Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1887: Sorry for late

(I just went home, it was a bit late, (.??_??.)?? I’msorry~)

Arthur Brown is the nephew of Jim Williams, and he can almost be regarded as an heir when the Williams family has no direct descendants.

Once because of Jim Williams, this not-so-special surname became a symbol in Savannah and was recognized as a symbol of high society. Now, the Williams family no longer exists, and some are just Arthur Brown. Not a reliable heir.

Although relying on the property left by his uncle, he and his sister both lived well, but they were far from their former glory.

The antique business that Jim Williams relied on was becoming more and more difficult to do. Relying on the big customers in the past, he barely maintained a balance of payments, with few profits, and not enough for the family's expenses.

This is why he is the first in front of Charles. Recently Charles is preparing to buy a batch of antiques for the decoration of the winery. Arthur must tie up this big customer, even if they are called friends, so he does not hesitate to expose the secrets of the family. .

This study is a forbidden place that countless tourists or local gossips eager to visit, but at this moment it is open to Yang Cheng and others.

The study area is about 30 square meters, with antique bookshelves on one side. In front of the bookshelves is an oak desk, in a typical Victorian style. The desk is scattered with paper, pens and ink. There is no computer that is common to modern people. There is an old-fashioned European landline phone. It is a rotary dial phone. The gold-bronze handle is slightly rusty, but it is very clean. Obviously, someone often cleans it.

Even the possible blood stains were wiped clean. At least from this point of view, it is absolutely impossible to see that there have been two homicides here, and there are still two!

Just when Yang Cheng noticed the'Edward King' cigar box on the coffee table, Mary Williams suddenly walked in, carrying a tray with steaming hot cocoa on it, "Drink a cup of cocoa, my Favorite~"

Yang Cheng turned his head and leaned forward, "Thank you Mary, you came too in time. In a wet and cold winter, nothing is more satisfying than a cup of hot cocoa."

Mary was gray-haired, wearing round reading glasses, and smiling very kindly, but there was an indescribable sadness in her eyes.

When everyone took away her hot cocoa, she put down the tray, looked around, and sighed, "I clean it once a week. It seems that I can still see him sitting here and talking."

Everyone was silent. Everyone knew who that'he' meant. Mary didn't care if others talked to herself, and said to herself, "He always said that what he likes most is to live like a nobleman without being The burden of nobility.

The nobles are born to inherit the blessing and are too weak. They have to worry about the dignity and pomp of generations in everything. No wonder they lack ambition.

He felt that the children of the aristocratic family only had their facade decorations worth seeing, such as high-quality furniture, paintings, and silverware. Once they ran out of ancestral products, they had to sell those things.

And they will inevitably fall into this field. By then, they will only have a decent demeanor. "

Mary speaks slowly, soft as velvet.

The four walls of the study are decorated with portraits of famous European and American nobles. The painters include Gainsborough, Hudson, Reynolds, and Whistler. It seems to be in a palace, and the people in it are relatives of the emperor. Up.

Listening to Mary's narration, Yang Cheng couldn't help thinking of the opening content, and a scene emerged in his mind-Jim Williams flicked the cigar ash into a silver ashtray, and a dark gray tabby cat climbed onto his lap. , Nestled there, he stroked the big cat and told the guests his values.

At this time, Yang Cheng noticed that Mary's gaze was sweeping from the various books on the shelf. He also looked over subconsciously. Inadvertently, he saw a book named Egyptian Pharaoh, and his curiosity spurred him. He walked over to the bookshelf, pointed to a book and asked, "Can I take it down and read it?"

Arthur didn't know what Yang Cheng wanted to do, but just reading the book, of course he would not refuse, "Yes, whatever you want~"

Yang Cheng thanked him, took down the book, and opened it. It turned out that it was a book about Egyptian pharaohs, which focused on the history of Tutankhamun.

Putting the book back in place and looking around, he found several books about Egypt. One of them was very interesting. It was about the treasures of the Egyptian pharaohs. This book is more like a book, or the author’s fantasy. Become an adventurer by myself, explore the treasure hunt in Egypt, and eventually become a legendary story. It is very small, and now the author of the 18th line of the starting point does not write this way, but I did not expect to see it in the United States.

There was nothing valuable in the book. Yang Cheng turned around and asked Mary, "Mr. Jim Williams was very interested in Egyptian antiques during his lifetime?"

Mary didn't know how to answer for a while, but Arthur continued, "Uncle's antique shop does have a lot of antiques from Egypt."

