Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1937: Pocket country

Liechtenstein is a close ally of Austria. The then Grand Duke John II also participated in the 1866-Prussian-Austrian War as an ally.

However, the Principality only dispatched a total of 80 troops, and they struggled on the road. Before reaching the battlefield, the Austrian troops were defeated in the Battle of Sadova.

Liechtenstein’s army was rescued because of its slow action and delayed the war. The country was able to maintain its independence. Soon afterwards, the lingering-hearted John II announced the disbandment of the army, retaining only a small number of civilian police, and declared permanent neutrality. The policy of neutrality has been maintained until now.

After the Prussian-Austrian War, the Principality of Liechtenstein declared independence, but due to the special relationship between the Liechtenstein family and Austria, Liechtenstein still depends on Austria. Before the First World War, Liechtenstein's relationship with Austria was closer than that of Switzerland. Even before the outbreak of the Second World War, the dukes lived in Vienna, the capital of Austria, instead of in the Vaduz Castle in Liechtenstein. .

John II reigned for 71 years and was a king in the history of Liechtenstein. In 1921, Liechtenstein made substantial amendments to the original constitution, declaring the state government as a constitutional monarchy based on parliament, and the head of state hereditary.

The parliament is elected every four years, and the law can only come into force with the approval of the duke. The ZF includes the prime minister, deputy prime ministers and three commissioners, who are appointed by the duke on the recommendation of the parliament for a four-year term.

However, John II was introverted and unmarried for life. In 1929, after the death of the Grand Duke of Nian Gao Deshao, his brother Franz de Paula came to the throne. Later, he was called Franz I. He remained neutral until the spring of 1938. When Austria was incorporated into the Greater German Empire, the 84-year-old Franz I announced his abdication and nominated his 31-year-old cousin Franz Joseph II as his successor.

After Franz Joseph II succeeded to the throne, he moved the royal family from Vienna to Liechtenstein. He was the first monarch to live in Liechtenstein in more than 200 years.

However, not long after he succeeded to the throne, the outbreak of World War II, Liechtenstein has always pursued a policy of neutrality, let the country escape the disaster.

Of course, the reason, and the consideration of ZZ, Nacui is obviously unwilling to offend Switzerland for invading this small country. After all, Swiss military products are urgently needed by Germany, and they can also provide certain financial aspects to the Third Reich. convenient.

In short, during the Second World War, Liechtenstein’s economy continued to develop, and the people who fled from Germany and Austria included intellectuals and capitalists. They brought knowledge and funds, which laid the foundation for the great industrial development of Liechtenstein. basis.

After World War II, thanks to the ideal low tax environment, permanent neutrality and perfect central location, Liechtenstein attracted many companies to register in the country, and the financial services industry quickly rose to become the country's second largest economic pillar.

As another financial center adjacent to Switzerland, Liechtenstein has attracted many customers with its continuous and stable system, comprehensive legal protection and high-quality services.

Yang Cheng's European holding company is registered in Liechtenstein.

But he hasn't been there yet, and when he gets the chance, he is going to rent out Liechtenstein to travel.

Yes, this small European country can be leased as a whole.

In the end, he did not agree to help William. There is a castle that satisfies the illusion. It is not necessary to buy more. In fact, if the castle of Beihai Manor had not been renovated many times with the times, Yang Cheng took over. Later I also invested a lot of money, otherwise it would be uncomfortable to live in the castle.

Of course, if the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany or the Vaduz Castle in Liechtenstein are willing to sell, Yang Cheng will be willing to pay for it. After all, the castles in the European continent have more beautiful scenery and more historical significance.

When I figured it out, I asked Old John to arrange it, and then he put his arms around his wife and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, while the family was eating an authentic country Z breakfast, Old John came over and said, "It's all arranged. It happened that a Middle Eastern prince made an appointment six months ago for a one-week lease plan starting next Monday.

But because of domestic affairs, I was about to cancel the reservation. After discussing with them, the original price was sublet to us. "

Yang Cheng nodded, "Good job, what's the price?"

"70,000 US dollars a night, 490,000 US dollars a week~"


Yang Sen curiously asked, "What did you rent?"

Yang Cheng explained with a smile, “Last night, I had a whim and I was going to go to Liechtenstein. I just heard that they had projects in the rental country, so I wanted to give it a try. I didn’t expect luck. If the schedule is normal, at least Wait for half a year~"

Yang Sen is also very interested. After all, he has done car rental, house rental, airplane rental, and yacht rental, but he has never rented a country. "We will be together then~"

"Of course, you can bring up to 150 groups, you can also ask for it if you have friends~"

"Forget it, let's play it by ourselves, and make outsiders boring~"

"Alright~ then Grandpa and Grandpa will go together~"

Liu Muqian was eating authentic fried dough sticks, with traces of soy milk remaining on his mouth.

