Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1947: Descent of the Double-Headed Eagle

When you enter the golden hall, you will find that the place is far from magnificent as imagined, and even a little shabby. The internal space is also small because of the large number of people.

Probably because it was built for a long time, it has a history of 150 years now. The walls and top of the Golden Hall have faded to varying degrees. This shows that the historical, artistic, and architectural value of this music temple that can accommodate 2,000 people is far Far beyond its own aesthetic significance.

After entering the venue, there were no empty seats, crowded with tourists from all over the world.

The Yang family sits in the middle of the second floor, and the perspective is still good.

In terms of architecture alone, the construction of the concert hall can be regarded as a model for later generations. In the 19th century, when vocal music was far from popular, the architect adopted a very sophisticated design from today to make the concert hall have perfect acoustics: The almost square cross-section formed by the width and height is conducive for sound to reach the auditorium through side reflection in a transparent space;

The division ratio of the second floor of the concert hall and the hollow structure under the stage wooden boards have been precisely calculated to achieve a reverberation effect that is close to perfect.

Being in such an environment, it seems that listening to music is no longer important, because such a magnificent environment itself, even under the dazzling lights and the warm air around, will make people immersed in the luxurious atmosphere. High probability is closed.

Maybe it's because everyone has been fascinated by the ears and eyes since they were young, they have had a qibla fascination with the Golden Hall, and recognized the status of musicians who have performed in the hall.

But in fact, it’s not so tall. This hall is just a paid activity place for musicians and music lovers to learn about their skills and show themselves. As long as the rent of 30,000 Euros is paid, anyone can, regardless of their musical literacy. Enjoy the right to rehearse and perform in the Golden Hall. You can sing whatever you want, and you can sing karaoke on it.

According to statistics from a certain media, in less than a year, at least 133 groups in State Z "sing the Golden Hall"! The amateur group composed of students, middle-aged and elderly people, and the self-heal group composed of migrant workers and entrepreneurs have also stepped onto the stage of the Golden Hall. Anyway, it only costs 30,000 euros. Is this a problem?

In short, the Golden Hall is absolutely "deified" in Country Z. Just talk about the beauty of the building or the sense of technology. Many domestic performance venues far exceed the Golden Hall.

If you just come here to listen to a top concert, don’t think about so many, it will definitely make you worthwhile, especially if you can catch up with the New Year’s concert in Vienna, it’s even more perfect, but Yang Cheng They came one step late.

But it doesn't matter, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra itself is the top class, and their performances will never be worse than the New Year's concert.

Concerts, like ballet, are the most elegant art and culture in the West. Yang Cheng was born in a family like this, so naturally there is no shortage of knowledge, especially the qualities that these nobles should possess, he has all of them.

But it may be because of the foreign soul, he really can’t appreciate musicals. At the beginning, he tried to cheer up and talked about the wrong sound with Luo Yue. It’s a pity that he didn’t hold on for too long, maybe he was too tired. , Slept directly.

Fortunately, the performance on stage is not a lullaby, otherwise the sleep will be better.

Towards the end, it was "Radesky March", which was played in concert by the whole audience. This is the practice of performing in the Golden Hall. It is also known that at this time, Yang Cheng finally found a sense of integration.

In coordination with the commanding applause, he sighed for the quality of the Austrians. Almost without commanding, they could cooperate well. The strengths and weaknesses were distinct. Should clap hands and stop.

In the end, the performance ended in joy.

The performance was 90 minutes in total. After the performance ended, it was still early. Alois called Yang Cheng and asked if he wanted to see the other side of Vienna.

Yang Cheng didn't want to go, but Alois said, "Come on, I believe you will not regret it~"

Everyone said so, so I have to take a look. Then Yang Cheng was led to a castle outside Vienna. Although the sky was dark, Yang Cheng still keenly spotted the flag hanging above the castle-the black double Head eagle, this is the family symbol of the ruler of this land.

"This is the property of the Habsburg family?" Yang Orange asked curiously.

Alois smiled mysteriously, "Yes, the once glorious Habsburg family can only make some gray income to make ends meet."

Yang Orange was stunned, "Isn't it so miserable?"

"Hey, speaking of this business is related to their family history. A yin chaotic family led to the ultimate destruction." Alois simply said a word and shut up. Some words he teased a little. OK, too much talk is too much.

After all, the glory of the Habsburg family is beyond doubt.

Speaking of the sun never setting, many people should think of Britain, but in fact it is the Habsburg family who really coined the term.

If the Habsburg family were only the rulers of a country, it would never have the same huge prestige in European history as later. In addition to the long rule that lasted until the First World War, the Habsburgs also prided themselves on the vast territory under their jurisdiction. Heroes.

