Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1959: 3 billion is not enough

"Ryze, just talk about it, the amount of cash we can use now."

In Yang Cheng’s top-level office, Ryze Khan was sitting on the opposite side, without having to look at the documents in his hand. He opened his mouth and said, “With the guaranteed cash flow for 3 months, we can spend 2-2 billion US dollars at any time. , Even if it’s all destroyed, it won’t have any impact on the company."

"More than 2 billion?" Yang Orange whispered.

He sipped his cigar, "Is this the limit?"

"No, if it is compressed to the extreme, I can still spend about 300 million yuan, which is 2.5 billion. If I wait another two months, I can guarantee that 3 billion cash will not be affected at any time~"

Yang Cheng shook his head, "It's still too little~ Whether it's Facebook or Google, they all have tens of billions of cash flow~"

Rez said helplessly, "They have been established for a long time, and it is normal for them to accumulate more abundantly than ours. According to the data we can currently grasp, Facebook's free cash flow is around 20 billion~"

Yang Cheng opened his hand, "This is what I said, 3 billion and 20 billion, fools know who can win, this battle is a fight for ammunition, the ammunition reserve is insufficient, it is useless to say more~"

"Boss, we can say that if we spend 3 billion, we don't need to go through anyone, but Facebook can't. Even if it is 10 million, it will require shareholders to nod!" Ritz emphasized darkly.

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "I understand this, but we can't expect the other party to have trouble in the war. We still have to be tough enough. No, we still have to hurry up and make money. Before the war starts, I ask the company to have at least 10 billion. Cash reserves!"

The amount of hair on the top of Ryze's head is much less visible to the naked eye. Compared to when he first saw him, Ryze's demeanor was much older, and it was all done in the company.

Now Yang Cheng has given a dead order, he has no way to refuse, he can only bite the bullet and say, "I will try my best, but in order to collect 10 billion as soon as possible, I need your instructions, let go of the trader's authority, and let them control freely. Capital, without considering capital preservation, it is still possible to quadruple existing capital in two months."

Yang Cheng did not nod in a hurry, "Oh? It seems you have an idea?"

"Let me keep a secret first?"

"Ha~ You are going to rebel~ Okay, just keep a secret, I only look at the result."

"Won't let you down~"

Originally, Yang Cheng didn't intend to follow up, but he suddenly remembered the news he heard in the car when he first returned to New York, and couldn't help asking, "You don't have any contact with the Soros Fund?"

Ryze was stunned, and smiled bitterly, "I really can't hide anything~"

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Really?"

Fucked his brows, "That old fellow Soros hasn't suffocated any good farts all day long, which target is he staring at?"

Ritz shook his head, "This time it's not Soros, but Bencent~"

"Who? Oh~ I remember, Soros' proud disciple?"

"Yes, he is now in charge of the Soros Fund, and he has a heavy voice."

There is a saying on Wall Street: No one dared to predict Soros' next goal. He has four major battles in his life. Although one failed, the remaining three great successes made Soros famous throughout the world. A financial crocodile, any target targeted by this crocodile must not die.

The most recent battle was to short the yen a few years ago. However, unlike the classic case of Soros that the outside world took for granted, it was his protégé who led the shorting. Now the Soros Fund CEO Scott Bencent.

"Which currency does he want to short? No, it will be..." Yang Orange asked.

Ryze smiled, "Yes, it's still yen~"

Yang Cheng stared, "shit, there is no reason why scalping wool does not catch a sheep fiercely, are they crazy?"

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his hand, "Forget it, I won't ask, just watch it, don't expose it anyway, don't forget that our investment in RB is not small."

"Understood, we'll just have some soup afterwards."

"It's good if you know it~"

Ryze took out one of the many documents and handed it to Yang Cheng, "There is an opponent you have to pay attention to~"

"Whose opponent?"

"MS Short Video~"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "Didn't the biggest opponent just be beaten away?"

"This is an opponent we cultivated ourselves. It was originally used to prevent us from being subject to antitrust investigations, but I found that they have done a good job recently, and they have also accepted Zuckerberg's private financing~"

Yang Cheng said uncomfortably, "This Xiaozha really doesn't give up~"

When I opened it, I saw that it was a company called Hoo. Its products were the same as MS short videos, and it was also geared toward strangers. This is exactly the same as when MS first started, except that MS has completed the transition from strangers to acquaintances. , Completed all-round coverage, and Hoo has just started.

As the birthplace of social origin, from early Facebook to Twitter to blogs and even short video content, in order to make a world-type social product, it has become a consensus in the industry to establish a foothold in the United States. Therefore, the United States has become the world’s Internet practitioners. A place of fascination.

