Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1960: My parents are there

For any social product, the first batch of users must be natural users, so that word-of-mouth will gradually be generated. This is the same as the first pot of gold. With the first 1 million, it is not difficult to earn 2 million or 3 million. .

As Ritz said, Hoo has indeed become a climate.

Ryze warned, "Hoo has found its own way and has not forgotten to imitate the MS short video gameplay, frequent mergers and acquisitions of the same type of companies, almost all of the financing they received is used for this."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Huh? Who did they acquire?"


Yang Cheng knows this software. As a video social software developed by the post-95s in the United States, Monkey’s influence in the hearts of the post-00s in the United States is almost comparable to that of Facebook, ranking among the top ten in North American social list downloads all the year round, and once Leaping to the top of the list, becoming the most favorite social software after 00 in the United States.

While Monkey was reaping the post-00 market in the United States, Hoo was still struggling. Its brand influence has not been able to do with Monkey. However, due to the explosive growth in the number of users, Monkey’s server was down for three weeks and 18 months after it went live. Unable to recruit suitable technicians, the Android version has not been developed for a long time, and the download ranking dropped from the top five to 50.

At this time, Hoo, which had just received ten million in financing, pushed the acquisition offer to monkey.

Ritz said, "They have just completed the merger, and I believe that with the support of the Hoo technical team, they will be able to develop the Monkey Android version soon. It is not a problem for the downloads to return to the top 50. In the entire business line, their company has A situation where Monkey+Hoo goes hand in hand is formed.

In terms of positioning, Monkey can focus on younger people under the age of 25, responsible for company traffic indicators and brand tone, while Hoo’s users are between 22 and 32 years old, with stronger spending power than Monkey, and responsible for completing revenue indicators.

When promoting in different markets, Monkey, as a traffic-based product, must be promoted with viral transmission; while Hoo, as a revenue-based product, completes fission through word-of-mouth communication. When doing localized operations in various regions, they will follow the local Customs, look for people who are familiar with the local language and cultural habits, and combine local Internet celebrity resources for brand promotion. "

Yang Cheng finally realized the seriousness of the problem. Of course, it shouldn't make him jealous. After all, the basic MS disk is there. It is difficult to shake with Hoo and Monkey alone, but it will be different if Facebook joins.

As long as Facebook thinks, they can easily help Hoo complete more user accumulation.

"I will forward this document to the MS. Thank you very much~" Yang Cheng said solemnly.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do~"

Ryze hesitated, "One more thing, Ms. Oprah Winfrey recently came to the door and wanted to sell us a batch of stocks in her hand~"

"Who? Oprah? How could she find us?"

"I don't know~"

"What stock is it?"

"A weight loss app called ww (Waitley Lightweight)~"

Yang Cheng seems to have heard of this company, and it is also Oprah's battle to become famous in the investment world.

"Let me see~" He took the information and looked at it for a long time, and after confirming that it was the stock he knew, he immediately said, "Buy it, this company has a pretty good revenue level, and Oprah's reputation is added. , I don’t suffer a loss if I buy it, and I don’t have much money anyway~"

"Yes, now the average price is only 11 US dollars, the total equity is only 68 million, the entire acquisition does not need 800 million, it is really cheap~"

"How much does Oprah want to sell?"

"She now holds a total of 15% shares, she wants to sell 6%~"

"Tell her, the minimum is 10%, below this number we are not interested~"

"Ok, in terms of price?"

Yang Orange hesitated, "Calculate at the market price, don't lower the price~"


If Yang Cheng remembers correctly, this stock will rise to more than US$110 in the next year. Buy it now and it will double at least 10 times and make a lot of money.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a greedy smile, "In addition, buy a part in the secondary market and make up 15%. It can't be too much, so as not to make the major shareholders suspicious. The size is too small to play~"

"No problem~" Ritz is also very optimistic about this stock. Judging from the recently released financial report, the profit level has almost doubled. There is no reason not to buy such high-quality stocks.

After sending Ryze away, Yang Cheng still called Oprah, wanting to ask what's the situation. You must know the reason for sending the money, right?

"Good day, Ms. Winfrey~"

"Hey~jason, I guessed you were going to call me~"

"Hehe, because of stocks?"

"Yes, I have been optimistic about a new house recently. It has shortcomings and I have to sell the shares of WW. You are a professional and you should know the future prospects."

"Of course, so I called you specifically to thank you, but I still want to ask why?"

"Ha~jason, don't be narcissistic. In fact, I have found more than your family. I will sell to whoever gives me a positive answer first~"

Yang Cheng sighed, "It turned out to be like this. It seems that I was lucky and picked up a big deal. Thank you anyway~"

"Comeon, can I make money too? No thanks. If you have to thank you, why don't you come to my show?"

When Yang Cheng heard the boss, "Forget it, forget it, I will invite you to a big meal later, and it's OK to be on the show, I need to keep a low profile~"

Oprah has concentrated the emotional quotient of half a billion black people, and of course he won’t be too entangled in it, "Well, don’t force you, but you have to send me a copy of your wedding invitation~"

"OMG, did this get to your ears?"

"Of course, a lot of people are saying recently, I heard that you have an island in Fiji?"

Yang Cheng held his forehead, wondering whose mouth was like cotton crotch, so loose?

"Yes, don't worry, no one can forget you if you forget. The invitation will be made and delivered to your home as soon as possible~"

"Then I'll wait, don't talk much, I will have a meeting in a while~"

"Okay, I have a chance to eat together~"

"No problem~"

After Yang Cheng hung up the phone, she laughed at herself. He found that when people reached a certain position, they all had the kind of mentality that people always wanted to harm me. No one seemed right.

Liu Junyu just came in and took away Ryze's coffee cup. Seeing Yang Cheng smiling bitterly alone, he couldn't help asking, "What's the matter?"

Yang Cheng recovered, shook her head, and said with concern, "Nothing, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine~" Liu Junyu looked at Yang Cheng strangely, feeling that he had nothing to say.

"That's Let's go see Susu at night?"

"I won't go, so don't be a light bulb~" Liu Junyu flatly refused.

Yang Cheng smiled angrily, "Which of us is the boss?"

"You are~"

"Then I order you to go at night~"

How can Liu Junyu pass Yang Cheng arrogantly, "I know you are bullying me~"

"I didn't bully you, don't talk nonsense~"

"Huh~" Holding the coffee cup and turning his head, I didn't forget to give Yang Cheng a glance before I left. I couldn't do anything else, but I didn't have a blank eyeball!

Yang Cheng smiled speechlessly, picked up the phone and sent a message to Susu, telling her to eat together tonight.

As a result, Su Su replied with a thunderbolt in the blue, and she was so scared that Yang Cheng almost threw the phone downstairs, "That~ my parents are also..."

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