Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1933: Just want money

Li Lianhua vividly remembered the original scene, "No one in the circle would ask such questions.

Usually, the producer will first send the secretary to call to talk about the basic situation of the film, then publish the script, and then meet in person to discuss.

But I don’t know anything about the movie’s name, script, or other creative circumstances, so I can’t answer this question.

I can only read the script first out of professional habits.

Then Wendy said to call me in 15 minutes, maybe in her mind, 15 minutes is enough~"

Wendy Deng smiled embarrassedly, "I didn't understand anything at the time, so I could only think with normal thinking~"

Li Lianhua took Wendy’s arm. “Before I met her, I heard too many rumors about her, good and bad, but after the real contact, I found that she was too direct, so she didn’t even bend it at all. Abduction."

Wendy recalled, "Actually, I was mad at the time. "Snowflake Secret Fan" was my first film as an independent producer."

In the United States, independent production refers to the fact that, in addition to the traditional eight major film companies, the producer raises funds by himself, finds scripts and finds the chief creators to complete the production and distribution of the film. This method is more flexible than traditional film company production. It encourages more creative freedom, but on the other hand it also means that the producer will have to take greater risks and pressure.

"Moreover, it was secretly booted in the Mainland at that time, and the International Chapter had already entered the group and started shooting some shots.

But because of unexpected events, mainly bad news, the International Chapter was withdrawn.

The reason the crew has so far is that the international chapter accidentally hurt the neck when filming "The Grand Master" and cannot continue acting.

The temporary withdrawal of our lead actor is the biggest challenge facing me as a producer for the first time.

In addition, in the contract of another starring Jun Ji-hyun, there is a stipulation that if the original actor does not participate in the final filming of the film, she can resign from the film without refunding the pay, which means that if it is not handled properly, the entire crew All are facing a crash. "

Li Lianhua answered, "She is honest enough, and this touched me. There was no roundabout and tactful in the whole process. After making three calls before and after, she decided to take on the role of "Snowflake Secret Fan."

Wendy Deng said gratefully, "At that time, Lotus had just finished three movies and was preparing to take a vacation. As a result, she joined the crew after only two days off. If it weren't for her, I don't know what will happen."

"I also felt Wendy's sincerity before agreeing to act. This love for movies is not inferior to the original insiders."

Yang Cheng murmured inwardly, "Did you see her love for movies? Or is it Mrs. Murdoch?"

To be honest, the original Snowflake Secret Fan story is very suitable to be made into a movie. It is based on the Chinese American writer Lisa Kwong's adaptation of the same name. It tells the story of two girls telling each other their true feelings in a female book.

But the bad thing is that a novice director forcibly adds a modern part of the play, and the story becomes a friendship between two women in different eras. They both need to use their rights and perseverance to overcome adversity.

So sometimes a bad film is not only a script that is not good enough, but a script that is obviously very conflicting in drama, but it is completely changed by a director.

The most funny thing is that there is also a layman who is half-way out and is not well-educated. From the perspective of investors, Wendy Deng is absolutely exemplary. She respects the director’s creative freedom and will not interfere with any creative matters. During the filming, any trouble encountered by the crew is handled by Wendy Deng. There is a special lawyer by her side who will carefully look at the nuances of the various terms.

Including many things on the actor's contract and money issues, she settled them one by one.

This is a very clever approach, but in fact, this is also the performance of her completely ignorant of the script. A good director must limit his imagination, otherwise they will be left alone, and the final outcome is that your mother does not know you.

Wendy Deng said, "I have a Hollywood network, which is my advantage, and through the failure of the previous work, I have accumulated experience. I am confident to bring enough international attention to the next project, and I am also capable. To bring outstanding domestic actors to the international stage."

Li Lianhua said, "I still remember the first day when I joined the group, Wendy took me to see ladygaga's concert, hoping I could relax, and she arranged a lot of shows for me almost every night. Of course, Most of them met with some Hollywood producers and investors. She hoped that I could get to know these people more. I did accumulate a lot of contacts because of this. I am very grateful."

"Jason, I need an opportunity to prove me again. I want more outstanding Chinese to be recognized by the Americans. I also hope that they can recognize me again and no longer be Rupert's wife!"

Yang Cheng thinks this is nonsense. You are famous because you are a junior. Now that you are a regular, you want others to forget your dark history? How can it be so easy?

And as long as Yang Cheng has no pitfalls in his mind, he will never hand over a movie project to an iron layman.