In this life, MS Short Video, which was the first to open up the short video social field, undoubtedly has an advantage over tiktok, which was successful in the United States in the previous life.

The number of downloads worldwide exceeded 2 billion early. Because the rise is fast enough, and with the backing of Yang Cheng, the big benefactor, the development of MS short video can be said to be smooth sailing. American teenagers also enjoy the changes brought by MS short video.

Under such circumstances, this short video company from Asan wants to copy MS in its entirety, which is nothing short of a dream.

"The development path of MS short video is difficult to be copied." Yang Cheng said very confidently.

Backed by New Times Media, when MS short video is promoted globally, it can be said to be a big spend.

Apart from other things, in the past year alone, MS’s advertising expenditure in the US market has quadrupled. For small companies with insufficient capital and resources, the development channel for spending huge sums of money to purchase traffic and invest in advertising has obviously been closed.

Ritz still reminded, "Don't be careless, Hoo has completed three rounds of tens of millions of financing, and they are not short of money."

He pointed to the document and said, "I found someone to do research. Hoo chose a relatively easy route very wisely. They are trying to find blank spots outside the giants."

"What do you mean?" Yang Cheng asked, flipping through the file.

"Leave aside the short video segment. The existing social platforms in the United States, whether it is Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat, are more focused on the maintenance of acquaintances in reality, plus our MS short video and Toutiao app To become a link between acquaintances and strangers, it can be said that Hoo has no room to rise in this field.

But relatively speaking, in the field of stranger social interaction, Tinder and Bumble in the United States have already become the first echelon, but their product form almost stays in the graphic card mode, which has not changed much, and this mode has long been unable to satisfy the situation. American Generation Z (born after 1996) growing up under the camera. "

Yang Cheng asked puzzledly, "Isn't this what we are doing in MS Short Video? When we did this app, we valued the American young people's self-confidence in their image. They like to know themselves through the front camera and are happy to show it. Myself, the way of communication between each other is more inclined to FaceTime, rather than graphic mode.

The increasingly strong demand for making friends among young people is an irreversible historical trend. This is how the MS short video was born. "

"But they have one more function, that is, video chat with strangers, while the so-called social interaction of MS short video only exists in the private heart, and more is the relationship between watching and production, and there is no communication between them.

And Hoo has an additional communication function on the basis of production. This is a gap that we have not yet discovered~"

Yang Cheng finally understood the reason for Ryze's concerns.

"In the early days, Hoo adopted the most primitive way to expand users in the United States, imitating the way that Tinder and Bumble started, by organizing fraternities, sororities, offline parties, and going to local universities for activities, but the results were often unsatisfactory.

It is often four-digit investment in exchange for double-digit downloads, due to various factors, product experience, cultural differences, promotion methods..., even when the number of users accumulates to 10,000, the actual number of Hoo online is only 5 to 10 , There was no way to match strangers with videos. This was the biggest challenge their company faced at the time.

They also realized that it is unrealistic to completely imitate MS short videos and complete the connection through content, and ultimately allow users and users to complete the transition from unfamiliar to familiar.

So after they were silent for more than a year, they released a new version of the app. Just a month later, Hoo's downloads have rushed into the top 50 of the monthly list. "

Yang Cheng said, "But they want to grow bigger in the United States. It is not so easy. For all social companies, there are two issues that cannot be ignored in the United States: privacy and security. If it is not done well, it will bring a fatal blow to the product."

Ritz certainly agrees with this point, "I know that a social product is not as simple as gathering a group of people on the platform. It must meet the needs of users in all aspects. For example, American users pay attention to privacy and Therefore, it is necessary to intensify the review efforts when polishing products.

I understand, Hoo also understands that they will find the best third-party review service on the market to be compatible with their video streaming technology, and use artificial intelligence to scan the video stream to review whether the video has bad behavior, such as whether there is in the avatar. The reactionary content, even including whether the user name has any offensive words in English, will be temporarily banned or permanently banned according to the specific situation according to the process.

After the machine review, Hoo also has a team of 100 people to conduct a 24-hour review. "

Yang Cheng had to admit, "They did a good job~"

"In fact, Hoo's products need to face the two most difficult problems: how to match the right people? How to maintain the healthy development of the community?

After repeated exploration and trial and error, Hoo finally accumulated billions of matching data on algorithms and data by mining user interest tags, striving to make the matching fit closer and closer to user needs.

Therefore, the number of downloads is steadily increasing, and now it exceeds 3 million. We must be vigilant. "

txt download address:


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