Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1979: All eyes

"I know you have deliberately participated in the Broadway show "Tiffany's Breakfast" in order to break through your own play, playing the heroine Holly Golightly." Yang Cheng said.

"Have you seen it?" Long Ma was slightly surprised.

Yang Cheng nodded, "I was drunk that night and bought a ticket in a daze. I remember there were only a dozen spectators in the audience."

Long Ma smiled awkwardly, "That was my first time on Broadway. In order to reduce the pressure, I specifically asked the theater not to advertise and let me get used to it."

After graduating from the London Theatre Center, her first Broadway play was to challenge the classic role portrayed by Audrey Hepburn.

Yang Cheng said earnestly, "It's a pity that the original author, Capote, did not live into the 21st century. Otherwise, compared to Hepburn's version of Holly, the great writer should prefer your performance."

Emilia has performed the transition from a weak to domineering queen on the small screen. On the stage of Broadway, this temperament instantly transformed into a pitiful but unstoppable "bird in a cage", as if acting She herself was restricted to the same artistic path.

She said, “No one can keep me in a cage, and I don’t want to own anything until I find a place where I am with what I like. I don’t know where this place is, but I know what it looks like. It looks like Tiffany, so this is my real performance."

Yang Cheng couldn't answer this, because from his point of view, Long Ma didn't seem to break free from the'cage', because at the end of the story, both the frivolous woman and the protagonist played by Emilia walked into the bathtub and continued to speak loudly. Speaking about the mischievous witty words, the police suddenly broke into the door and arrested the socialite Holly Golightly who was suspected of trafficking in drugs.

During the performance, most of the audience in the audience ignored the theater's prohibition of photography and held up their mobile phones to shoot. Yang Cheng still remembers that the theater with only a dozen people went crazy and the security system broke down.

After all, the impact of the reality version is different from watching it through a TV screen.

If it weren't for Yang Cheng's five obsessions, he would have been crazy!

However, her persistent attitude is worthy of recognition. She hopes that others will remember her acting skills, not the twin peaks of the Alps!

In recent years, in order to hone and prove her acting skills, Emilia has taken many small roles, only seeking opportunities to collaborate with big stars and directors.

In the 2013 film "Don Hemingway", she played against the British predecessor Jude Law and played his daughter. She also participated in the film "Doomsday Garden" directed and starred by James Franco.

With her performance in the third season of "Game of Thrones", Emilia was nominated for an Emmy Award for the first time and became the first nominated actress in the crew. However, in most eyes, she was still the one with a good body and acting skills. The missing vase.

However, after she participated in "Terminator: Genisys", she is already recognized as the first line in Hollywood, but the pay is far from the height of Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lawrence, but the story of "Game of Thrones" The seven million US dollars for the seven seasons is the best among the 20-year-old actors.

Acting in "Terminator" the year before last, Emilia's pay was not even lost to the retired public servant Schwarzenegger.

In order to shoot "Terminator 5", Emilia not only strictly dieted, but also received several weeks of martial arts training. Shooting, fighting and even weightlifting were all practiced. In terms of effort, she absolutely crushed all vases.

The two talked about their past experiences, and the more they talked, the deeper their feelings. Of course, it was mainly Long Ma. In the end, her eyes became soggy. Yang Cheng joked helplessly, "If you cry, I will be treated as a hooligan. "

Long Ma couldn't help but smile, "Then, I will testify for you in court."

"Oh, then I have to thank you?" Yang Cheng's expression was aggrieved and aggrieved.

At this time, he heard someone calling himself. Sure enough, he looked back and saw Eddie beckoning to him and said to Long Ma, "How about you be my female companion tonight? After the banquet is over, we can go for a drink ~"

In Europe and the United States, YP is actually very simple, sometimes it is just a look, both men and women understand, but this look can only be unspeakable.

Yang Cheng has that unconcealed desire for Long Ma. As a woman, her intuition is more accurate. In addition, Long Ma is not an innocent little girl. She also dared to pay for the sake of her superiors, so she didn’t hesitate to do it directly. On Yang Cheng's arm.

But this trick is only limited to Yang Cheng, otherwise, try another man whose income is similar to that of Long Ma?

With the smile of the winner, Yang Cheng found Eddie at a fluttering pace. This guy was talking in the crowd.

"Do you know? Wool pigs can only give birth to 8 pigs per litter. If they are not protected, they will be eliminated. They grow slowly and must be raised naturally..."

Yang Cheng said at this time, "Wool pig? You are talking about the Hungarian Mangalica pig? How did you come up with this topic?"

An unknown guest smiled and explained, “Today’s dinner has a dish made of pork, which is very amazing. Some people have seen it and others have not seen it. Eddie is spreading knowledge to everyone.”

