Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1973: Past story

"Staring at Li Quanfu, once he shows up again, he will start arresting people, but be careful not to be spotted by the ABC people."

Hansen never asked why, and faithfully implemented every order of Yang Cheng, "understand~"

Yang Cheng's doing this is a bit risky, but what he thinks is that it's better to take risks by yourself than to let Grandpa take risks. Once you find harm, you can kill the danger in the cradle in advance.

He was going to clarify the truth with Li Quanfu first, and he was sure that there was no trouble, and then he decided whether to tell his grandfather that his old friend was still alive.

. . .

I thought that the other party would hide for a few more days, but when Yang Cheng was about to leave work, he heard the news. Li Quanfu walked out of Chinatown alone. The brother who received the order immediately controlled him in a place where no one was there. He was locked in a safe room in Brooklyn.

After Yang Cheng received the news, he didn't say a word, so Andrew drove over, and finally he saw the mysterious old man.

At this time, the makeup on his face has faded, revealing an ordinary, old face. Except for the wrinkles deep in the gully, there is really nothing special about him.

Yang Cheng stared at the other party, who was also looking at him. Just a few seconds later, he laughed and said, "Are you the grandson of Yuanshan?"

He was speaking Mandarin with an obvious northern accent, and none of the people present except Hansen could barely understand a few words.

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Do you know me?"

Li Quanfu smiled softly, "Of course I know, your people chased me for most of the earth, how could I not know~"

Hansen understood this sentence, and glared at the brothers awkwardly, making them at a loss.

Yang Cheng also had a hot face. She didn't expect her actions to be clearly seen by others, and coughed awkwardly, "So, did you take the initiative to walk with my person?"

Li Quanfu was still smiling, "Of course, my old bones are against these soldiers under you. It is me who suffers. Besides, I know you can't harm me, so why resist?"

Yang Cheng was helpless, the old man was so good, "You always forgive me, you are really too mysterious, I dare not tell Grandpa directly."

Li Quanfu smiled unabated, "I know, you are a good boy, I don't blame you, this time I take the initiative to dedicate myself, I have considered the ending."

"Ending?" Yang Orange asked back.

Li Quanfu smiled and waved his hand, "Let your people go out first, let's talk with you?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand to let Hansen and the others go out first. Andrew hesitated, and Yang Cheng told him, "Don't worry, this is one of my elders, he won't harm me~"

Andrew followed everyone out, but everyone was standing outside. If the two fell out, they could rush in and control Li Quanfu for the first time. He didn't have a gun anyway.

Yang Cheng pulled up a chair and said, "Speak up, to be honest, if you are not Grandpa's friend, I will never be nosy. You are too mysterious. In my experience, the more mysterious the unknown, the more Danger, I don’t want to take my life in because of curiosity~"

Li Quanfu moved his finger, "Is there any smoke?"

Yang Cheng hesitated, "Only thin cigars~"


I personally lit Li Quanfu, waited for him to take a few sips, and listened to him, "Oh~ you are right to do this. For the rest of my life, because my brain was twitched and the family was delayed, I am sorry for them. ."

Yang Cheng quietly watched him silently, and ordered one by herself, vomiting.

"I came to the United States with Yuan Shan back then, but he didn't know. I also knew a person on the boat. He was penniless and starved to death when he looked at him. I gave him half a piece of black. Bread, I wanted to make him a satiated ghost, but who would have thought he would survive.

I didn't expect his life to be so big. He found me one day and asked me what plans I have after arriving in the United States. What plans can I have? Take one step and see one step at a time.

That person just told me, should I mix with him, but his identity is more sensitive, let me keep secret.

I was also alive at the time, no matter what his status is, I can make money.

Then I listened to what he said and didn't talk to Yuanshan. Not long after I got ashore, I found a reason to separate from him. "

Yang Cheng interrupted and asked, "Is that person from Hei?"

Li Quanfu laughed and admitted simply, "Yes, but don't let the exaggeration of those literary works and the prevalence of Internet legends help the Chinese in North America. Some names you have heard do exist, but there is no TV. So awesome in the movie.

Most of these people who entered the underground world were just to earn a bite of food. Of course, this was the case in our time. Later, these little boys became a bit innocent and were not the same as us~"

Hearing Li Quanfu scolding his juniors, Yang Cheng couldn't help but laugh. He knew a lot about the history of the American Chinese Hei Gang. After all, the Situ family and their family are family friends, and I have never heard the older generation talk about it since I was a child. Things in the underground world.

If you have to count, you can divide the Chinese hei gang into three generations: the old, the middle and the young. The "time-honored" name began in the 1840s and 50s. At that time, Chinese began to form in San Francisco, Honolulu, New Westminster, and Victoria Because the communities suffered from mainstream social discrimination, these Chinese communities organized their own entrances to implement self-protection and brought over the secret society of the Z country.