Yang Cheng's expression became brighter, "Can I have a chance to visit your store?"

Arthur thought Yang Cheng also wanted to buy antiques, and readily agreed, "Of course, it is my honor."

This topic has not been discussed in detail, but I can't talk about the case anymore. The two relatives who are the heirs of Jim Williams don't know. Who else can ask? Let this unsettled case continue to hang. Anyway, people may prefer this state, but if it is resolved, it will be empty.

It's just that according to Mary, when Jim Williams suddenly died, there was no weird or supernatural event.

The implication is that Jim Williams died suddenly. It could not be Danny's fooling around. At least she didn't believe this. Maybe in her opinion, Jim was wronged.

At least, Mary didn't say much about Jim's life, and obviously she didn't want to mention it. It seems that she also had a lot of dissatisfaction with her younger brother, but she didn't want to comment too much as people left.

At the end of the dinner, Mary suddenly asked Yang Cheng, "Are you the founder of that Toutiao app?"

After being startled, Yang Cheng nodded and admitted, "It's me, what's the matter?"

Mary suddenly became excited, "Can you help us promote it?"

"Um, you mean to promote Mercer House? Or a museum?"

Mary nodded, "Yes, although museum expeditions have been popular for some time for some reason, those who haven't seen it come to Savannah, and the museum is no longer their preferred tourist attraction."

Yang Cheng wanted to laugh a little, but she managed to resist it before she didn't laugh. What's this all about? I didn't expect Mary to be so old and still in the mood to consider the issue of museum operations. Is it because people are not old and want to reproduce The glory of the Williams family?

To tell the truth is a bit difficult, not to mention whether the Williams family's financial resources can support one after another party, even if it can, I am afraid the outside world will not recognize it.

The reason why Jim Williams was so important in Savannah was his role in the transformation of old things to support his social status. Only relying on the antique business, Jim Williams would never be the one that everyone thought he was. "Nouveau riche" of the nobility.

It is the same now. The Williams family does not have its own pillar industry. To put it bluntly, it is useless to the society. Without the support of the zhengke, who would recognize his status as an upper class?

Of course, this is just his guess. Maybe the old lady just wants to sell tickets better and make her life better?

Thinking of this, he simply asked, "Can I ask why?"

Mary also said simply, "I just want to make more money~"

Yang Cheng looked at her suspiciously, thinking that it would be impolite to come rashly this time. Since someone made a request, it doesn’t matter if you agree, “Yes, but you’d better make some gimmicks. Ordinary publicity is too plain, I’m afraid Can't get very good results."

"Gag?" Mary didn't understand this.

Yang Cheng is helpless, is she still planning a plan by herself?

Forget it, help people to send the Buddha to the west, "Let’s go back and let a few large traffic of MS short videos come from the media, and let them discuss a hype plan, such as reappearing ghosts in your museum~"

Mary was startled. "The ghost reappeared? Do you mean? Man-made ghost incident?"

Yang Cheng snapped his fingers, "Yes, that's it, not to mention it, at least in the short term, it can rekindle the enthusiasm of local people to explore the museum."

Mary couldn't digest it for a while, but the younger Arthur was very satisfied with this suggestion, "It's great, in fact, I have always wanted to do this, but Mary disagrees, she thinks the lie will always be exposed one day~"

Yang Cheng touched her nose awkwardly. Isn't this a disguise that his suggestion is a lie?

Fortunately, he had a thick-skinned forcibly explained, "I don't think this is a lie. First of all, the rumor that there are ghosts wandering in Mercer's House is not a day or two. The cause of Mr. Jim Williams' death Isn’t it just ghost revenge? So this is a prerequisite.

Secondly, this is just a means of operation. If you publicize that if you don’t believe it, you don’t need to spend money to buy a ticket. If you believe it, you’re naturally willing to check it out.

Finally, since you want to make money, you can’t be too rigid. Relying on traditional advertising may be effective, but for museums that are not highly playable, the effect will not be too great, so you must rely on gimmicks to drive the fire. Only by letting more people know about Mercer House and the stories that happened here, you can make money, and it is to make a lot of money.

After the promotion plan is implemented, I suggest that you start a night tour for a period of time. The night is more in line with the atmosphere of adventure, and it will also increase the expectations and satisfaction of tourists. Of course, this is only one direction. How to implement it needs to be found. Professionals to operate. "

After Yang Cheng finished speaking, Mary did not follow the suggestion to give an answer, but said, "Why don't you invest?"

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