Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1888: Williams Antique Shop

(Chapter 1888, this number is auspicious!)

"Why don't you invest?"

"Me?" Yang Cheng pointed to his nose, and refused without hesitation, "Forget it, this project is too small, but you can ask Charles~"

Charles was suddenly named and was shocked, but Yang Cheng spoke up, and he still has to give face, "I will give you an answer after thinking about it~"

To put it bluntly, a museum that has risen up because of messages and comments, no matter how gimmick it is, the height of the ceiling has already been determined, and there is really no big future. Of course, it will not lose money.

After dinner, Yang Cheng offered to leave, but Arthur Brown was also leaving with them. This guy is a shrewd businessman. Since Yang Cheng showed interest, how could he not be able to grasp it?

Williams' antique shop is about 4 blocks away from Mercer House, and it takes less than 10 minutes to drive there.

As night fell, there was another light rain before nightfall, adding a touch of suspense to the winter night in this small southern city.

When I arrived at the antique shop, the employees had already left work, so Arthur had to open the lock himself, using the most common brass lock. What age is this, and there is no need for an electronic lock?

Just when Yang Cheng was surprised, Arthur had already opened the first door curtain, revealing the second glass door. Only then did the dual unlocking method of fingerprints and passwords be required.

There is no need for Yang Cheng to ask, Arthur took the initiative to answer the puzzle, "The outer brass lock has been with my uncle for decades. After I took over, I used the outermost brass lock to commemorate it. It is more symbolic."

Yang Cheng nodded when he heard the words. At this moment, Arthur had already turned on the light, and instantly felt like a private room.

Speaking of which, in the United States, people who visit antique shops are generally elderly people who know how to enjoy life when they have money and leisure. Young people probably don't even know where the door of antique shops opens.

An antique shop is different from a flea market, at least the environment in the shop is not comparable to a flea market.

Especially like the antique shop of Williams, which has been in business for nearly a hundred years, as soon as you enter the shop, you are infected by the strong artistic atmosphere inside. Yang Cheng is okay. Luo Yue is like entering the chocolate world. He can’t wait to put everything in his eyes. .

There are many antique shops in the United States, in large cities and small towns, most of them are small family businesses, and some of them are strong and have become chains. The decoration and style are similar to those in European antique shops.

However, it is completely different from the antique shops in Country Z. The European and American antique shops are not the same as the "antiques" in the Chinese context. They sell not all high-value cultural relics and top luxury goods, but have a sense of history and Artistic old objects, pots and pans, furniture decorations, jewelry, clothes, books, photos, oil paintings, sculptures, garden tools, etc., can be found in tall antique shops, with everything you need.

Williams' antique shop is no exception. Just one floor has a sense of sight when visiting a large supermarket.

Yang Cheng picked up a crystal cup on the introductory showcase. It was used by foreigners to drink milk, but it doesn’t matter if you want to use it for drinking. Anyway, it’s up to you. Look at the price. It’s $2.14. , Or the price including tax. If this price is for the aunts to see, then you have to buy all the crystal glasses in this store?

Crystal cups with similar shapes are also available at home. Of course, both the workmanship and materials are more than a grade higher than this cup that only sells for 2 dollars, but the 2 dollars are not bad. The key is that this life belongs to the old object, the antique industry It is recognized that the old is more valuable than the new, and the world is the same.

I lifted it up and looked at the crystal chandelier above my head. I found that the color and texture of the cup are very good. The key is to compare the price of 2 US dollars, which is definitely an excellent value.

Putting down the cup and looking around, I found this old store with a small facade. It can be said to be all-encompassing. It is comparable to the large antique market. The collections are densely displayed on the shelves. Pick and look at it at will, even during the day. The staff follows around. Anyway, the very valuable items are locked in the glass cabinet. If you want to see it, you can ask the administrator to get the key. Even if you break the others, you will be compensated at the price.

Of course, for the convenience of shopping, if you pick something, you don’t need to hold it. The staff will give a numbered clip to help take the thing, put it in each guest’s exclusive storage box, and finally report the number for unified checkout. It will pack it for you and let you walk out the door with peace of mind. After you go out, the antique shop will not be responsible for the things you bought.

Yang Cheng was still thinking about where the antiques from Egypt were. Unexpectedly, Luo Yue jumped out first, like a bird’s nest, jumping on the shelves, all kinds of champagne glasses, red wine glasses, milk glasses, honey jars, The sugar bowl, the decanter, the silver jug, the silver tray, the silver candle holder, the silver knife and fork, and the sugar cube clip. Luo Yue's eyes lit up, and he wanted to take it home.

Women seem to have a talent for visiting IKEA. They like the feeling of decorating their homes by themselves. Yang Cheng simply said, "If you like it, you can buy it. Anyway, there is a big space at home, so you can buy it back."

When Luo Yue heard this, he said excitedly, "Really? Then I really bought it?"

Poor Arthur Brown, the heir of a dignified family and the owner of an antique shop, now became a migrant girl. Holding a shopping basket, under Luo Yue's command, she kept hooking up objects she liked.

The first floor is basically home antiques, and the second floor is mainly antique jewelry, with a wide variety of diamonds and gemstones.

But compared to the first floor, Luo Yue’s excitement is significantly lower. Also, no matter how good the jewelry here is, it’s not as valuable as Yang Cheng gave third floor is filled with oil paintings, table lamps and furniture, all of which are big In fact, Yang Cheng also saw a double bed 200 years ago, and she doesn't know if this bed can withstand'exercise'.

In short, every item in the store that exudes the luster of time has both the exquisiteness of art and the strong traces of daily life.

The price is also very close to the people, ranging from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars. Most people can afford to buy it, and it will not feel too expensive. It makes people feel that the good days are right in front of them, and they can be within the scope of ability. Enjoy a more pleasing life.

At this moment, the wind chimes used to welcome guests downstairs rang, indicating that there was a guest. After Arthur went downstairs, he saw an old gentleman in a bow tie and a black trench coat standing in front of the container. Arthur clearly knew this. Man, smiled and greeted him, "Charlotte, why are you here?"

"I happened to pass by and saw the light in the store was still on, so I came in and took a look. I just wanted to buy a few crystal red wine glasses to go back. The house was broken by me~"

"It turned out to be like this. I'm receiving an important client. Feel free to do it yourself~"

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