Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1950: So-called nobility

In fact, it is difficult for modern people to understand the national concept of that era, let alone measure the Austrian aristocracy. For example, one of the greatest military strategists in Austrian history, Eugen, can be counted as French or Italian, but no one Would deny that he is a great nobleman in Austria.

In addition, the vast majority of Austrian aristocrats believe in Catholicism. This is a very important difference between them and the German aristocracy. German aristocrats have multiple religious beliefs. Later, the Second Empire led by Prussia placed Protestantism in a high position. , Has long held an attitude of hostility and distrust towards the Catholic world in southern and western Germany.

The typical Austrian aristocracy tends to keep a distance from non-Catholics and only marry other Catholics, so the Protestant aristocracy in North Germany and Austrian aristocracy rarely marry.

Austrian aristocrats can marry Catholic aristocrats in South Germany, such as Bavarian aristocrats, or Italian and French Catholics. Because of religious reasons, Austrian aristocrats have very little contact with British aristocrats.

However, the Austrian aristocracy at that time was wealthier than the German aristocracy or the aristocracy of other countries. An important reason is that the Habsburg family has long monopolized the position of the Holy Roman Emperor. Vienna has long been the center of the empire, and a large amount of wealth and resources are concentrated in Vienna and Austria.

The palaces and castles of Austrian nobles, especially in the Renaissance and Baroque eras, are often more luxurious and beautiful than the aristocratic residences in Germany or other regions.

It is precisely because the Austrian nobles are wealthier than the Prussian nobles, and the Austrian nobles who have served in the army are much less than the Prussian nobles. The family has property protection. The young children of the Austrian nobles do not necessarily need to take the harsh military road, and the Habsburg Empire is vast. , Ample administrative and diplomatic positions can provide career paths for Austrian nobles.

In this way, the Austrian aristocracy naturally supported the Habsburg family's rule. In most cases, the Austrian aristocracy was very loyal to the Habsburg Emperor, and there were fewer frictions and conflicts between the aristocracy and the Emperor. In addition to the Habsburgs themselves, the state had no sovereign princes directly under the empire during the Holy Roman Empire, so the possibility of conflict was reduced.

In contrast, there were a large number of sovereign barons and knights directly under the empire in southwestern Germany. They lost their sovereignty at the beginning of the 19th century and were annexed by great states such as Baden and Württemberg. The monarchs of Temberg sit on an equal footing, and even the barons and knights with older bloodlines are often very unconvinced.

The German aristocracy in the Second Empire also compromised the loyalty to Emperor Hohenzollern. For the Austrian aristocracy, the top of the social pyramid was always the emperor.

Of course, the Hungarian aristocracy is another matter. They often plot against the Habsburgs and fight for more rights and freedoms for the Magyar nation.

But all this is history. During the reign of Leopold I of the Holy Roman Empire, the Habsburg family was ruled by the two-headed ZZ of the monarchy and nobility. The nobility also possessed quite powerful political power and many privileges.

During the reign of his second son Charles VI, he has begun to condense the power of the monarch and develop towards a modern absolutist regime, while Charles VI’s daughter Maria Theresia and his son Emperor Joseph II passed a series of reforms. A powerful centralized modern country was established, and the two-headed ZZ of monarchs and nobles gave way to monarchy.

As a result, the power and privileges of the aristocratic class have been greatly reduced. Since then, the Central ZF tax collection no longer requires the approval of the aristocratic conference;

The administrative organs and professional officials under the orders of the monarch infiltrated from the central to the localities, gradually eroding the rule of the noble lords;

The separation of the judiciary from the administrative department has made the nobility lose its judicial power;

The collation and codification of criminal law and civil law made the power of the state gradually unified and concentrated in the Vienna court;

Tax and fiscal reforms also reduced the rights of nobles;

Joseph II even refused to convene the local council of Bohemia and disbanded its executive body, so the last remnants of the parallel rule of the nobility and the monarch disappeared.

In the process, the nobles lost a lot, but they quickly found their new position. They actively participated in the construction of a modern country, served as administrative officials, served for the monarch, and won victory from a stronger and richer modern country. Material benefits and resources in the feudal era.

The modern so-called Austrian aristocracy, in addition to the former royal family members, can be divided into several levels: no title aristocracy, only the word "Feng", or the title of noble (Edler), which is the lowest class, so with'Feng 'The words are not necessarily true nobles;

Then there is the knight, with "Rittervon" before the last name;

Above is the Baron (Freiherr), which can be called Baron every day;

Earl (Graf);

Marquis (Fürst).

A few Marquis also have the title of Duke, just as the Marquis of Liechtenstein has the titles of Duke of Trobau and Jägendorf.

The existing members of the Habsburg family have and enjoy some duchy titles, but these are only titles.

In 1806, the Holy Roman Empire disintegrated. Families that had acquired aristocratic status before often added an "empire" before their titles, such as "Empire Baron", "Empire Earl", etc., to distinguish the nouveau riche who acquired the status of aristocracy after 1806. , But there is no difference in legal status between the two.

But the opposition between the old and the new class is inherent. It does not mean that the law is equal. Oldmoney will always look down on newmoney. This is the chain of contempt within the nobility.

Aristocrats who acquired the status of nobility around 1400 were called primitive aristocrats by UU reading Afterwards, those who obtained aristocratic status through edicts granted by emperors/kings were called edict aristocrats, a term commonly used in Austria and Hungary. "Old nobles" include primitive nobles and some early edict nobles.

If it is an edict noble conferred by the Holy Roman Emperor, it enjoys a corresponding identity and status within the entire empire, and the emperor of the Habsburg family can also grant it as the King of Bohemia, King of Hungary, Grand Duke of Austria, etc. Nobles recognized only in these areas.

From 1757 to 1918, all Habsburg officers from the bourgeoisie, as long as they met certain conditions, such as uninterrupted service for 30 years, could obtain hereditary aristocratic status.

The famous female monarch of the Habsburg Empire, Empress Maria Theresia, issued this decree during the Seven Years' War in order to attract bourgeois talents for the royal family.

Later, the Holy Roman Emperor Franz II added another condition, that is, he must have participated in the battle in person, and then even if he has not participated in the battle, as long as he has special contributions, he can also obtain the status of nobility, which greatly reduces the number of nobles. threshold.

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