Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1985: Take Long Ma to Drink Lamb Soup

If Netflix really wants to challenge HBO, then it must show the ability to consistently produce high-quality content.

But this is a traditional competition. Netflix needs to develop its own attractiveness and management capabilities throughout the entire chain of TV series production.

This is not a problem that can be solved by technology. The so-called big data means that the director can know the preferences of many people, but it is really useless for truly outstanding dramas.

Valuable content cannot be produced through technology. This is a product determined by inspiration and creativity. This is how business is.

But Plepler said suddenly, "In my opinion, it is better to say that online news publishers are experiencing a dark winter than television stations are being hit."

The online news publishers he said include media groups such as BuzzFeed and Verizon, which include assets such as the Huffington Post, Yahoo, and AOL websites. The recent frequent layoffs of these websites are based on what Plepler said. reason.

Of course, this is not an accident. It is well-documented that the US online media is gradually getting into trouble. With the shift of online advertising revenue, most of the growth will flow to the largest advertising audience aggregation platform, which is the search engine Google and social network giants. Facebook, of course, will add a new era media recently.

In the past, some online media companies focused their attention on viral media content, which has performed well on platforms such as Facebook in the past. In addition, according to the requirements of Facebook and other advertisers, the media is still focusing on video content. A lot of money has been invested.

However, when Facebook began to play rogues to change its strategy and reduce the display time of media content, online media found themselves in a dilemma.

Facebook does this in the hope that users will be able to interact more than watch the news.

To solve this problem, online media have only two ways. One is to build a paywall to generate subscription revenue, and the other is to merge to expand the scale for advertisers and reduce operating costs.

Most choose the former, and then when they find that users are losing interest in it, their financial situation is getting worse and worse, to the point where they have to lay off employees, the next step may be bankruptcy.

Some things are hard to say, but the birth of the Toutiao app has indeed accelerated their ‘death’.

Pulling the topic back, Plepler said, "So instead of worrying about the impact of Netflix and other Internet platforms, it is better to make products steadily. As long as the TV series are turned into boutiques, Netflix is ​​not a concern."

Yang Cheng exhaled, "Well, since you are confident, I won't talk nonsense. In short, the TV station will give you everything. If you need it, tell me, I'm waiting for your results."

"No problem~"

The two clinked their glasses and drank them, and this brief conversation ended.

. . .

After the banquet, Yang Cheng took Longma to eat supper. Speaking of New York’s late-night snack market, it is basically the country’s largest food market. It is a joke. After the late night indulgence, if you don’t add some energy, how can you fight until the early morning?

Dongcheng and Midtown, including Flushing, have recently opened many barbecue restaurants, offering all kinds of skewers, crayfish, and hot pot.

Nowadays, Lu Chuan is no longer exclusive to Chinese and foreign students. There are many countries in the United States that have reached out to the cultural influence of Country Z. They are used to come to the Isle of Man in the middle of the night to enjoy the romance of Lu Chuan.

And Yang Cheng is more advanced. With the dragon mother playing the string, he is probably the only one in the world who can do it, right?

Sitting in the car, Yang Cheng asked with a smile, "Do you like barbecue?"

Long Ma nestled against Yang Cheng, "Of course, who doesn't love barbecue?"

This is resonance. This is too true. Who doesn't love barbecue?

And if you look at the world, the food that resonates with people all over the world may only be barbecue.

Could this be derived from ancestral genes? After all, a long, long time ago, when people had just mastered the use of fire, the first food they ate was barbecue. The raw ingredients were grilled on the fire to get a golden appearance, fresh meat, and taste. It is much better than raw, especially when a large piece of meat is grilled over a fire, it will make people more appetite.

Compared to the barbecue in Country Z, the barbecue that the Americans or the entire Westerners love is undoubtedly more primitive and rough.

Americans believe that the best barbecue is made with good charcoal and hardwood smoke. It is grilled until the meat can be separated from the bones and becomes soft, and finally barbecue sauce is added. This is a primitive cooking technique, but It requires various methods, patience, and a good combination, and it tastes very good.

However, in the opinion of the Z people, just putting the charcoal in place and lighting it with a fire will have a lot of fun. Every step is done by yourself, and it will be more satisfying to eat.

The beer is ready, and the grill is ready. Then choose the meat you want to eat, chicken, beef, pork, and brush with various seasonings. Once the meat is placed on the grill, add vegetables and fruits. Is the greatest pleasure.

Yang Cheng asked, "Have you eaten authentic country Z barbecue?"

"I haven't eaten anything that is not authentic~"

Yang Cheng was stunned, her small expression was aggrieved.

Amused Long Ma laughed, showing her classic eyebrows.

