Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1939: Vaduz Castle

"Good evening Jason, welcome to Liechtenstein, and welcome to Vaduz castle~" Alois and his butler stood outside the castle gate to greet them, flattering.

However, he should not have obtained the title. Liechtenstein is the Grand Duchy, and Hans Adam II is the prince. He has no right to confer noble titles. That is to say, unless his children inherit his duchy title, they are at most members of the royal family.

Of course, as long as Hans Adam is willing to operate, he can still invite someone to the knighthood.

Yang Cheng is also not sure. For the sake of safety, it is better not to yell at titles to avoid embarrassment. European titles are so complicated that it is difficult for outsiders to understand except for their insiders.

"Good evening, Mr. Alois, excuse me~"

"Stop talking about Jason, William called me, everyone is a friend."

"I also came up with a whim. It happens to be the annual Spring Festival in Country Z. I take advantage of the holiday to go around."

After a simple greeting, Yang Cheng introduced the family members to the crown prince one by one. Compared with Yang Cheng’s'casual', he treated Yang Yuanshan and Liu Muqian, as well as the Yang Sen couple, and Alois more solemnly. After all, in the Chinese world, These are all well-deserved bigwigs, even if Alois is backed by the Liechtenstein royal family, he dare not neglect.

"Please come in. From today to the end of the lease, Vaduz Castle will be your private castle. Except for the enclosed rooms, everything else can be used by you. If you have any trouble, please ask the housekeeper. Mr. Strus, he knows everything about this castle~"

"Dear distinguished guests, welcome to stay at Vaduz Castle. I will be your housekeeper in the coming week, and I will do my best to serve you well~"

The high hooked nose proves the Germanic ancestry on his body. The names with fan characters are almost always from southern Germany or the Netherlands.

No more nonsense, everyone entered the castle. Compared with the dilapidated outer wall, the interior was still what people imagined. The ancient and luxurious atmosphere came to the face. It seemed that everything here was older than Yang Cheng.

Yang Cheng and Alois walked ahead, and the crown prince said, "I heard that you have a company registered in Liechtenstein?"

"Yes, it has been registered for several years. Compared with other registered places, Liechtenstein has better services."

"Oh~really? Thank you for your evaluation. I will tell my employees that they should continue to work hard~"

Yang Cheng likes this prince who is elegant and humble in speech. This aristocratic temperament and heritage cannot be imitated by ordinary people. This is an innate temperament.

After hesitating for a while, the crown prince looked back and found that the butler was introducing the furnishings in the castle to the Yang family, and took Yang Cheng to walk two steps quickly. "The private bank in Yuanshan has started business in a low-key way?"

This news is certainly not known to ordinary people, but to those in the circle, especially potential customers, it has already been known to everyone, "Yes, it has been running for more than a year."

"Have you ever thought of moving the headquarters to Liechtenstein?"

Yang Cheng's eyes widened, "Are you going to grab the Swiss business?"

"No, no, no, how can this be to grab business? I'm just making a good suggestion to you."

Yang Cheng frowned, "Liechtenstein is good, but..."

"Don't rush to veto it. I will take you to the private bank of LCT in a few days when I have time. I will talk about it after the visit is over?

After all, it’s in the place of people, so face is still needed, "Okay~"

Alois smiled, "Then you go to the room and rest first, I have something else to do, see you at the dinner later~"

"See you soon, by the way, where are your family members?"

"They are all in Vienna. Don't worry, Vaduz Castle will belong to you in the next week. No outsiders will bother you~"

"Thank you~"

. . .

The crown prince was busy, and Yang Cheng turned around to join the army, they were making a lot of money to stop and comment.

It is said that the Vaduz Castle is full of artworks and treasures. This is not an exaggeration. Since entering the door to the present, Yang Cheng has seen dozens of artworks, large and small.

For example, at this time, both sides of the promenade they were on were covered with art paintings.

Butler Van Strus introduced, "This is the favorite painting of Prince Marx, Rubens' "Portrait of Clara Selena Rubens", and the opposite is Anthony van Dyck. "Portrait of Maria de Tasis".

Look at Rubens’ hunting sketches. He can draw so fast, but so accurate. Others use pencils or pens, but he drew oil paintings with the feeling of sketching;

Further ahead is a giant tapestry woven by Jan Leis I based on Rubens's paintings. It is very rare to know that tapestries were 50 times more expensive than oil paintings at the time.

Don't ignore these demons and monsters by Cornelius Saft Levin and David Teniers Jr.—The Temptation of St. Anthony, as well as these indoor genre paintings, which were used by nobles to entertain people at the time.

