Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1972: Li Quanfu reappeared

There is nothing to say about the dinner. Everyone is drinking, chatting and chatting together, which constitutes the landscape of the upper class. It is also because this year's Super Bowl is in Houston, the stars are slightly dim. If it is in San Francisco or Los Angeles, the quality of the dinner will definitely go up a few steps.

After the Super Bowl was over, Yang Cheng returned to the company. He now took over part of Yuanshan’s work. In the words of his father: I have been busy for most of my life. You have to give me one while I can still walk around. A chance to see the world, right?

Yang Cheng thought so, and then he became busy as a dog. What Yang Sen gave him was not just a document that needed to be signed, he needed to make decisions for many things.

The top floor of today's New Era Building has long lost its former quietness. The secretary room of up to 20 people under the command of Liu Junyu and the constant ringing of landline telephones and faxes filled the top floor with busy voices.

Yang Cheng returned to the company for the whole morning, sat there without moving his butt, and without raising his head, doing business for the whole morning.

It wasn't until 12 o'clock at noon that Liu Junyu came in slightly distressed and reminded, "Boss, it's time for lunch, let's take a break~"

Yang Cheng slowly raised her head, her movements were very stiff, and she made a creak when she moved slightly.

"Oh, what time is it~"

"It's past 12 o'clock~"

"Okay, let's eat then~"

"What are you going to buy?"

"No, let the cafeteria downstairs get some up, have you eaten?"

"I haven't eaten yet. I was too busy this morning. The mail collection from branches all over the world made everyone very busy~"

"Thanks for your hard work, so let's tell everyone that I treat you and go to the nearby Japanese food store to order a set meal."

"Okay, thank you boss for the big guy~"

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "You are getting more and more professional now~"

"Yes, do one line and love one line!"

"How are your parents? And your brother?"

Liu Junyu hooked his hair unnaturally, "They don't have much ambitions, but my brother is not too willing to give up and wants to return to the United States~"

Yang Cheng quickly refused, "Forget it, your brother is a trouble, but I don't want to talk about your family's affairs, I just remind you that the money you make is your own, and you can buy some for your family appropriately. It's okay to repay something, but you can't throw money into it, do you understand what I mean?

In addition to being my cousin, you are also my secretary. I think you know how important this position is. I don't want you to affect your work because of your family relationship~"

Liu Junyu sighed, "I know, don't worry, it will definitely not affect."

Yang Cheng smiled, "Okay, you go, feel free to communicate with me if you have anything~"

After eating a feast of Japanese food, Yang Cheng returned to the busy work in the afternoon. However, he had just read a few lines and saw Hansen open the door and said, "Boss, we have found the whereabouts of Li Quanfu~"

When Yang Cheng heard this, she stood up quickly, "Really? Where did you find it?"

Hansen grinned, "I don't believe it, he is now in New York~"

"What? In New York?" Yang Cheng was shocked, and this person felt like a mystery to him.

I thought he was forced to leave the U.S. because of something and would never be allowed to enter the country, but now this man appears grandiosely in New York, and Hansen and the others have caught it. This is interesting~

"Our luck is good. The brother who has been in charge of tracing accidentally found Sherlock's clues at the exit gate of Casablanca. This person changed five identities and entered and exited countries such as Africa and Europe. Finally, I entered the U.S. with a brand new identity and made a disguise."

Yang Cheng asked immediately, "Are our people following him?"

"Follow, this time in our territory, he will never disappear from under his eyelids. Now I don’t believe that he can go into the sky." Hansen’s expression was a little uncomfortable. Not many people disappeared underneath.

"Okay, stare at him to death, I want to see what he is going to do." Yang Orange waved his fist excitedly.

Hansen thoughtfully said, "I guessed a bit. The first thing he did after he came back was not to find a foothold, but to go to Chinatown, to find a seat in charge of ABC, and he never came out. "

Yang Cheng frowned, "ABC? Do they still exist? Didn't you mean that the boss was taken away?"

Hansen scratched his head, "I checked it along the way. It seems that a little boss came out last year. The seat tube Li Quanfu found was used to follow the little boss just released."

Yang Cheng muttered, "Damn~a bit complicated~"

ABC was the earliest Chinese hei gang that appeared in the 1970s. It was a hei gang organized by American-born Z nationals, so it was called ABC.

ABC originated early, so it has a certain position on the road. If you want to expand its power, you can only fight for territory. At that time, it was the black hand dang who controlled the underground world. For this reason, the two sides fought for more than ten years, including three years of conflict. The most intense, it can even be called a war. During this period, the ABC made the Campino family lose 37 capable officers.

The godfather who beat him believes that the black hand dang can no longer control Chinatown, and it is better to give up. In this way, ABC "liberated" Chinatown and gained a reputation in the underground society.

However, the good times did not last long. After the ABC defeated the black hand dang, fierce internal strife began again. This internal strife lasted for ten years. The ABC organization has been like this for a long time. It has long been a mess, and F~B~I took the opportunity. And entering, using the internal undercover agent, the ABC was served in one pot, and since then ABC has also been withdrawn from the arena.

When someone walks, someone will come. The blank space after the ABC is gone quickly let another Chinese gangster "Big O Gang" take over, and smuggling and high-tech crime have become the new oil and water in Chinatown.

But counting the time, a new idea suddenly popped up in Yang Cheng's mind. Isn't this Li Quanfu the undercover F~B~I buried in ABC back then?

Because of exposing the eldest brother, he was forced to not show up in the United States for fear of involving his family.

At the same time, because of helping F~B~I, UU read www.uukanshu. Com helps them earn some gray income outside the United States. This possibility is too great, and all previous doubts can be solved.

For example, Li Quanfu can always break away from the eyeliner of the investigation at critical moments. It is difficult for him to do it on his own, but it is not the same with the help of F~B~I, regardless of the fact that F~B~I's forces are mainly in the United States. But they were born with the advantage of expansion, only because of the conflict with C~I~A, they didn't reach out clearly.

Yang Cheng felt a sudden enlightenment, and this mysterious Li Quanfu was finally unveiled.

But when he came back this time, why did he find his original boss? Don't you be afraid of death now?

Yang Cheng hesitated in his heart. He didn't know whether to tell Grandpa about this. He told him, he was worried that Grandpa would force the Yang family to get involved for the sake of old friends.

Don't tell me, it's not justified.

Annoyed and scratched his hair, Yang Cheng decided to take a little risk, "Staring at Li Quanfu, once he shows up again, he will start to catch people, but be careful not to be discovered by the ABC people."

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