Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1986: Popular onboarding

Sheep soup, people who love love to death, and dislike those who don't like it, because of the smell of sheep.

Lao Zhou’s restaurant uses local merino sheep, which actually has a stinky smell, but Lao Zhou knows how to handle it and uses spices. This is all decades of experience.

After a bowl of mutton soup, the coldness in the body was swept away, and Long Ma's brows stretched out. "I didn't expect the soup of Country Z to be so delicious. Haven't you said what kind of meat it is?"

Yang Cheng didn't sell Guanzi this time, "How about lamb? Tender, right?"

"It turned out to be lamb. I said it tasted different from beef, but it was also delicious and more flavorful than grilled lamb."

Yang Cheng laughed, "It seems that you can adapt to the tastes of country Z. Next time I will take you to eat authentic national Z dishes~"


The two of them ate skewers and drank beer, taking a bite of lamb soup from time to time. There is no such thing as a rich man and a star.

With the excitement of lamb, the fighting between the two became more intense in the middle of the night. The one who had to lose was Yang Cheng’s ‘safe room’, which was soundproofed, otherwise the movement would have to be called to the police.

. . .

The next day, Yang Cheng sent Long Ma on the plane back to Los Angeles and then returned to the company.

Plepler has officially entered the post today. First, he has to go to the New Times Building to handle some necessary procedures, and then Yang Cheng will take him to the post in person.

The entry formalities are very simple. You don’t need to run in person. After a cup of coffee in Yang Cheng’s office, Liu Junyu came back with a bunch of documents that needed to be signed. After Plepler signed it, Yang Cheng got up and said, “Let’s go, I Send you to office~"

Speaking of HBO's headquarters in New York, it's quite close to CW TV station. I can't help but feel embarrassed when I meet my former colleagues in the future.

However, the flow of personnel is very frequent in the entertainment industry, and after a long time, no one will particularly care.

Early in the morning, all the available employees of CW TV station arrived. Except for the field staff who had to run outside, it can be said that today is the most tidy day for the staff from CW TV station headquarters.

When Yang Cheng and Plepler got out of the car, several high-level TV stations stood at the door to greet their new boss. When they got out of the elevator, the whole building was a sensation.

It stands to reason that welcoming the newly appointed CEO will not be such a big move, but there is no one can deny the achievements made by Plepler in HBO because of the reputation of the people.

Everyone is expecting him to perform miracles again in CW.

After all, this means that everyone can earn more bonuses. Without ratings, don’t mention bonuses. Can the salary be refunded?

Plepler is in a good mood, joining the new company represents a new challenge, and at this time, the employees express a warm welcome to you, at least make his start smooth, don’t bother to integrate internally, which is undoubtedly a good news.

Yang Cheng did not expect that the employees agreed with Plepler from the bottom of their hearts. Originally, he came today and wanted to support Plepler. Now it seems that it is a bit redundant.

Plepler looked at the staff clapping enthusiastically and blinked at Yang Cheng, "Boss, isn't this something you arranged specially?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "I swear by all my wealth, I haven't said a word, it's all spontaneous."

Plepler rubbed the corners of his eyes, "It seems that in the first half of my career, I was recognized by my peers. I am very pleased~"

Yang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "You deserve it, enjoy it~"

Immediately he took a step back and gave up the C position. A high-level executive next to him was very sensible and immediately said, "Everyone, be quiet, let our Mr. Plepler speak~"

Plepler took a step forward and didn’t use a microphone. He said in a hearty voice, “This is a memorable day. At least for me, today will be an anniversary every year in the future. Thank you for your enthusiasm. I will never forget it."

Everyone laughed and applauded again, and Plepler pressed his hands, "Actually, there is nothing to say. I came to a new environment and saw my boss who fully supported me and colleagues who warmly welcomed me. I can't ask for more. What I can do is to trade the highest quality programs for higher ratings, and strive to double everyone’s bonus this year~"

Yang Cheng kept smiling and applauding from behind him. These two sentences were very real and exhilarating. The last trace of doubt in his heart disappeared. He believed that CW TV would get better and better, and it would become a new era media in the future. The absolute pillar.

After the spontaneous welcome ceremony, Yang Cheng and Plepler came to his new office.

It is also located on the top floor. The area is not as big as Yangcheng's, but it is more than 100 square meters. The decoration is very low-key, but it is heavy everywhere. Behind the black piano painted desk, there is a huge bookcase, but there are no books inside. , But a list of neatly categorized information and files, all of which are the accumulation of his decades of working life, and he brought them all.

Yang Cheng walked around the office on the soft carpet and nodded in satisfaction, "Not bad, what do you think? If you are not satisfied, please bring it up~"

Plepler sat in his seat without saying a word, took out the documents he had prepared, and said with a smile, "Boss, there is no dissatisfaction. The only thing you need to do is to sign this document. , My work will revolve around this plan~"

Yang Cheng took it and took a look. It was the start-up letter of yesterday's plan. Yang Cheng signed it, which meant it was officially effective, and Plepler had the strongest confidence.

There was nothing to say, Yang Cheng took out the signature pen from his pocket, swiped it twice and signed the name.

"I'll leave it to you here. I originally wanted to have a brunch together, but depending on your posture, I don't want to waste this time, right?"

Plepler laughed, "Boss, you understand me more and more~"

"Well then, UU reading I'm leaving, please feel free to call me if you have anything to do~"

Yang Cheng shook her hand and left the TV station in a cool manner.

After getting in the car, Liu Junyu, the co-pilot, asked, "According to the schedule, there will be an appointment next time~"

"With whom?"

"Mr. Zuckerberg~"

Yang Cheng patted his forehead, "I almost forgot about it. Andrew drove quickly."

This meeting with Xiao Zha was a temporary motive. The conflicts between the two companies before were actually not a major event, and the two sides have already reconciled, not to the point where they cannot communicate with each other.

This time Xiaozha came to New York and specifically asked to meet and chat. Yang Cheng also wanted to know what the gangster was going to say to him. In that case, let’s meet. Anyway, New York is his turf. It really started to quarrel. He does not suffer. . .

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