Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1974: Is a traitor

As for the backbone members of the rising star Big O, almost all come from the mainland of Country Z. Some "legends" often say that they are "Veterans of the Vietnam War". In fact, this is also a "golden work". Their initial backbone was to endure the turmoil in those years. Young people from mainland China who can't help fleeing from Xiangjiang and then immigrate to North America from Xiangjiang (many of them have worn red armbands, and understand what they mean by themselves).

Anyway, at the beginning of the reform and opening up in the late 1970s, there were only a small number of people who moved to Hong Kong and then moved to North America. In the same era or later, there were even fewer people who went directly to North America through various channels. Of course, there were some "Vietnam War veterans", but the number was extremely limited. of.

Because it’s a newcomer, Big O can’t compare with the “old brand” and “Chinese brand”, so they have to find another way. On the one hand, they are extremely brave and fierce. They are known for “dare to kill” in Chinatown, and there is no way. In the cruel underground world, There is no ancestor to rely on, and can only rely on fighting to eat;

On the other hand, they dared to get out of Chinatown and fight with the local "mainstream hei gang".

The legends on the rivers and lakes also portray them as loyal philanthropists. Even with the popularity of online literature in recent years, some writers describe them as "hei roads" in North America and "piers" in various countries, so as to "add glory to Chinese people." "Heroes", but the real situation is quite different.

In fact, the big O is undoubtedly darker than the "tangkou", "hezi" and even the "gangs" of the Mesozoic era of its predecessors, and because the living soil is more barren, its hands are more ruthless and less moral. Old people who are familiar with the traditional Chinese society in North America say that the biggest feature of the rise of the Big O is that many people are "smooth", not like other "hei~bang" like dragging their families, so they dare to work hard, but also lack The color of mutual assistance among Chinese "tangkou".

They are more "persistent" and unrelenting in robbing territory and being "partial", and they can kill you without saving your life.

Moreover, Big O really rarely has conflicts with outside forces, let alone the Chinese who are in their early days. He is very clever and enthusiastic about colluding with outsiders and bullying the Chinese.

In fact, Big O has relied on the North American local power "Hell Angels" that originated in Los Angeles from the beginning of its rise. The "Hell Angels" are characterized by "internationalization". The United States, Canada and Mexico have their tentacles and rely heavily on du products. It is conceivable that the big O who hugged the thigh of the "Hell Angel" can do good things.

All in all, there is no real "hero" in the underground world. Some are just fighting fiercely, relying on the nasty things of eating the black and cheating the compatriots. Without a systematic organization, it is difficult to last.

Those who don't believe it can read the Water Margin carefully. It is basically a copy. How many of the Liangshan heroes in it are really ‘heroes’?

It's a bit far, but if you understand the history of the underground world, and then listen to Li Quanfu's words, you will have a deeper understanding.

"That person can be regarded as one of the founders of ABC, but at that time it was not called ABC. It was just a Chinese mutual-aid organization. Relying on the advantage of the head of the San Francisco Pier, he had so little prestige, which is not worth mentioning.

Later, we were bullied by the local hei forces. He took the lead in killing several opponents, fled to New York for thousands of miles, and settled down here.

It was precisely because of this change that he and several other founders decided to set up ABC to make hei bigger!

Speaking of which, I can be considered the founder of ABC~"

Li Quanfu laughed at himself, smoked two cigars, and then said, “You probably know what happened later, but I’m not very courageous. Within ABC, I’m generally only responsible for money and some business matters. I rarely participated in the fire merger, but I couldn't stand the fight against the Gambino family in those few years. Many brothers were all gone. I couldn't help but lift the knife and the gun.

At this time, I was targeted. My position said it was important and important, and it was not important, but in the eyes of outsiders, I was almost an ABC think tank and accountant. As long as I was controlled, it would be quite Yu controls the lifeblood of ABC.

Therefore, both the Gambino family and F~B~I have focused on me, and made a lot of efforts for this, assassinations, threats, etc., but I never gave in until F~B~I was in an action. I accidentally saved my family, and I realized that one day I would lose my family if I went on like this.

During the last attack of the Gambino family, they also sent someone to kidnap my family. Fortunately, F~B~I were also investigating on the spot and rescued them by the way, otherwise. . . "

Yang Cheng sighed, "Then you got in touch with F~B~I?"

Li Quanfu lowered his head and did not deny, "I said that I am actually a coward. I'm afraid. I'm afraid that my family won't get a good death. They are right. They shouldn't end up like this.

So contacted me at F~B~I, hoping that when I was an undercover agent, I hesitated for a few days and agreed. "

An annoyance suddenly appeared in Yang Cheng's heart. He has always had no good feelings for the gangster, let alone a traitor who betrayed his big brother?

But if he wants to blame Li Quanfu, he can't tell. Is Li Quanfu wrong?

Both public and private are right, at least Yang Orange is not qualified to criticize the other party.

The two were silent for a long while, Li Quanfu sighed and raised his head. I don't know when he burst into tears, and there was regret and freedom in his wet red eyes.

"ABC has completely declined because of me. Although my family persuaded me that even without me, ABC, which was caught in frequent internal fighting, would not have a good time, but I personally sent a few big brothers in. This is a stain that I can't wash away in my life.

After the incident, F~B~I fulfilled his promise and allowed me to leave New York with my family, but before I was on the road, someone came to assassinate the assassin. This time I was here. I personally killed the killer sent by the eldest brother. I Knowing that I cannot stay in the United States, as long as I am still a day, my family will always be in danger. "

Yang Cheng asked, "Then you took someone away?"

" I thought we would find a place to live in seclusion for a lifetime. Who would have thought that F~B~I would find me again. He hoped that I would help them handle some business locally."

"Inverted arms?"

"Almost ~ I didn't realize it at the time, but after participating in it a few times, I was completely on the F~B~I thieves. They are more powerful than ABC and have darker moves. They can’t run away. The way, for the safety of my family, I can only compromise.

I have come forward for them time and time again, wooing local forces, or doing arms business. Over the years, I don't know how many countries or identities have changed.

If it’s me, it’s good, at least I’m not short of money, but what’s wrong with my family? They followed me with fear and fear, starting from scratch in a strange environment again and again.

I was tired and I didn't want to continue, so I had a showdown with F~B~I. "

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