This is a landscape painting of Flanders, which meticulously depicts very small figures, reminding me of the landscape paintings of country Z. "

The steward introduced in detail, but except for Liu Yun, everyone else couldn't appreciate these European paintings hundreds of years ago.

"The collection history of the Liechtenstein royal family has been six hundred years, and it has the world's largest private collection. The collection includes oil paintings, sculptures, hunting gear, jewelry, etc., of which artworks are mainly concentrated in the late 13th century to the Biedermeier period.

In terms of quantity and quality, the royal family’s collection of important Baroque art genres of Flemish school is unparalleled in the world. For example, the works of Rubens in our collection, even large national museums may not There are so many of us, and so is Van Dyck. "

As a concept in art history, Flemish painting was formed in 1581, when the conflict between ZZ and religion led to the division of the Netherlands.

Geographically, the area where Flemish painting is located is roughly located in what is today Belgium. Its roots can be traced back to before the split. Rubens made this genre famous in the early 17th century, and in the north, it formed The 17th century Dutch paintings headed by Rembrandt.

Rubens was highly respected during his lifetime. Because of his status as a diplomat, he was able to travel around the world, relying on copying to absorb the nutrients of Michelangelo, Caravaggio and the Venetian school.

In addition to oil painting, his creative fields involve sculpture, architecture, illustration, printmaking and tapestries, and he is also a learned antique expert.

After he became famous, Rubens received a large number of commissions, so he hired many apprentices and assistants, the most outstanding of which was Van Dyck, who eventually became the chief painter of the British court.

Van Dyck came to Rubens’s studio in 1617. In the joint creation of the two painters who were in their 20s, they not only forged a deep friendship, but also quite similar in style. Some portraits that have been passed down to this day are very It's hard to tell who came from.

After the two masters, many followers and imitators appeared, the most interesting of which is believed to be the hand of Abraham van Diepembek. In this Antwerp school allegorical painting, one resembles Rubens. The man sat on the throne covered by the canopy, holding a scepter in his hand, leaning forward, carefully examining the drawing board.

Beside the man, Van Dyke was hugged by another person from behind, turned to look at the audience outside the painting, with a palette in his right hand. Since everyone in the painting is "left-handed", it is considered to be used to make tapestries Sample.

And such a painting, hanging above the entrance, is too extravagant!

But according to the housekeeper, in fact, the number of 17th-century Dutch paintings owned by the Liechtenstein royal family is more than that of the Flemish School, let alone a large number of Renaissance masterpieces.

The royal family’s collections are mainly stored in Vaduz Castle, Vienna’s City Palace and Garden Palace. In addition, there are a large number of collections exhibited all over the world, so what they see today is only a part of it. Even so, it shocked the Yang family. Endless.

In comparison, their collection is like a toy, not worth mentioning.

The steward said, “Now, members of the royal family have decided not to buy works that are less than a hundred years old. On the one hand, their main business is not in the field of collecting, and they don’t have time to deal with living artists; on the other hand, they don’t like contemporary art.

Even the works of masters such as Monet and Picasso, because their first-class works have long been out of circulation on the market, and those second-rate works are not worth spending a lot of money. "

Yang Cheng has a deep understanding of this. In recent years, auctions have seen fewer and fewer top-level works by masters. On the contrary, those works that may not have been popular at the time can now be sold for hundreds of millions of dollars. How much moisture.

Before he had time to visit the main collection room, the servant informed the housekeeper that the dinner was almost ready. After asking Yang Cheng and their opinions, he decided to have a meal before visiting.

In the restaurant across from the Alps, the long tables are full of rich Austrian-style cuisine. Most of the members of the Liechtenstein royal family live in The two countries are adjacent to each other, so their eating habits are also the same as Austria same.

Austrian cuisine is influenced by many countries and cultures and has formed a unique style. For example, the specialties of their neighboring countries, such as Italy, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, are also reflected in Austrian cuisine and become unique.

German cuisine and Austrian cuisine also have similarities and differences. Although the region is relatively small, Austria can be roughly divided into three different cuisine regions: Mainly distributed in western Austria along the main peak of the Alps and southern Alpine cuisine;

Mainly distributed in the southern German cuisine from Salzburg along the Alpine piedmont area to the Upper Styria region;

And the "Viennese cuisine" distributed in the eastern plains of Austria, which is a rich and diverse mixed cuisine, deeply influenced by Austria's past history as a European power.

The food in these areas is not limited to the current Austrian borders, but is combined with the food of Austria’s neighboring countries. The most representative ones are Austrian meatballs, Austrian version of boiled beef, and world-renowned Sacher cakes.

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