located on the Savannah River, the city of Savannah is like a southern beauty with multiple personalities. The numerous restaurants and bars, the ubiquitous squares, and the artists who concentrate on painting by the riverbank, match the romantic atmosphere of Venice, Italy and Paris, France.

Despite the artillery baptism of the Civil War, Savannah survived the artillery fire. Most of the 24 small squares built to commemorate historical celebrities are well-preserved. The city’s north-south "Bull Street" divides the city of Savannah into There are two parts.

"Bull Street" is known as the most beautiful street in the United States. It is indeed worthy of its name. The streets are lined with trees, flowers, and galleries.

However, compared to the elite culture represented by Boston and New York, Savannah’s "red neck" culture shows the essence of the southern temperament of the United States, as described by the famous writer O’Connor who was born in Savannah: this is a vegetation, Historic sites, alcoholism, parties, arrogance, rumors, ghosts and ghosts in the old South.

In the same state of Georgia, it only takes three or four hours from Atlanta to Savannah, but the scenery seems to have traveled through most of the earth, from a typical American city to a small town in Europe.

This is also Yang Cheng’s first impression after arriving in Savannah. The street pattern of this city is something he has never seen in the United States. From the air, there are more than 20 square and square street squares of various sizes. It forms a larger square, which is shaped like a chess board, dotted with old red brick houses, and the road must go around the square.

This is the so-called old southern pattern. Every street-center park is like a small social center, where people pass messages or gossip, just like the sentence in "Midnight Garden of Good and Evil" by John Burrant. "Savannah is a closed and introverted town, where rumors prevail. The main topic of people's chat is naturally the behavior of others, so the stranger the behavior, the more powerful the gossip."

Savannah is Georgia's first city and the first state capital of Georgia.

Most of the buildings in the city were built from the colonial period to the early 19th century.

In the Civil War, most southern cities were destroyed, but this city remained intact.

On Christmas Eve in 1864, the Civil War came to an end. General William Hillman, who had just ransacked Atlanta, led his army to capture Savannah. He was immediately overwhelmed by his “beauty” and decided to show mercy and leave it intact. This beautiful small city serves as a "Christmas gift" to the President Lincoln.

As other parts of the United States gradually developed, many buildings in Savannah gradually became "old" and could not get the maintenance they deserve.

Especially in the early 20th century, there were people visiting Savannah from the United Kingdom. In the eyes of the British, Savannah was like "a beauty with a dirty face". It was not until the 1950s that with the help of a caring person, Slowly revive.

But unlike its neighbor Charleston, Savannah is not actually a seaport city, because the city does not rely on the sea, but has a canal leading to the Atlantic Ocean.

The name Savannah comes from the Savannah River, and the name of the Savannah River comes from a tribal name of the Indians who first lived here: Shawnee.

The street next to the big river is called River Street, and the street is covered with pebbles shipped from Britain by early immigrants.

There is a railroad track in the middle of the street. Every day, you can see a tourist car or an old steam locomotive driving slowly. There will always be a long scream when it "shows", as if it is still showing off the great achievements of the industrial revolution.

On the other side of River Street are various shops, bars, and buskers. Both tourists and locals come here to have fun. This is also the best way to travel to Savannah. You can sit in an old-fashioned tour bus and feel the peace of the years.

Yang Cheng and the others came early. Every March on St. Patrick’s Day, the River Street will prohibit motor vehicles from entering. The streets are full of tourists from all over the country for several days, either wearing green hats or wearing green clothes. Decorations celebrate this traditional Irish holiday.

The scale of the St. Patrick's Day parade in Savannah is second only to New York. The history of the Irish in Savannah is almost as long as that in Savannah.

This enthusiasm is hard to come across in other parts of the United States. Southern country folks are called "red necks" by Americans. This is because they have been exposed to the southern sun for a long time and their necks are red.

Although they don’t have much knowledge and knowledge, the “hillies” of the southern United States are still very kind. Of course, as long as you don’t discuss the Civil War, religion, and ZZ with them, this is the fairytale city in your dreamland, warm, romantic, and never Lack of ritual sense of life.

After walking with Luo Yue on River Street and taking a few photos, Yang Cheng received a call from Charles. He was heading here after talking about business.

Not long after, Charles brought people over, greeted him warmly, and asked, "You haven't gone to the attractions yet? Why don't you go for something to eat first?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "No hurry, we have eaten here, are you busy with things?"

"It's almost done, there are good wineries here, let's talk about the acquisition~"

Regarding other people’s business secrets, Yang Cheng didn’t ask much, and nodded, "Just don’t delay your work~"

"No, I'm very happy you are here~"

After hesitating for a while, Charles asked, "Mr. Yang, I want to ask you something~"

"You said~"

"Do you think I can be a zheng?"

Yang Cheng glanced at him Do you want to run for Congress? "

Speaking of this, Charles did not hide it, "I do have this idea, I think it will be beneficial to my business and family.

But I know that if you want to become a parliamentarian, you must get strong support. "

Yang Cheng laughed, strong support? Don’t you just want your own support? Why is it so tactful?

However, his thinking is normal. In theory, anyone in the United States can be a congressman or even a general tong. For example, the one who just stepped down can become a congressman after publishing two best-selling books. When he enters the Senate, he will elect the general tong. It was so successful. This kind of thing can only happen in the United States.

In short, within the framework of American democracy ZZ, guan members do not necessarily require high education and good background.

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