As soon as Eddie saw the boss coming, the dog-legged attributes immediately attacked and pulled the boss to C position. At the same time, he saw Long Ma who was holding him by his side. After stunned, he gave up the showy work with wintry. Let the boss say it, after all, what I was about to say just came from him."

Yang Cheng understood it, but still pretended to be helpless, and said, "I really like it. The Hungarian Mangalica pig is called a woolly pig because it is covered with a thick curly hair. ."

Someone asked, "Everyone is very curious, wondering if the curly hair of the Mangalica pig can be knitted into sweaters and can be raised as a pet pig?"

Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head, "Of course not. Although this pig's hair is similar to sheep's hair, it is very different. If you have the opportunity, you can touch it yourself. The hair is very hard and is a good raw material for making pig hair brushes. It’s not like a sheep that can grow quickly, so it’s better to wear a sweater on a pig. It needs to be used for overwintering. In Hungary, this type of pig sells meat."

A little joke amused everyone, and also caused Long Ma's eyes to change, and there was a trace of worship.

"Similarly, the Mangalica pig is not suitable for pet pigs. It looks very cute, but you must know that it is a hybrid of indigenous Hungarian pig breeds and wild boars. Generally, adult pigs weigh more than 100 kilograms, and they cannot be used anyway. The word docile is used to describe it. It still has wild boar-like sensitivity and aggressiveness on its body. Let alone ordinary people, professional breeders must put a large hard plastic board around them as protection when entering the pig house.

It is only suitable for being kept in a zoo, not in an ordinary family.

But it does not prevent eating! "

Long Ma's movements holding Yang Cheng tightened.

Yang Cheng took a sip of the wine, and said with full talk, "You should have discovered that this kind of pig meat is very beautiful, and it has a marble pattern not inferior to top beef.

This is also the reason why Mangalica pigs were called fat pigs before, because their fat content is higher than ordinary pigs, and the lean meat is only about 60% of ordinary pigs. However, its meat is very delicious and the fat is creamy. The texture is richer in minerals and trace elements than ordinary pork, and tests have shown that its fat contains more healthy monounsaturated fatty acids. "

At this time, one of the guests may have a farm under his name. He is keenly grasping the business opportunity, "Mr. Yang, do you think there is any prospect for introducing this type of pig into the United States for breeding."

Regarding the question of business, Yang Cheng answered more cautiously, “As far as I know, a small-scale pig farm in Hungary, with a total of about 200 pigs and small pigs, uses modern management procedures and only requires 3 workers. And a large pig farm will have nearly a thousand.

After the pigs are slaughtered, one is to supply high-end fresh meat to the market, and the other is to make Hungary's unique salami and ham.

But you have to consider carefully. Mangalica pigs grow slowly. As Eddie said before, there are only 8 pigs per unit, and they can only be raised in a free range. Generally, they can be released for more than one year. In order to ensure the ratio of meat to fat, they present beautiful marble The pattern must be slaughtered when the weight reaches 120 kg. Hungary also stipulates that the qualification of a pig farm must have a pasture of more than 20 hectares.

In other words, you have to raise pigs with cattle-raising specifications.

But the price is difficult to reach the level of top-quality beef, even the most expensive, only about 5 times that of ordinary pork. "

After a pause, he still dispelled the other party’s idea of ​​raising pigs. “Of course, if you have to raise pigs, it’s not impossible, but Mangalica pig is the only and unique breed in Hungary, and it is listed as a protected native endangered national treasure. Grade species.

Although there are breeding in other parts of the world, the breed is protected by the original property policy, and Hungary must be added before the pig name.

It is very necessary to protect the purity of the pedigree. In general, there are too many restrictions. If you want to invest in such a long-term and slow-effective project, consider it for yourself. "

Having said that, all fools have heard that he is not optimistic about this project. If UU read is someone else, maybe similar words will be ignored, but Yang Cheng has already proved it with his actual case in the commercial sea. In order to gain my talent, I am very invested.

Everyone believes that with Yang Orange's strength and his understanding of any kind of pig, if this project really makes money, he would have participated in it.

The other party raised his glass and thanked him sincerely, "I understand, thank you for your suggestion."

"You're welcome, just chat~"

This topic is old, and Eddie promptly provokes a new topic, "Everyone, in addition to top ingredients, there are top wines tonight, don't you think today's red wine is special?"

"Yes, it's really chic~"

"Although the taste is very similar to Bordeaux wine, I am sure this is not Bordeaux wine, it seems to be the first time to drink~"

"You don't understand wine when you look at it. This is a new world red wine. If I'm not mistaken, it should come from Chile~"

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