Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1983: A lot of dramas

The so-called high degree of reduction is reflected in several aspects. For example, in the script, during the process of reporting the accident, the bottom-up concealment and false reporting are on the one hand the selfish desire of subordinates to prioritize personal interests, and on the other hand, ZF considers the stability Conventional methods shouldn’t take the country’s social structure as an example. Even capitalist countries will do the same. Hollywood has no shortage of black and white.

It is even more untrue to say that people who participate in rescue and clean-up are portrayed as snobs for the benefit of money.

In the script, whether it is a worker who goes deep underground to open the valve of a water tank, a miner who digs a tunnel to reinforce the protective layer, or a soldier who goes on the roof to clean the graphite blocks, a few hundred to one thousand rubles at the time did not bring much improvement to their lives. Risking their lives to participate in the rescue is more out of the sacrifice of the ego to save more people and avoid the escalation of disasters and pollution. It reflects the glory of human nature and the spirit of fearless collectivism.

The two scenes, such as recruiting workers to go deep underground to open valves, and the Minister of Coal Industry carrying gun soldiers, and negotiating with the miner foreman, the reasons for their willingness are obvious. They are definitely not driven by money or profit, let alone the later 60 Ten thousand people clean up.

Once the drama "Chernobyl" is filmed, in addition to letting people who don’t understand the accident in that year understand what happened and the impact it brought, the most important thing is that it wants to tell us lies. What are the consequences.

With two recordings of Valery Legasov's monologue as the opening and closing, the first and last two sentences are "What is the price of a lie?", cleverly forming a loop structure of the script, echoing the beginning and the end.

That’s why Yang Cheng thinks that the script is very complete, coupled with the advantages of the subject matter, and Plepler’s demanding requirements for production quality, it is difficult for this drama to not be popular, but it is only five episodes, which is too short!

Yang Cheng raised his head to meet Plepler's gaze, and couldn't help saying, "This show..."

Plepler seemed to know what he wanted to say, and waved his hand, "You only need to give me investment permissions, and don't care about the others~"

Yang Cheng knew that what he said meant that the investment in the entire drama would not be small.

"Once you decide to make this drama, you must have a high degree of restoration in the scenes of nuclear power plants, residential areas, and streets. The sense of age and the creation of atmosphere will undoubtedly deepen the sense of substitution and immersion. , People feel creepy when looking at the screen.

In addition, after referring to a large number of relevant works and historical materials, the costumes and makeup of the characters must be very elegant, and it is best to achieve 1:1.

I need to let the show "Chernobyl" be as objective and unbiased as possible to present the accident that faces the greatest crisis in human history before our eyes.

Making mistakes is not the most terrible thing. Being afraid of the price of the truth and covering it up with lies one after another is the deadliest. When there are too many lies, we will gradually lose the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood. "

Plepler expressed his intention to make this drama. Yang Cheng nodded almost without thinking, "No problem, how much investment is needed. If CW TV is not enough, I will allocate funds from the head office to fully meet your requirements. "

Plepler breathed a sigh of relief, which was the opposite of his calmness before, "Thank you!"

Yang Cheng thought it was funny, "What? Think I would refuse?"

"Actually, I can understand if you refuse. After all, this drama is too realistic and the investment is so large..."

"But you will inevitably be disappointed, right?"

"I don't deny~"

"Don't worry, it's the same sentence, I don't lack the eyes to discover beauty, and the courage to pursue beauty!"

"Now I agree~"

It took less than 10 minutes before and after to finalize a pre-determined drama. Yang Cheng was in a good mood, and Long Ma next to her was anxious. She wanted to see it too. She felt that this wad of paper was her magic weapon for winning the first line!

However, Yang Cheng didn’t care about him, so he looked down for himself-"Ekaterina the Great", this is an epic masterpiece planned by Plepler, and even the heroine has been found, Helen Mi Lun, the queen's professional household, is about to ascend the throne again. This time, she plays the longest-term female emperor of the polar bear-Catherine the Great.

"Ekaterina the Great" mainly focuses on the turbulent life of ZZ, her private inner world and her scandals during the reign of Ekaterina.

Directed by "The Crown" producer Philip Martin, this has ensured the quality in the production lineup.

But in the same way, this is also a high-investment project, and Yang Cheng secretly calculated inwardly and continued to look down.

"Fifth Avenue":

In Plepler’s plan, this is a comedy used to support the facade, or a space comedy, this drama mainly revolves around a paragraph of ridiculous stories about passengers traveling in space.

Science fiction + comedy, this mashup style is still worth looking forward to. The important thing is that the investment is not high, and finally Yang Cheng's heart is not so panicked.


