Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1948: Consequences of close relatives

Yang Cheng understood this explanation of Calvin's.

Like their family logo, the double-headed eagle has one head facing the east and the other facing the west. Originally, this was the emblem of the Roman Empire, but later became the emblem of the Byzantine Empire and was later inherited by the Holy Roman Empire.

In 200 years in Switzerland, the Habsburg dynasty gradually expanded its power and touched the Rhine and Danube rivers.

Although Germany and Austria were once occupied during the period, the Habsburg family finally retained only Austria because of the emperor's assassination and abolition.

In the 14th century, a peasant uprising took place in Switzerland where Habsburg was based. The Habsburg family was driven away. The Habsburg family had to move south along the Danube and settled in Vienna and abandoned castles. He built his own palace, and the new era of the Habsburg dynasty began.

The double-headed eagle also heralded the Habsburg family's ambition to dominate the Europa continent.

But as I said before, the Habsburg family ruled Europe for 600 years, not relying on strong military force or economic strength, but through ZZ marriage and childbirth, and effectively mastered the rights of multiple countries.

At that time Maximilian I had a marriage contract with Mary, the only daughter of the Duke of Burgundy. The Burgundy family was bankrupt at this time, and the Duke of Burgundy was also dead, so Mary wrote to Maximilian, asking him to come and marry herself immediately and save the Burgundy family.

When Maximilian heard that this good thing could not be pushed, he readily accepted and rode his horse to the north.

After marrying Mary, Habsburg acquired land from the south of France to the Netherlands. Since then, Habsburg has obtained the wealth code. He has frequently married various countries and adopted the superb strategy of "if you can't beat you, I will give birth to you." .

Maximilian and Mary’s son married Spanish daughter Anna in 1496, and since then Spain has been included in the Habsburg sphere of influence;

Ferdinand, another grandson of Maximilian, married the Princess of Bohemia;

Maximilian's granddaughter Mary married the King of Hungary;

These two marriages laid the foundation for Austria's annexation of Bohemia and the establishment of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Under Maximilian’s arrangement, his grandson finally succeeded as the King of Spain. The Habsburg dynasty has become the European hegemon. Since then, it has included the Netherlands and Belgium, Spain, Sardinia, Sicily, and Naples. The great dynasties of the Holy Roman Empire, Austria, Alsace, Burgundy and Spanish American colonies appeared.

But this is not over yet. . .

In 1526, Charles V’s younger brother, Ferdinand I, took advantage of the Ottoman’s inability to occupy Hungary for a long time and inherited the throne of Hungary, Moravia and Bohemia as the brother-in-law of King Louis of Hungary.

Such a huge dynasty lay on the territory of Europe. At the same time, in order to deal with the invasion of Protestants and the Ottoman Empire, it was still conquering foreign countries. This made France, also Catholic, feel uneasy to sleep and eat. To form an alliance against the Austrians.

In the face of internal and external troubles, the Habsburg family did not choose a correct development path. Instead, they persisted and continued to implement the past ‘success’ experience.

Habsburg has a strong and abnormal obsession with blood. In 200 years, there have been 11 marriages and 9 close relatives, many of whom have uncles and nephews.

At the end of the 17th century, the Spanish emperor, Charles II, nicknamed "The Devil", was the last child born to the parents of his immediate family, whose parents were his uncle and niece.

The Spanish emperor was stunted. He could only speak at the age of 4 and walk at the age of 8. He was short and unresponsive. He had no interest in everything around him and was almost half disabled.

By the age of 30, his body was already weak and weak, just like an 80-year-old man with swelling everywhere, and after lingering on the hospital bed for several years, he finally passed away.

Of course, such children did not leave their own heirs, and Habsburg finally lost Spanish rule.

This case can clearly see that the empire created by the marriage of blood relationship is so vulnerable, and its huge risks are obvious.

Once no children are born, it basically declares the loss of Habsburg's right to rule in the area. Even if there is historical rule, it has the rule of ancient times, but it is ruled by this weak and even mentally unstable emperor. In this place, it is not supported by the people at the bottom and the nobles anyway.

Once you lose the right to rule, it is almost a permanent loss, and the only way is to obtain it by force

After the extinction of the Habsburgs in Spain, the Habsburgs of Austria also came to an end, and there were no offspring after 1640.

It was Lorraine-Hapsburg who inherited the territory of the Habsburg dynasty, and the Habsburg family now referred to are actually descendants of the Habsburgs of Lorraine, and there is still some distance from the orthodox line. .

Of course, it is not to say that the Habsburg family will only give birth to children and will not fight. In fact, the Habsburg family has always had a unique paranoia about the seat of the Holy Roman Emperor. Even if this seat has no real power, it still remains The honorable status of Habsburg has a considerable effect.

The Holy Roman Emperor needed the Catholic Pope to be crowned, so Habsburg was naturally involved in the religious wars of the Middle Ages.

Spain is Catholic, France is Protestant, and Italy is Catholic, so war broke out between Spain and France. The Spanish-French War ended in the so-called Spanish victory. The emperor at that time was Charles V, the grandson of Maximilian, and the heyday of Spain was when he was in office, and it was also the first "empire that never sets sun."

But after Charles V issued an order prohibiting Protestantism, UU read www. was strongly opposed by the Protestant countries. In 1552, the Protestant princes' coalition stormed the southern German region. Charles V was forced to flee. The facts proved that the 13-pack 13 was struck by lightning!

After the death of King Charles II of Spain mentioned earlier, France and Habsburg fought for the right of Spanish rule, and a 13-year war broke out. In the end, although the Austrian and British coalition forces won the war, the Spanish king Still inherited by Philip V of France.

Later, the Habsburg dynasty of Austria had no heirs, so the European war broke out on the issue of heirs.

The deceased Emperor Charles VI designated the eldest daughter Teresa as the heir in the "Statutory Edict", but Prussia, France, Spain, and other countries refused to recognize Maria Teresia’s inheritance rights, while Austria, the United Kingdom, and the Polar Bear Empire did their best Supporting Maria Theresia’s inheritance rights, which led to an eight-year war of succession to the Austrian throne.

As a result, the great Queen Teresa was created. Austria finally survived as a big country, and its territory was stabilized in Austria and Hungary.

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