"But I have eaten authentic southern barbecue~"

Yang Cheng nodded repeatedly, "That's great. In the southern United States, barbecue was originally used to cook pork. Before the American Civil War, southerners ate about five pounds of pork for every pound of beef consumed. Southern barbecue tradition originated from capturing and Cooking boar party.

Individual southern regions have their own special varieties of barbecue, especially for sauces. In North Carolina, vinegar sauces are very popular.

In South Carolina, mustard sauce and light and heavy tomato sauces are popular.

Another popular food is a pulled pork sandwich made from bread, often topped with coleslaw.

In Texas, they like to eat sirloin, while in Kansas city-style barbecue, they use walnut to grill different parts of meat, including pork chops, smoked sausage, steak and chicken breast. "

Long Ma looked admired, "OMG, can you tell so much about a barbecue?"

Men like to be admired by women. Xu Huanshan cheated on Mao Lin Youyou. It was not because his wife put too much pressure on him, which made him feel less satisfied with being a man, while Lin Youyou satisfied him. Hold up all the fantasies of the sky.

Yang Cheng is no exception. He was originally a successful person, and it is no surprise to be admired by others, but the admiration from Long Ma still made him feel a little impulsive.

When I arrived at the barbecue restaurant, it was an old restaurant in Flushing. The most famous restaurant in his house was actually mutton soup, but then I didn’t know where to recruit a master XJ. The red willow skewers instantly conquered the new Old diners, Yang Cheng has also found the taste of hometown after a long time.

I deliberately brought Dragon Ma, and I believe that the most authentic is the best. Other improved dishes and barbecues have no meaning at all.

"Lao Zhou, Lao Zhou?" Yang Cheng shouted out loud as soon as he entered the door.

After a while, the back kitchen opened the curtain, and a big bald head walked out from inside. It was a joy to see Yang Cheng, "Oh, little orange? You haven't come some days~"

Yang Cheng stepped forward and hugged Lao Zhou kindly, "No, it's been more than a year? How's your health?"

"Very good, very good~"

Only then did Lao Zhou notice the bewildered foreign girl following behind, winking at Yang Cheng, "Okay, you, have you changed again?"

Yang Cheng grinned and smiled, "Friendly exchanges, today you have to show all your skills, don't make me ashamed, I use all the words that can be praised in the car."

Lao Zhou patted his chest, "Don't worry, you don't worry about my Lao Zhou's craftsmanship? You go to the private room, I'll go to the back kitchen and stare at it. First, let's have a bowl of lamb soup?"

Yang Cheng nodded fiercely, just like this, "I didn't say, give me a bowl of haggis, my friend may not be able to drink the original flavor, give her sauerkraut~"

"No problem, I have a lot of foreigners, so I didn't say it tastes bad~"

"I know, otherwise I can't come here specially at night~"

After the greeting, Yang Cheng took Long Ma upstairs to the private room. Long Ma seemed to have entered a Pandora's box, her eyes were not enough, "You know the boss well?"

"Um~ my old friend, I especially love his soup~"

"Soup? Don't you eat barbecue?"

"Barbecue is also available, but first drink soup to warm the stomach, it is still quite cold outside~"

Long Ma nodded ignorantly, "Okay~"

Tang has been sitting on the fire. Not long after Yang Cheng and the others entered the box, Lao Zhou took the tray and served the dishes himself.

Yang Cheng's bowl is large in size, and under the snow-white thick soup, there is a calm and fragrant haggis. You can add it for free after drinking the soup, unlimited times.

As for Long Ma’s bowl, it looks like a lot of ‘rich’, sauerkraut, fans, and mutton. It smells like GPS installed, and keeps rushing into the nostrils~

Long Ma stared, "What kind of soup is this? Beef?"

Yang Cheng smiled mysteriously. Some foreigners don’t like to eat lamb. He didn’t know Long Ma’s taste, so he didn’t say directly. Let her eat it first and think it’s delicious. It’s not contradictory to say what meat it is. .

Long Ma took a spoon and took a sip, UU read and said in surprise, "Hmm~ so fragrant~"

Spoon after spoonful, I kept drinking, the fragrant lamb soup mixed with a hint of sourness, it was very appetizing.

Yang Cheng's bowl was not seasoned. He added salt, pepper, and white vinegar to his liking, and finally took a sip of it. The taste was nothing for a dragon mother to change!


Lao Zhou never left, Yang Cheng sighed, then smiled and said, "How is it? The taste hasn't changed, right?"

Yang Cheng sucked up the lamb and gave a thumbs up, "It’s not changed at all, it’s so cool, you are tired, let the Xinjiang master grill some skewers, lamb, beef, pork, chicken wings, crispy bones, you match it first 50 Let's talk about it."


Lao Zhou was still suppressing his accent, but he didn't suppress it at the moment. The smell of such a big mouth is so kind~

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