It tells about a murder case in a small town in the United States, in which an 11-year-old boy was forcibly and dismembered.

Through police investigations, evidence such as DNA, fingerprints, and eyewitness testimony all point to a teacher who is loved by students and parents.

However, in the face of ironclad evidence, the teacher always insisted that he was innocent. In order not to create unjust, false and wrong cases, JC who led the case decided to investigate the case again.

As a result, he accidentally discovered that under the evidence of witnesses and video recordings, the suspect teacher was not present at all on the day of the crime!

"The Outsider" is adapted from the "Master of Horror" Stephen King's online serialization of the same name. However, since it has not been completed, in order to avoid the embarrassment that Quan You has not finished writing the whole play, the plan specifically states: The project will Start production after finishing the publication.

However, Plepler had already talked about the film and television adaptation rights, and Yang Cheng nodded with satisfaction.

The suspense, horror, and supernatural elements are the biggest highlight of the whole show. This is the masterpiece of HBO before, now it's the turn of CW TV.

"Anti-American Conspiracy":

The specific script has not yet been released. There is only an outline. The screenwriter is David Simon. Those who are familiar with American dramas know that he is the symbol of the drama. This time, he personally served as the screenwriter of "Anti-American Conspiracy."

There are not many words in the outline, but a few short sentences reveal the core of the play: If, in the 1940 US general election, Lindbergh, who supported Nacui and hated Jews, defeated Roosevelt, the United States would What is it like? This is an overhead history, a bit mirroring the ZZ situation in the United States today.

Yang Cheng couldn't help but squeezed her chin, feeling that this show had something wrong!

"I Know It Is Real":

Adapted from a best-selling movie of the same name, it is rich in elements-schizophrenia, xing invasion, family secrets, extramarital affairs, chaotic lun...All unexpected dog-blood events can be found in this drama.

The biggest highlight of this play is "Hulk" Mark Ruffalo, who wants to challenge his acting skills, playing two roles, playing a pair of twin brothers with different personalities.

"Doing nothing":

Also adapted from, it mainly tells the story of a woman who is in a whirlpool of public opinion and how to deal with a broken family.

According to the plan, Plepler is going to invite Nicole Kidman to star in "Lie and Big Lies" which was just released, giving her a second chun on the small screen, so her new drama should be worth looking forward to, but Yang Cheng thinks , It’s not a bad idea for Long Ma to play this role.

And in the plan, Plepler made it very clear that the actors have not yet issued an invitation and everything can be changed.

In Long Ma's anxious eyes, she didn't know that Yang Cheng had already found a role for her.

Looking at Plepler’s plans, from drama kings to epic masterpieces, to projects covering comedy, science fiction, suspense, plot and other fields, we can see that he has a strong view of himself during the CW contract period. Desire to work and self-motivated, in Yang Cheng's view, are more valuable than 100 ordinary projects that he does not make.

It also made him completely relieved to hand the TV station into Plepler's hands.

Close the plan and put it on the table, Long Ma's eyes almost fell in.

Yang Cheng opened his hands, "What else can I say? Richard, tell me, how much money do you need for this plan?"

Plepler was also not welcome, and directly compared with a palm, "You shouldn't finish reading it. There are 12 projects in total, and I need 500 million~"

Yang Cheng just pondered a little, and said, "CW TV now has its own cash flow of only about 100 million. You should save it as a guarantee. This budget has been issued by the head office~"

Plepler was stunned, and couldn’t help saying, “You don’t need to come up with 500 million yuan at once. TV series production is cycled, one by one, and the funds can be recycled. It really can’t work like a bank loan or Co-produced by outsiders."

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand and took a few shots on the plan. "We eat these items alone, and we don't even separate any scum. Do you understand what I mean?

You don’t have to worry about funding, UU Reading www.uukānshu. com I said that I would fully support it, and I will definitely support it. "

For the first time, Plepler had a dispute with his boss over money. He smiled happily and under pressure, "Well, thank you for your trust, but I am serious. With the company's existing funds, it is enough to run these projects. , If you really want to help me reduce my stress, please allocate 100 million first."

Yang Cheng didn't reluctantly, since Plepler had said so, persuading him to be distrustful of his ability.

"Well, listen to you, but I only have one request. Amy is my friend. If there is a suitable project, I hope you can consider her~"

Long Ma was stunned. She didn't expect Yang Cheng to take care of her so straightforwardly. She was not afraid that Plepler would look at herself with colored glasses, after all, this kind of thing is too common in this circle.

Moreover, compared with other people, Long Ma controls this aspect very well, at least there has never been any news about Tao Se, and now they are all sitting in the same boat, and they are not afraid of playing with Yin.

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