Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1938: ‘1 country leader’

Vaduz’s most famous commercial street is actually very small. If you don’t shop, you can quickly finish shopping, but there are surprises around the corner. Not far from the street, you can see not so public but tidy houses. Although it's not so beautiful, it feels very comfortable to look at.

Luo Yue, who likes architecture, specifically called to stop the carriage, and kept shooting in front of the houses. Upon seeing this, the jc guards who had been with the left and right, automatically dispersed to the surroundings, making a look to prevent outsiders from being disturbed at all times. In fact, there was no one at all. Caring about them, the citizens are enjoying life contentedly, just look at them a few more times, and come forward to find out that this kind of thing will basically not happen.

So Yang Cheng and the others felt a little embarrassed, a little bit like taking off their pants and farting.

As the stamp kingdom, every time you walk along the streets of Vaduz, you can see the beautiful stamps on the floor tiles. There are also many cafes along the streets of Vaduz. Since you are here, you can enjoy it with the people here. Leisurely slow life.

After all, there are not many places to visit, so stop for a coffee break and look at the white snow on the Alps in the distance. The clear air soaks into the body, awakening every sleeping cell in the body.

It is said that there are only 5 zf personnel in Liechtenstein, of which 3 are part-time. Therefore, the zf building is as small as this country, but "the sparrow is small, but it has all internal organs."

The office building has three floors. The top floor is the Prime Minister's Office, the second floor is the courthouse, and the bottom floor is the "prison" for prisoners.

Who dares to imagine that the prime minister and the prisoners live in the same building

But having said that, there is basically no crime in the countries, and the crime rate is extremely low. The most serious possibility is thieves. Generally, the permanent population of prisons basically does not exceed 10 people, so one floor is enough.

The person in charge took Yang Cheng, the temporary monarch, into the zf building, and the most funny thing was that he deliberately took him to greet the prisoners on the first floor. Yang Cheng and the others were also lucky, and they actually saw the only prisoner in this country. It is a new German immigrant who molested a woman in the street because he was drunk two days ago.

This guy is a bank executive on weekdays, the captain of the football team in the evening, and the star in the nightclub and bar in the middle of the night. He has several jobs, and occasionally slack off is understandable. After all, the so-called harassment is just a follow-up. A beautiful woman said a few words of love, but the beautiful woman bit her, and directly sued him.

The facts of the crime have been constituted. In view of the good attitude of admitting mistakes and the fact that it is not a crime, the court finally sentenced him to three days in prison.

Today is the day when he will be released from prison after serving his sentence. In order to let Yang Cheng experience more prime ministerial powers, the person in charge simply gave Yang Cheng the right to sign the release document. As long as he signs a word, he can make this heinous. The prisoner was released from prison.

Yang Cheng thought it was a child's play, but it was a play and a set, and the signing was not a big deal, so he signed the name amidst the laughter of his family.

The prisoner also thanked Yang Cheng very politely, what could Yang Cheng say, patted people on the shoulder, "Let’s do more."

Today is too late, and tomorrow we will go to the ski resort Malbun. This is also the only ski resort in Liechtenstein. It is about 1600 meters above sea level. In winter, many locals will come to ski here. In the warm season, it is also hiking and biking. ideas.

Approaching the evening, Yang Cheng and the others returned to the car and drove towards Vaduz Castle, which is not far from the mountain peak. This is still the palace where members of the royal family live. Compared with the castles in other European countries, this palace is It's not gorgeous, but the quaint mottled walls highlight its heavy sense of history.

The surrounding scenery is even more beautiful. Here, you can not only look at the mountain road like the Internet, but also overlook the scenery of Vaduz.

The scenery alone is not inferior to Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany.

The monarch of the nations today is Hans Adam. Born in Zurich, Switzerland in 1945, he is the eldest son of Franz Joseph II. He entered the national school as a commoner child from an early age. After graduating from the national school, Hans Adam began to accept orders. Following his father’s face and high-quality education, he first attended high school in Vienna, then went to the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland to study economics and sociology after graduation, and then interned in a bank in London, accumulating a wealth of financial and financial knowledge.

However, it was not until the 1980s that Franz Joseph II delegated most of the power to him, and he was responsible for zf affairs. After the death of Joseph II, on the same day, Hans Adam announced his succession and named Hans Adam II.

Hans Adam II had been responsible for the management of royal property before he came to the throne, and he himself did have expertise in finance and economy, which is rare among contemporary monarchs. When he first succeeded, the royal wealth was not as good as it is now. Rich, it was also after hard work that he was promoted to the richest man in the European royal family.

After Adam II ascended the throne, while adhering to the ancestral motto and continuing to pursue a policy of neutrality, on the other hand, he gave it new connotations based on the characteristics of the times. He focused on the country’s long-term plans, concentrated on formulating guidelines and policies, and put routine work Leave it to zf to deal with.

In addition, he also advocated active participation in international affairs. Subsequently, Liechtenstein joined the United Nations, the European Free Trade Association and the European Economic Area. It can be said that Adam II was the managerial monarch of the industrial age.

Speaking of which, this monarch has an indissoluble bond with country Z. He has been to country z many times in his personal capacity, and he has also developed a keen interest in hybrid rice in country Z.

It can be regarded as a rare enlightened monarch in to the Liechtenstein Constitution, Hans Adam II's power is much greater than other European monarchs, and he has almost complete rule.

He can veto the resolutions of the resolution committee, he has the right to approve or deny the cabinet minister nominated by the parliament, and he has the right to dissolve the parliament.

Adam II and his wife had four children. Among them, Crown Prince Alois was born in Zurich in 1968. The prince and princesses, like their fathers, received civilian education since childhood.

As the prince and princess grew up, the size of the Liechtenstein royal family began to expand: Adam II and his wife had four children, and these children gave birth to fifteen children.

Even Crown Prince Alois who is in charge of receiving tonight, he served in the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in the United Kingdom, spent about half a year in Hong Kong and London.

William has a very good relationship with him. Before the arrival of the Yang Cheng family, William called Alois and asked him to take care of him.

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