Since Rudolf, the Habsburgs have joined the territories of Tyrol, Styria, and Austria. Their sphere of influence extends from the Swiss mountains to the east to Vienna, becoming the largest vassal in southern Germany.

But their most powerful place is that they used their own efforts to disrupt the genes of the entire European royal family. The Habsburg family with the black eagle as the coat of arms obtained foreign territory for the first time, starting with Maximilian I and Burgundy in 1477. The marriage of the daughter of the "Bold" Charles of the Duke of Burgundy. After the death of Mary of Burgundy in 1483, Maximilian acquired all the territory of the Duke of Burgundy in the name of regent. This made a series of territories from southern France to the Netherlands. Into the hands of Habsburg.

The most outstanding monarch of the Habsburg family was Charles V. At the age of 6, he inherited the Low Countries (now the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg) from his father Philip. At the age of 16, Charlie bypassed his mother and became the King of Spain ( Called Carlos I);

After the death of his grandfather Maximilian I in 1519, he was successfully elected as the Holy Roman Emperor and inherited the German heritage from his grandfather.

So far, Charles V not only ruled the vast territories of Europe, but his spider-web empire also gained colonies in Central and South America, becoming the "empire that never sets in the sun" in the 16th century.

However, as the largest monarch in Europe between Charlemagne and Napoleon, Charles V was even more interested in his military exploits at the time, but his "Habsburg-style chin".

Charles V was both the beneficiary and the victim of his parents’ marriage. The beneficiary was the vast territory all over Europe, and the victim was a prominent jaw that made his mouth close.

Charles V was still a narcissistic person. During his reign, he left many portraits, most of which were from the great Renaissance painters Dürer and Titian.

Today's genetics does not help explain their appearance problems 500 years ago. At least judging from the portrait of Charlie's grandfather Maximilian, the chin is still very normal, but by Charles V, the portrait style is completely off the track.

It can be seen from the portraits of the Habsburg monarchs in the 17th century that this family characteristic is very obvious, mostly caused by the marriage of close relatives.

After Charlie abdicated, the Habsburg family was divided into two major branches, Spain and Austria, but they were still closely related by blood in the short term.

Charles's son, Philip II, married his niece, Anna of Austria. Since then, there have been many marriages between the two royal families, and the evil results can be seen in the portraits and intelligence of the monarchs.

How did the big chin start? The current speculation is focused on two directions: one is brought by Princess Simbergis of Poland who married into the Habsburg family in 1412; the other is brought by the Habsburg family, because Albert was born in 1255. Te I seems to have a big chin

But the first statement is a bit unreliable. From the portrait, Princess Simbergis’s chin is normal, even a little short, but her husband’s chin is not small.

Therefore, it is more reliable to say that it is caused by close relatives, and the decline and death of the Habsburg family is also the reason. Emperor Franz Joseph and Queen Elizabeth, the sons of the highly-known "Sisi"-Rudolf The prince is the heir to the throne of Austro-Hungary.

The crown prince’s character can’t help but remind people of his ancestors—the "crazy girl" Juana’s blood is still running in the crown. The father’s indifference and despotism made Rudolph discouraged, and he exiled himself in Yin chaos and narcotic drugs. , Became depressed.

In 1889, Rudolf suddenly died in the Royal Hunting Garden. He ended his life with a pistol. Lying next to him was the 18-year-old lover Mary Visella. Rudolf shot and killed her a few hours before committing suicide.

The violent death of the crown prince caught Franz Joseph by surprise. In desperation, he appointed his nephew Ferdinand as his successor. However, the dynasty failed to escape the fate of decline and fall. In 1914, Grand Duke Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo. And only four years later, this dilapidated spider web of the Habsburg dynasty turned into dust in the smoke of World War I.

It was a descendant of Habsburg who received Alois. His name was Cavin, who had the same name as the current family leader, Grand Duke Cavin, who now lives in Bavaria, but the relationship was at least three generations away.

"Dear Mr. Alois, welcome to Eagle Castle." Cavin bowed respectfully.

Yang Cheng is slightly surprised, Eagle Fort? The Habsburg family originated in the 6th century. Until 1020, a castle was established in the Swiss canton of Aargau, called Habsburg, or "Eagle Castle." Unexpectedly, their descendants would actually be here again. An Eagle Fort was built.

This Calvin is also a human spirit, and he can see the doubt in Yang Cheng's expression at a glance.

Explained, "This Eagle Castle was renamed after it was acquired from others~"

Yang Cheng smiled and did not answer, and Cavin said again, "The family hopes that the flag of the double-headed eagle can continue to fly over the homeland, so..."

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