Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1982: Plepler's Gift

Of course it’s a TV series~"

"Can you tell me something?"

Plepler pretended to hesitate, and then he didn’t know where he changed it into a stack of A4 paper. It was hundreds of pages thick, and he handed it to Yang Cheng, “It’s all on it. It took me a whole week to make it. plan."

Long Ma looked at the pile of paper as if she had seen a dragon egg, her expression was as hot as she was just in the bathroom. . .

Yang Cheng took it, skipped the previous routine, and turned directly to the project content. The first one was a project called "Chernobyl", which was about 1:23 am on April 26, 1986. The "Chernobyl nuclear accident" in Ukraine in the former Soviet Union. This nuclear leak is also the most serious accident disaster in the modern history of mankind. After calculating inflation, the damage caused reached nearly 200 billion US dollars.

The severity, scope and duration of the accident are unprecedented in history, not only making the place of the accident an unsuitable city for human habitation, but the people who were affected by radiation in the past still suffer from sequelae. The illness and death that come has even affected the next generation, causing many deformed babies to be born.

The series will revolve around this incident, with the theme of "the cause of the accident" and "the price of a lie", and narrate it step by step.

This nuclear accident, just using data as an example, is enough to reflect its seriousness and make people feel its horror.

After the incident, when Victor Buyukanov, the director of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and others, concealed the disaster from their superiors and lied that the situation was under control, only the protagonist of the story, Kurchatov Nuclear Energy Research Valery Legasov, the first deputy director of the institute, discovered the problem from the "personal casualties section" in the report.

He picked up a black mineral with a smooth surface outside the reactor building from a firefighter and was severely scalded on his hand. He speculated that the black mineral should be graphite, and the entire nuclear power plant only contains graphite in the reactor core, which means that the reactor core In fact, it has been exploded.

As for the reported 3.6 Roentgen radiation, it is only the upper limit of the range of a low-precision dosimeter, but it is equivalent to the radiation of 400 chest x-rays, and the graphite picked up by firefighters is as high as 4 million times.

Then, a section of science popularization of the "RBMK reactor", which compares fuel uranium 235 to a "bullet", gave Yang Cheng a horror: the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with a load of more than 3 million grams of uranium 235 is equivalent to a 3 by 10 The 27th-power bullet is fired at close to the speed of light and penetrates everything where it passes. These burning radioactive particles spread across the continent with the wind, permeating the air, drinking water and food, and will exist for 100 to 50,000 years. The above varies.

This attracted the attention of Mikhail Gorbachev, the supreme leader of the former Soviet Union, and asked him to go to Chernobyl with Boris Shelbina, chairman of the investigation committee.

After confirming the core explosion, the problems that the two had to deal with and the chain reaction that followed followed.

The first is to use 5,000 tons of boron and sand for airdrop to cover the core to extinguish the fire.

The problem that can follow is that the continuously rising temperature will melt through the lower concrete layer, and the lava formed by the sand melted by the uranium will accelerate the rate of melting.

The broken pipes in the nuclear power plant and firefighters’ water spray made the water tank of the emergency cooling system full at this time. The lava would overheat the water and evaporate. About 7000 cubic meters of water in the water tank would cause a more serious thermal explosion. Everything within 30 kilometers will be completely destroyed, and all the radioactive materials in the core will be ejected, up to about 200 kilometers away.

This means that most areas will be permanently destroyed, and Ukraine and Belarus are completely unfit for human habitation for at least 100 years.

The power is equivalent to more than 100 times that of the two atomic bombs in Hiroshima. To avoid this, three workers were sent to manually open the water tank with the valve blocked from the inside of the pipeline, and the water was emptied within 48-72 hours, but at this time underground The level of water pollution in the area is so high that these three workers are likely to be killed.

The process of performing the tasks of the three workers is comparable to a horror movie in the atmosphere described in words.

If it is taken, visually, it should be that the lighting equipment is malfunctioning under the influence of radiation, and the sound of the dosimeter is getting louder and louder. In such a dark and invisible deadly dangerous environment, as long as The shot is good, and the strong sense of fear and suffocation will undoubtedly overflow the screen.

However, pumping out the water and eliminating the threat of more explosions only bought more time for the reinforcement of the concrete protective layer.

Hundreds of miners must manually dig a tunnel within six weeks, and install a liquid nitrogen heat exchanger on the concrete base under the core to prevent the reactor fuel from melting into the underground contaminated water source.

Seeing this, Yang Cheng realized that this script was not as complete as it was just taken out. According to the plan, "Chernobyl" has only 5 short episodes, which is a miniseries, but the efficient narrative makes it Able to show the full picture of the event through multiple dimensions.

From the script, it is not difficult to see several major time points including the incident: incident, rescue, crisis resolution, cleanup, trial; groups involved: nuclear power plant personnel, bureaucrats, committees, rescuers (firefighters, miners, soldiers, etc.), The civilians and the cleaners are all described.

Each episode has the functionality to undertake narrative tasks. As it progresses, it gradually approaches the "cause of the accident" (caused by human problems) and analyzes the "cost of a lie".

It can be said that this is a script with a "sacred drama" factor, and Yang Cheng feels that Plepler should have spent a lot of money to bring it out of HBO.

In the future, CW TV may provoke ties, but it doesn’t matter. The company has so many people in the legal department, is it just a mess?

If you have any problems, you can go to court and arguing with each other. This kind of thing hasn't happened for 5, 6, 7, 8 years, and there is no result at all. U U Reading

Of course, looking at the script alone, this is undoubtedly a good show. As long as the director's IQ is online, don't force his thoughts, there is no possibility of failure.

However, given the historical relationship between the Soviet Union and the United States, I am afraid that many people believe that the exaggeration and fictitious components from the perspective of the US imperialism will particularly cause different disputes among the polar bear media.

But think about it carefully, this kind of dispute is precisely the point of conflict necessary for a ‘magic drama’.

Of course, what he didn’t know was that after HBO’s "Chernobyl" was produced and aired in the original time and space, the Polar Bear TV station also announced that it would shoot a "Chernobyl" movie, telling the story of the American CIA agents. The story of the destruction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

It can be said to be very targeted.

But Yang Cheng doesn't know, it doesn't matter. On the premise of being faithful to historical facts, apart from the fictional part needed for drama creation, from the perspective of the script, the restoration of the whole drama is very high.

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