The characteristic of this kind of confidant organization is that it is half underground, half open, "half black and half white". Generally, they will be legally registered and open their activities, but they are more or less secret societies. Most of the time they are mutual aid organizations. Such illegal behaviors as bullying and dominating the market, fighting for territory, and even going si, peddling, and bagging chang.

Most of these "time-honored brands" are "hezi", which originated from the Sanhe Hui system in the early Qing Dynasty, and are generally called "XX Tang" or "XX Gongsuo".

This kind of "time-honored brand" has great roots and has a considerable status among "old Chinese", and because many of them (such as the famous Zhigongtang) have "standing in the right team" in all the Z revolutions, it is true. He has made a lot of contributions, killed a lot of people, and paid a lot of financial resources. After entering the new era, he gradually transformed to become an entity with more characteristics of associations and mutual aid organizations.

These "time-honored brands" are still widespread in the Chinese community in North America, and the hei gang is becoming less and lesser, but their influence among the Chinese, especially the new Chinese, is fading, because the new Chinese are used to living together with other ethnic groups In addition, the language and educational background are generally good, so they don’t need the help of “time-honored brands”, and they don’t want to keep the traditional sphere of influence of “time-honored brands” such as Chinatown. Inheriting his father's business, many "old brands" are facing the embarrassment of lack of successors.

"Zhongzihao" was formed in the 1960s, and there are mainly two lines of "hezi" and "taizi".

Most of the "hezi" series come from Xiangjiang, or first from the mainland to Xiangjiang, and then from Xiangjiang to North America. They mainly speak Cantonese, Chaoshan or Hakka. Like the "old brands", most of them belong to the three-he society system. However, due to the passage of time, the color of Tangkou is lighter and the color of Hei Gang is stronger.

This batch of "Mesozoic era" is younger, with better language and adaptability. In addition, traditional Chinese secret society concepts such as "a large piece of ligature" and "hong gate is a family" are still valid, and many of them have passed the mutual interaction with the "old brand". Infiltration is completed, and some are self-employed, so in the true sense, these middle-sized bangs are considered hei gangs.

Unlike "old brands", which are generally classified as "mutual aid organizations" in North America, only those who have confirmed "hei" were identified as "hei gangs". "Zhongzi" was quickly "registered" by the judicial system after its rise, including in the 1990s. The hottest gangs in Xiangjiang, such as Long Jiu's, belong to the category of "Zhongzihao".

There are some special ones in the "Hezi" department, which are organized through clan associations and fellow villagers' associations, but with the color of the Hei Gang, their internal organization is still the Hongmen "Shantang Xiangkou" set, so Although the names are different, they are still classified as "hezi".

Most of the "Taiwan Characters" family are the "guan second generation" who escaped from the mainland or escaped from the mainland and then escaped from the mainland. They used to be mixed with Lao Jiang, because they were "different in style" from the "Cantonese" Chinese and overseas Chinese, they were fighting for territory. The organized hei gangs are generally named after "gangs" and have more gangster colors. The most famous ones are even known as the "Jiangnan Homicide" for a while, and they are still doing a fortune in Dingwan. A certain prince is not in the entertainment circle. The bamboo lian who is willing to inherit the family business.

Around the 1970s, the "Taiwan character" system was supported by Daiwan Dangju. The main reason was that Young Master Jiang relied on them to unite. In the United States and Canada, some Chinese-inhabited cities and some pro-mainland "Hezi" organizations Rushing broke out from time to time, and sometimes even “fighting for life”. Back then, on the streets of Vancouver’s Chinatown, there were scenes of “cross-cutting” with “Taiwan” basics of "Hei Gang" It’s not about personnel. There is nothing untouched by "huang, du, du". The bang-style vendetta is a common thing. With the progress of the times and the rise of the "green brand", they gradually decline and become more marginalized. "Time-honored brands" are inexhaustible.

The time span of the formation of "Qing Zihao" is extremely large, and the upper limit can be traced back to the 1970s, including ABC, which Li Quanfu may be involved in, and the rising star "Big O", which are actually "Qing Zihao".

ABC’s biggest record is that it has been with the Gambino family for several years, and successfully defeated the Gambino family. It became famous for a time, and it was known as "the earliest Chinese hei gang to be archived by Jing Fang". More good people praised them as "Liberating the Heroes of Chinatown".

But in fact, "ABC" is not born out of the traditional secret social system of South China in Country Z. It rarely pays attention to the so-called "social justice" in form, because it doesn't understand at all, it is purely raw melon eggs. Chi Guoguo’s black business has a worse reputation in Chinatown than other Chinese hei gangs. The so-called “heroes”, but some survivors look back to the past after the time has passed, and put gold on the faces of themselves and their colleagues.

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