The simplest example, if you are injured, would you be willing to give your life to a layman with a scalpel?

"Wendy, let me put it this way, New Era Pictures' projects have very mature operating procedures. I can't give you a test with a project with an investment of tens of millions of hundreds of millions of dollars." Yang Cheng said straightforwardly without going around the corners. .

Yang Cheng’s attitude was very firm. Wendy Deng knew it was not good to persuade him, so he deliberated for a long time and said to Li Lianhua, "Lianhua, I have something private to say to Jason~"

Li Lianhua was stunned, smiling and leaning away.

With only two people left, Wendy Deng said, "Rupert is negotiating with Disney, right?"

Yang Cheng was startled and nodded, "Of course I know, what do you mean?"

"I won't go around with you anymore, just be straightforward, and I will provide you with their negotiation progress."

Yang Cheng frowned, "What do you want?"

"50 million dollars~"

Yang Cheng smiled angrily, "This news is not worth 50 million, or you should sell it to people who need it more."

"But I can't get along, and I'm not sure if the wind will reach Rupert's ears~"

"Then why did you choose me? Aren't you afraid that I would give Rupert a short report?"

"You won't, I may not have other abilities, but I am very accurate."

Yang Cheng pondered slightly, "It's not the same thing. I'm not sure how important the message you gave me is."

Wendy Deng knew that she couldn’t touch Yang Cheng if she didn’t say something tangible. She was a businessman as cold as her ex-husband. He could only say, "A friend of mine at Fox, to Rupert The decision to sell Fox is very dissatisfied. He believes that Fox's glorious history should not be used as a wedding dress for Disney, so he is willing to pay any price to prevent this acquisition."

Yang Cheng stayed for a while, there is still such a cruel person? Love your company better than yourself?

Well, such people deserve respect, but. . . Silly and cute!

But he can also understand that, after all, Fox’s history is indeed commendable. It has created many famous movie blockbusters such as "Cleopatra", "The Sound of Music" and "Titanic". It has gone through 84 springs and autumns. Such withdrawal from the stage of history is indeed not easy for the company's elderly.

But for outsiders, they are not interested in the complicated merger process and capital operation, or the so-called brand glory. What can really attract the attention of ordinary people may only be the ownership of the superheroes in Fox's hands.

Marvel fans are especially crazy, including "Avatar", "The Simpsons", "Alien", "Modern Family", etc., and these are just part of the business of this merger.

It is conceivable that with so many glorious pasts, how can those old people be willing.

After thinking about it this way, Yang Cheng was a little convinced of Wendy Deng's hole cards. It seemed that the old man had a high status in Fox.

"50 million US dollars, too much~" Yang Orange muttered.

"But it's worth it, if you take this news to work with Comcast..."

Wendy Deng's thinking is relatively simple, Yang Cheng thinks more, if the news can only be sold for money, it would be too violent.

He rubbed his chin and said in his heart, "If you use this news, it would be nice to win Fox's live sports platform at a lower price."

When thinking like this, "So you actually still want to make money, including before you want me to invest in your film company~"

Wendy Deng said straightforwardly, "Of course, Rupert only gave me more than 10 million, which is not enough for me to live~"

Yang Cheng smiled silently, he was speechless.

"Let me think about it, it's noisy, I don't understand that I can't reply to you~"

"Of course, with such a large number, you must think about it.

But don't rush to go, there will be shows later. "

Yang Cheng really wants to leave. What's the point of being with a group of middle-aged women?

But he asked politely, "What show?"

"Play cards?"


"Yes, I hired a professional croupier."

"Damn, playing so hard?"

"After dinner, it's just I will also end up personally, not capped."

"No cap? Can you afford it?"

"That's what it means, no one will spend tens of millions of dollars in vain, right? But it will definitely not be a small amount. Tonight, several of the rich ladies, and a few with a red background, are not bad for money. ."

Yang Cheng hesitated for a while, and Wendy said, "Don't hesitate, you have to give me this little face?"

"All right, I'm on the thief ship, when will it start?"

Wendy Deng laughed, "Don't worry, it's going to be a while, go eat something first?"

"Stop eating, you are not hungry, you go to greet the guests, I will stroll around at will, and you will let people call me when it starts~"

"OK, you are having fun, tonight I invited a lot of supermodels and celebrities to cheer up, tell me who I am interested in, I will help you communicate~"

This is very much like the old bustard in the Qing building.

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