Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1978: Eager for success

"You must go if you have time. Your accent is so beautiful. Is it from Oxford?"

Yang Cheng gave a flattering indifferently, which was much more advanced than just praising her figure.

Long Ma was stunned, "Yes~ you can hear it?"

Yang Cheng instantly changed into an authentic Oxford accent, "comeon, William said that my accent is authentic."

Long Ma covered her mouth in surprise, revealing the classic horoscope eyebrows. Damn, it's really ruining everything with one eyebrow. Mommy 囧 should ask her to act.

"You are more authentic than I said~"

Yang Cheng humbly waved his hand, "It's far from it, by the way, do you want a drink? It's been so long, right?"

Upon hearing this, David Benioff and DB Weiss, who were fellow men, looked at each other, and took the initiative to find an excuse to make room. Yang Cheng was very satisfied with their knowledge.

"Okay, I was born in Oxfordshire."

Yang Cheng was a gentleman and helped her get a glass of wine, and started the conversation, "How did you come to the actor?"

"Oh, thanks to my father, he is a theater sound engineer.

I still remember that when I was a child, my parents took me to watch the musical "Ship Show". When I was young, I watched the whole show without crying, so that whenever my family wanted me to be quiet, I would take her to the theater. Watching the show. "

Long Ma recalled the scene when she was a child, and laughed unconsciously.

"When I was young, I not only watched my father finish a lot of work, but also became obsessed with the empty theater. I like to run up and down the stairs, imagining what kind of stories will happen here. I think that place is full of magic. Only fascinated by the people in the theater, more fascinated by their performances.

When I was 10 years old, my thoughts in my heart gradually matured and I told my family that she wanted to become an actress. My father was very supportive of this, so I found an audition opportunity in the West End of London.

I confidently fantasize about taking the role in one fell swoop, and since then, I am magnanimous. However, when I arrived in the theater, I found that more than 80 girls of the same age were waiting for auditions.

The judges asked me to try the theme song "Memories" of the musical "Cat", but I had never heard of this song at all, so I had to perform a nursery rhyme about donkeys that I learned in school. The evaluation was: You are not Can you sing pop songs? "

Yang Cheng laughed cooperatively, "It seems that your parents took the initiative to find a lesson for you~"

"Yes, after spending my entire adolescence in boarding school, I was rejected by the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, the only dream I dreamed of. After traveling back to the UK, I was annoyed to apply for all the schools I could think of. Kind of admission to the London Theatre Center."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Don't say that, at least this school has produced celebrities like Colin Fass, Michael Fassbender, and Tom Hardy."

Long Ma laughed, "But it has nothing to do with me. In the past few years, agents kept coming to watch student performances and discover actors.

In order to attract their attention, I also deliberately changed a small supporting role of "Hamlet" Rossi into a comedy role, but it was useless, no one cared about such a small role at all. "

After a pause, taking a sip of wine, Long Ma pulled her hair behind her ears, "After graduation, in order to make a living, I had to be a bartender and a waiter in a restaurant. At that time, I felt I could not do anything well, even It was a telemarketing job, and I was fired because I preferred to chat with customers instead of selling things.

Those bad days made me more eager for success. "Emilia said.

"Fortunately, such days only lasted for one year. One day, my agent called me and asked if I wanted to audition for the HBO epic drama "Game of Thrones". At that time, I thought this opportunity could not be missed. I wanted to take a gamble. Then I bought a plane ticket to Los Angeles. In order to block my way, I stole all the tea bags in the lobby of the working hotel, because I thought I would definitely not go back.

You know what happened after that. "

Yang Cheng nodded, "Of course I know that "Game of Thrones" became famous in the first battle, and the first shot surprised the world."

Long Ma shook her head helplessly, "Actually I still don't know whether the clothes I took off can be worn back, but at least I succeeded, didn't I?"

Yang Cheng raised his wine glass, "I admire your courage. If I were you, I might not be able to do such a large-scale performance."

"Because you have no shortage of opportunities for success. When the opportunity is in front of you, believe me, you are willing to give everything for it, do you know? As HBO, it was built at a great deal of money back then. The big project I invested in, the extravagant ostentation of the crew’s food alone dazzled me, a fledgling British actress.

When preparing for the audition, I have been studying George Martin's original work and listening to Tupac's music to help me release my inner ferocity. Obviously, these have achieved results.

Prior to this, the role of "Unburnt, Mother of Dragon, and Daenerys Born in the Storm" has interviewed at least a few hundred people. This role needs to be like Joan of Arc, but also has the domineering savior. David and the others only saw this in me. "

At this time, Emilia looked like the upper body of that domineering dragon mother.

"In this way, the unfamiliar me, unexpectedly became the actor who played a popular role with silver hair and purple eyes and a natural beauty different from ordinary people."

Yang Cheng sighed, "You are lucky, you know, the popularity of the original book, just the slobber of fans, can make this character popular.

No one will forget the scene when you made your first appearance in the show: when each of your show untied your clothes, audiences all over the world held their breath in shock.

Believe me, at that moment I wish I was your brother. "

Women's sixth sense is extremely especially from the eyes of the opposite sex, they have very strong perception.

She could clearly feel the possessiveness in Yang Cheng's eyes, at this moment she was both proud and somewhat sad.

Emilia is eager to succeed, but she does not want to be remembered forever by her body.

However, when facing a young and charming rich man like Yang Cheng, she experienced the kuai sense of conquest!

This contradictory mood scorched her heart like a fire.

The two looked at each other with eyes that you know and I know. After a while, Yang Cheng gradually calmed down, and then asked, "You have tried many other roles over the years, but none of them succeeded."

This is a bit cold, but Long Ma didn’t deny it, “I don’t want people to only remember my body. By the way, we still have some origins. When the filming of "Fifty Shades of Grey" started, we also asked me to audition. , But I refused. I don't want to be locked in the shackles of super-large, R-rated films."

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