"Go~Go, renting a country is really new."

. . .

In this way, after the Yang family spent a fairly lively Spring Festival in China, they took the Xinyuanshan to Switzerland, where they drove into Liechtenstein. This country is too small to build an airport.

Liechtenstein has decided to rent out the entire country since 2011, and clearly marked the price of 70,000 US dollars a night.

This small and inexistent country is located in the Rhine Valley in the Alps. It borders Switzerland on the west by the Rhine River and Austria on the east by the mountainous area of ​​the Alps.

Only about one-third of the area on the west side of the country is located in a flat river valley. The rest of the area is mostly mountainous. The only natural lake is the GamprinerSeele lake, which was caused by the erosion of the flooded Rhine more than 80 years ago.

Some people say that Liechtenstein can be described as "one country, one street", and he left the country without smoking a cigarette in the car.

Indeed, the total area is only 160.5 square kilometers, 26 kilometers long from north to south, and 6 kilometers wide from east to west. It is one of the smallest countries in Europe.

If you drive a lap along its border, it only takes more than half an hour to complete the turn.

The population is so small that it makes people speechless. There are only 32,000 in total, of which 1/3 are foreigners from neighboring countries. It is hard to imagine such a small and sparsely populated area as an independent sovereign state.

Liechtenstein has not joined the European Union, so it has always had no sense of presence in Europe. It is also the only country whose official language is German but has no borders with Germany.

However, although the land is small and the population is sparse, it has an unusually high level of national income, and its foreign relations are completely entrusted with Swiss agents, and the currency is also in Swiss francs.

Because there is no sense of existence, the country has always been calm and there is no chaos of war.

It was only in 2007 that a Swiss army lost its way due to a storm and accidentally ran to their country and "military encroachment" completely without warning. Then, the arrogant nations ZF became angry: we have always kept the river in the water, we are in peace. Live your own little days without incident. How can you run over and beat me in Switzerland without saying anything?

It's too unconventional.

But in the end, the two sides discovered that this was actually just an oolong caused by the storm, and this country is sending troops to participate in the war. As mentioned earlier, the most funny thing is that they sent a total of 80 people over and they came back. 81 people, not only were all unscathed, but also brought back an Italian soldier friend, who even had no sense of existence in the war.

However, it is such a country that even fights battles like soy sauce. Since 2011, it has decided to rent out itself. Anyone can rent out the entire country as long as they give money. The price is 70,000 US dollars per night. With a guest group of 150 people, 110 JCs from all over the country can be assigned to you during this period. Of course, you shouldn’t expect to be prestigious here. JC’s role is at best to provide you with some tourist information.

Liechtenstein is certainly not rented out because of poverty. In fact, this country with a per capita GDP of up to 60,000 Euros is quite rich. It once ranked first in the world and has a very low crime rate. In other words, any economy in this country is above the middle level. The citizens of China can realize their dream of being the "real" masters of this country by spending a year of their income.

Entering the border of Liechtenstein, the person in charge will soon come over to greet you. As a temporary national "owner", you will first receive a symbolic key at the parliament ceremony.

Immediately afterwards, the person in charge told Yang Cheng that tonight, the prince of Liechtenstein will entertain the Yang family at the Vaduz Castle. Before that, their family will take the royal carriage and play in the'domestic' at will~www.wuxiaspot. com~ A whole week will never make you bored. It’s winter. You can also go skiing and sledding in the Alps. You can stay in Vaduz Castle every night and enjoy a great meal while savoring the royal family. Fine wines in a private wine cellar, overlooking the country.

It is said that Vaduz Castle is not open to the public, and only tourists who enjoy the rental business can enter the castle and admire this palace-class treasure house. It is said that the treasures in the castle are richer than the British royal family.

They had a good rest on the plane, and the journey was not too tiring. After arriving in Liechtenstein, they participated in an embarrassing'authorization' ceremony. They got on the carriage and walked on the streets of Vaduz. Less than high-rise buildings, the buildings along the street are very distinctive, and each one is different.

However, in the winter, although the carriage is covered, it is still a bit cold. After all, it is located in the valley and there is still unmelted snow on the street.

Pedestrians on the road saw the royal carriage and stopped unconsciously to stop and watch. Obviously they already knew that the person sitting in the carriage was the'master' of their own country. Even if it was temporary, the most basic attention was not allowed. less.

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