Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1934: McQueen's wedding dress

At twelve o'clock in the night, Yang Cheng returned to her home with a yawn and found that Luo Yue was still asleep, so she couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you~" Luo Yue put down the phone and sat up from the bed, "Why are you back so late~"

"Don't mention it, I was dragged to play cards~"

"Oh, won or lost?"

Going to the du field in the United States is a kind of entertainment, as long as you don't over-indulge, so Luo Yue didn't become anxious.

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "I didn't win or lose. Bai toss. It's mainly a group of women. I'm not too embarrassed to be ruthless~"

"Yes, it doesn't look good if you win or lose~"

"You should be allowed to go, today is purely a lady's bureau~"

"I won't go. A group of rich and idle women who have nothing to do, know that it is a waste of time to talk about gossip and luxury goods~"

"Ha~ it's still my wife~"

"Come on, go wash it, come out and tell you something after washing~"

Yang Cheng was surprised and replied, "Okay, I'll go and get back soon~"

. . .

After washing out, Luo Yue handed over the pad directly, "Look at it?"

"What?" Yang Cheng took it and took a look. "Wedding dress?"

Luo Yue smiled happily, "Yeah, I have been busy for such a long time, but I forgot to choose the wedding dress. It's going to be a wedding~"

Yang Cheng patted his forehead and said quickly, "This is done, my fault!"

Luo Yue chuckled lightly, "It's okay, I forgot it myself~ Let me have a look, who should I choose?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Which one to choose, just find someone to customize it~"

Luo Yue certainly knows that customization is good, but, "Is the time coming?"

"As long as you give enough money, it will definitely be too late~"

"All right, do you have any suggestions?"

Yang Orange hesitated, "I don't understand, what brand of wedding dress is the best now?"

"There is no brand for the wedding dress. If you customize it, it depends on which designer you look for~"

"Oh, then which designer is the best?"

Luo Yue looked forward to it, "Women all yearn to wear AlexanderMcQueen's wedding dress. Have you seen the wedding dress Kate and William wore when they got married? It was written by Alexander McQueen's design director Sarah Burton."

Yang Cheng suddenly understood, "I didn't say it, the arrangement, this matter has to be made by our mother, after all, it is in the fashion circle."

Luo Yue was not very embarrassed, "I have to trouble mom with this kind of thing?"

"I can find someone to do it myself. In fact, it's the same. Besides, it's my own family. If there is any trouble, if you mind, then I will find someone to design it by myself~"

Luo Yue still couldn't wipe his face, "You make up your mind~"

Yang Cheng picked up the pad and glanced at the wedding dress McQueen once designed. It was really innovative, not just a pile of diamonds.

Speaking of Alexander McQueen, a talented designer, it is really legendary, otherwise he would not have such a talent.

What a pity, if he didn't die, Yang Cheng would definitely invite him to design a wedding dress for Luo Yue.

Yes, McQueen is dead. He committed suicide 7 years ago. At that time, his death caused an uproar in the fashion industry. No one thought that this ghost designer would choose to end his life.

Alexander McQueen grew up in a slum with a long history-Jack the Ripper, the frightening man who killed roadside women, committed the crime in that area. His father was a Scottish immigrant who made a living by driving a taxi. , The whole family lived in a cheap house that ZF donated to the poor. Those stout men who said they were dirty, drank beer, and laughed loudly with the mobs on the street were the mainstream of East London at that time. McQueen’s father, brother and brother-in-law It is the kind of person who can chase his wife at home with a few cups of yellow soup.

To put it simply, he was born and raised in a neighborhood advocating "violence", and died with the accent of the poor area, and he was branded by the people of the Eastern District throughout his life.

He died suddenly, because he could not accept his mother's death and could not go to his mother's funeral, so he committed suicide the day before the funeral.

After his death, his retrospective exhibition became the world's most successful exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of America. Another one that received such a warm welcome was the Van Gogh Exhibition. People praised him as a genius in the fashion industry in the UK and the world. He was unabashed. The public swearing and swearing have also been tolerated as a symbol of genius and informality.

Later, McQueen's will was publicly executed. He left a total of 16 million pounds of property and a detailed property donation statement.

His three English Bulldogs received a total of £50,000 in living funds to ensure that they can reach the end of their lives in a healthy and happy manner.

The two helpers who took care of his housework were £50,000 each. McQueen said in his will: I hope to express my gratitude to them for their loyal service over the years.

His brothers and sisters each received £250,000, and his nephew, niece and godson and daughters received £50,000 each.

He donated 10,000 pounds each to four charitable organizations: AIDS Protection Organization, Cat and Dog Protection Association, Small Animal Hospice Care Association, and Buddhist Association.

The rest of the money is all left to a charitable foundation he founded. McQueen specifically stated in his will: Please take special care of the graduates from his alma mater Saint Martin's clothing department. This foundation is called Sarabande, whose name comes from the spring of 2007. The name of Xia's women's show.

He was a legend in his lifetime, even if he passed away, his name would not be forgotten.

Anyone who knows a little about McQueen’s experience is familiar.

16 years old, graduated from high school, went to London Men's Wear Street as an apprentice, and then went to work in Italy;

At the age of 25, he returned to London and became a graduate student of St. Martin’s women’s clothing. His graduation design was bought by the fashion editor of the British edition of Vogue; Blow bought all of it, he founded his own brand, and the most prestigious fashion store in London immediately began to sell him. the design of;

At the age of 27, he went to Paris and became a designer of Givenchy;

At the age of 31, he returned to London and switched to his house to concentrate on his own brand design;

Suicide at 40!

But these are not all of McQueen!

McQueen is the youngest child in the family. There are three older sisters and two older brothers on UU Reading

Father Ronald is a taxi driver and mother Joyce is an elementary school teacher.

Their families live in low-rent housing, which is similar to the "public housing" of Xiangjiang. It is a relief housing provided by ZF for the homeless and low-income people with extremely low rents.

After becoming famous, when someone asked curiously: Why always talk about my mother and rarely talk about my father, McQueen said: I can't forget the beatings of my sisters.

When he was a child, he liked to drink tea with his mother, to play with his sisters, to watch TV at his aunt's house, and the aunt liked Hitchcock's movies, which he watched over and over again.

Later, he designed the best-selling it bag called Novak, inspired by Hitchcock's movie "Vertigo".

Since he was a child, he has helped his sisters to match clothes. The sisters are often beaten. He hopes to protect the sisters, at least to make them "look nasty"!

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