Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1980: See the needle

"This is the wine of Baizilian Winery. The founder used to be the winemaker of Margaux Estate." Eddie enthusiastically introduced that this flattering is a good idea. Yang Cheng didn't buy the winery for 13, or In order to sell wine, is there anything more suitable for promotion than such a high-end occasion?

"No wonder, I drank the unique sense of age that only Bordeaux has."

"Does this wine sell?"

Eddie immediately answered, "Of course, we have specially arranged a staff to take care of reception in the Pian Hall. If you are interested, you can go to the Pian Hall to learn more about it later. In addition, this time we have sent 2,000 bottles from the winery. Red wine comes in, the quantity is not much, first come first serve~"

"Really? Only 2000 bottles? Then I have to buy some~"

"I will go too, I will go too~"

"2000 bottles? Not enough for the spot~"

. . .

Everyone is ready to leave the venue to buy wine, but Richard Plepler also knows this process, otherwise they have to be confused.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone was leaving, Long Ma put on her toes and asked softly in Yang Cheng's ear, "Leave me two boxes. I also want to taste it. This is the first time I drink Chilean red wine."

This affectionate gesture narrowed the distance between the two of them at once. Yang Cheng took his hand out and gently embraced the other's willow-leaf waist, and put it on the fair skin without evasiveness. The whole person was refreshed. When he first watched TV, he wanted to feel it personally, and this wish finally came true.

Long Ma was very generous. She didn't refuse Yang Cheng's intimacy at all. Instead, she leaned on Yang Cheng very intimately. She was less than 160 in height, and she was very petite even in high heels. From a distance, it was as if she had been caught by Yang. The orange wraps the same.

"If you want to drink, let me send it to your house directly, filling your wine library~"

Yang Cheng did what he said, and just two days later, he sent a container truck to Long Ma’s home in Los Angeles, and filled the underground wine cellar with more than 1,000 bottles of wine. This was not enough. I had to clean up the low-end wine that was placed in it before.

. . .

Speaking back, Yang Cheng and Long Ma understood each other's feelings through a few small actions, and then they disappeared. No one knows where and what they did after they disappeared for more than an hour. note.

Anyway, when the two played again, Richard Plepler had already finished his speech, and those interested found that Long Ma's dress seemed to have changed.

Yang Cheng accompanied the vain-walking Long Ma, found Richard Plepler, and met each other. He and Long Ma had known each other a lot.

"Shall we talk in a quiet place?" Yang Cheng suggested.

Richard Plepler readily agrees, and he also wants to have a good chat with the new boss and understand each other's ideas so that he can carry out his work better.

Long Ma was very foresighted and wanted to find an excuse to leave when she saw that the two were about to discuss business matters.

Unexpectedly, Yang Cheng took the initiative, "Listen together, maybe you can find the next opportunity?"

Yang Orange blinked, and the meaning is self-evident, this is a return!

As for whether you can grasp it, it depends on whether Long Ma is smart enough.

The three of them came to the special quiet reception area of ​​the banquet hall, one of them was carrying a glass of red wine, and Yang Cheng said, "Richard, I invited you here in the hope that you can turn CW TV into a great art gallery. I hope the artist will hang the best works in it."

This straightforward sentence expresses Yang Cheng’s ambitions, and it also makes Richard Plepler couldn’t help getting serious, “If I can, I also hope to be able to do it, but on this road, we need enough Patience, and pay enough money."

Yang Cheng nodded, "I don't lack these, but what I lack is a person who can use time and money perfectly. I am not afraid of paying, but I am afraid of paying in vain."

Plepler said solemnly, "I will not let your investment go to waste."

Yang Cheng said in a relaxed tone, "This time you joined CW TV station, but the insiders were shocked. You must know that HBO is now entering the golden age of the brand."

Plepler stretched out his hands helplessly, "Yes, this is very lucky. We have a good momentum in terms of talents. There is an embarrassment similar to the fact that there is too much money to spend. Every Friday, we will learn some orders. Exciting ideas, and these ideas hadn't come out on Monday.

If you have to say it, we are already very close to a great art museum that you call. There are countless masters, contemporary painters, and new generation artists. When they want to show their talents to the outside world, they all Be the first to think of HBO and bring their great works to us. "

Yang Cheng also sighed, "When I was a kid, HBO was one of the few high-quality platforms. It has always had high-quality programs. During the 25 years of your tenure, especially the past five or six years, Netflix, Hulu and Amazon When the company joins this market, there are other Internet-based content providers. In such a fierce competition, how do you keep HBO a unique pedigree? Stand out from the competition?"

Plepler said without hesitation, "First of all, I never think this is a zero-sum game. I never think that because "The Crown" is a good show on Netflix, it detracts from "Western World" and "Size". The brilliance of "Lies" or "Detective Infernal Affairs" is not the case.

It just means that high-quality content has been added to the entire environment. I always emphasized when I was in HBO meetings: Our responsibility is to act in our own way, and UU reading continues to do our own things.

As much as possible to ensure that consumers can not only obtain the most sophisticated content produced by HBO, but also ensure that the corresponding products can be presented no matter when, where, and how customers want to obtain the content, now or in the future.

It is for this reason that I built a multilateral distribution strategy at HBO, and continued to stick to the core value, that is, the way of thinking about the creative process. These are being realized and the effect is very good.

If I didn’t leave, I believe that in this fall, the line at the door of HBO will be longer than five years ago, and much longer than ten years ago. Everyone already knows that the only criterion for me to measure the quality of content is quality. If we insist on this, talents will recognize it, which will become a virtuous circle. "

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Yang Cheng heard a kind of unwillingness from his words. Is it unwilling to leave HBO? Still not reconciled to the fact that your plan has not been realized?

However, he did not ask this question. If he can't grasp it well, it may cause a gap between the two. The other party has not formally entered the job. If there is a conflict at this time, the biggest loss is undoubtedly CW TV!

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