Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1958: Native struggle

As early as 1995, LGT Group set up the LGT Academy specifically for bank customers, targeting those young and wealthy who have ideas to improve their self-cultivation, as well as second-generation people, especially those who have a short rise in history and lack foundation.

The college is located in the Baroque castle on the shore of Lake Constance, built on vineyards. Nobel Prize winners Steglitz and Paul Krugman are private class professors here.

For the second generation of the rich, LGT has a wide range of exclusive courses. The teaching areas cover economics, culture, psychology, and sports, which can be said to be towards the goal of improving quality in all aspects.

Which country has the most target customers? Of course it is country Z!

In the past ten years, the private wealth of country Z has grown exponentially. As the horizons of high-net-worth individuals have gradually become broadened, professional, and critical in the process of internationalization, “transaction-oriented” needs are becoming a connection between high-net-worth individuals and private banks. The bond between.

This has led LGT Group to attach great importance to the country Z market, but it is not enough. They need closer connections.

This can understand why Alois treats Yang Cheng so enthusiastically.

Yang Cheng also understood this and was willing to move the bank's headquarters to Liechtenstein. You treat me with sincerity and I will give back with sincerity!

. . . . . .

The European trip has come to an end, and the family is parting here. It is estimated that the next gathering will be Yang Cheng's wedding.

Two elderly people, Yang Yuanshan and Liu Muqian, stayed here to deal with the bank relocation. At the same time, they also used Alois’s relationship to find a manor near the small town of Hallstatt, Austria, and set it aside as a retirement area. It’s not unacceptable to spend your old age in a beautiful place with beautiful scenery. Anyway, the two elders are very willing, so let's do it, the family will have no money.

In Yang Sen's words, the local second elders came to look for them, and their juniors paid for the money, which can be regarded as their little intention.

Lao Luo's family also focused on this beautiful town, and followed suit. Hawaii is also good, but it is so hot all year round and it is too far away from the mainland. It is good to stay in another place occasionally.

However, compared with the Yang family’s wealth, the wealth of the Lao Luo family is one in the sky and the other underground. It is estimated that they will have to spend several million euros at a time. Fortunately, Yang Cheng, the son-in-law, is relatively generous. Yue introduced the business and indirectly avoided the embarrassment of money.

After returning to the United States, Yang Cheng plunged into the company. In the new year, the company is running faster and faster on the established track. The media of the new era can be described as more blooming. After the basic Pan Toutiao app dominates the US market, it is in the global scope. Within the city, many Internet giants, including Facebook, Yahoo, and Google, tried to attack the Toutiao app, but they were in the same field as their own.

Toutiao’s turf is stable, and no one has been able to challenge the success. Instead, the new era media has penetrated into their own fields.

In the search field, after two years of development, the search engine within the Toutiao app has been optimized to a level not inferior to that of Google. Many of their own app fans said that as Toutiao’s content became more substantial, they had gradually forgotten the existence of Google. .

This makes several heads of Google feel the deep meaning, no one knows better than them, and the next level in the search is the future main battlefield AR artificial intelligence. Although they are very reluctant, they have to admit , New Era Media has achieved overtaking in corners, well, it has not yet reached the point of surpassing, but the gap between the two sides is infinitely narrowing.

Facebook is undoubtedly the one among the major Internet companies that was killed the most by New Era Media. The Internet that they depend on for survival is involved in the mobile Internet.

New Era Media holds two major weapons, the Toutiao app on the left hand and the short MS video on the right hand. Except for the Z country and the US market, it is inextricably linked to Facebook. The most important thing is that Xiaozha is a little panicked and ready to play. It's dirty. Recently, a lot of customers attacking the Toutiao app have appeared inexplicably on Facebook. A discerning person knows that it is a water army controlled by Facebook, but ordinary netizens don't know it.

Some people who like to follow the trend, no matter why, just follow the scolding together. This caused a relatively serious damage to the reputation of Toutiao app during the end of last year.

Of course, Yang Cheng is not a waste of eating dry food. He had deployed a huge navy at the very beginning. Playing navy Yang Cheng is the ancestor of Xiaozha, aren't you framing him? Let’s face Lai. Anyway, neither Toutiao nor its parent company, New Times Media, are listed, so we don’t care about the attitudes of investors, let alone lack of cash flow.

In the first half month, more than 30 million U.S. dollars was spent. The cruelest thing was the Christmas day. The money spent reached its peak. The two companies lost tens of millions of dollars every day.

In the end, Xiaozha can't hold it. In fact, it's not that he can't hold it. The stockholders can't hold it. If you continue to fight like this, the stock price will almost fall to the bottom. Play, stock investors can't do it.

So Xiao Zha, who was under internal and external pressure, called Yang Cheng. The two chatted for 20 minutes. Although they didn't say it clearly, they meant the same thing inside and outside. Stop playing and everyone stopped at the same time.

Although New Era Media has sufficient cash reserves, the money is not spent like that. The bullets will be spent one day, so Yang Cheng is happy to stop.

But this matter was picked up by Xiaozha first. You can't finish fighting me. I passively fight back and beat you away. You can leave if you don't want to play. This makes no sense in the world.

Therefore, Yang Cheng lion opened his mouth and asked Xiao Zha to pay compensation. Xiao Zha was not happy, and Yang Cheng was going to raise the table and continue to do it. The two of you came and went, and their voices were smoked, and finally reached an agreement on'compensation' , Facebook temporarily withdrew from the short video field, and transferred their own brand and a handful of more than 2 million users to MS Short Video for a symbolic price of 1 million US dollars.

2 million users watched a lot, but a large part of them are overlapping users of MS short videos. The real users of UU Reading may be less than 200,000, but Yang Cheng doesn’t care, what he cares about is Xiaozha’s lowered head. At the same time, it can be regarded as annihilating the most threatening opponents. The remaining few following brands, Yang Cheng’s attitude is to raise, even if you go bankrupt, he must find a way to support it, so as not to create a monopoly. It is a strategic requirement, anyway, it is not threatening at all.

This war between the media and Facebook in the new era is actually the prelude to the entire Internet melee. There is no way, the rise of newcomers, naturally some elderly people feel that their status has been impacted and want to beat them. The two sides have different positions and conflicts are inevitable.

This attack on Facebook came and went quickly, but it did not mean that they were defeated. After all, they did not face each other on the main battlefield. Yang Cheng knew in his heart that a more violent attack was not far away.

If you can't match this wave of attacks, you will be in vain over the past few years. On the contrary, it will usher in a different situation. The media of the new era will completely grow into a big crocodile with the same size and become the target of others to catch up.

Under such circumstances, Yang Cheng's most important task after returning to New York is to hoard ammunition for the next war!

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