Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1988: Imitate wx

Sit down, I am not your first time here~"

Aside from the cumbersome process of formal business meetings, the two directly sat opposite each other in the office, and Yang Cheng seemed casual, as if greeting an old friend.

Xiao Zha is more casual, wearing a solid T-shirt and jeans that hasn't changed over the years, and the female secretary who has just been with him is more serious than him.

"Your office is three times as big as mine~" Xiao Zha took Yang Cheng and handed over a crystal wine glass.

Just now Yang Cheng asked the customer what he wanted to drink as usual, but Xiaozha came up and said whiskey. It was morning!

Yang Cheng couldn't help but poured a cup to accompany him.

"It's not important. If you think about it, you can be ten times bigger at any time. Let's talk about your purpose. From the outside world, we should be enemies now~" Yang Cheng said unceremoniously.

Xiao Zha leaned Erlang's legs, played with the wine glass without drinking, stared at it for a few seconds, then suddenly asked, "Have you ever thought of selling the company?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Are you here to make a joke with me?"

"I'm serious~ to be precise, sell the Toutiao app and be a major shareholder of Facebook with peace of mind."

"I still think you are joking. You know the value of Toutiao app. Once it goes on the market, it will be no less massive than Facebook."

The implication is that although you are not short of money, you still cannot afford it.

Xiao Zha didn't feel surprised, on the contrary, if Yang Cheng agreed, it was an accident.

But he had the answer in his heart, and just asked casually, "Well, I know it's impossible, when I didn't say it.

So, let’s talk about the purpose of my coming. Facebook is about to transform. "

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Although I have Facebook shares, but..." What he wants to say is, why do you tell me if Facebook will change?

Xiao Zha waved his hand and interrupted, "After listening to me, this transformation is a strategic adjustment and there is no room for loss, so I hope our two families can temporarily put aside their prejudices~"

Yang Cheng squinted his eyes. He seemed to understand. Xiao Zha meant that he didn't want to make trouble at the critical moment of his transformation. Reason is such a reason, but why?

Of course, he didn't say that directly, but his expression was already obvious. Why should I obey you? And when you messed up with me earlier, you didn't say hello in advance.

Instead, he tentatively asked, "How to transform?"

Xiao Zha said vaguely, Yang Cheng didn't catch it, but he guessed a little.

In today's mobile Internet era, Facebook can be said to be a well-deserved "social hegemon". Toutiao is almost equivalent to nothing in terms of social attributes, that is, MS short videos have opened some channels, but they are still far away from Facebook.

Yang Cheng saw this very clearly, without blindly self-confidence.

Facebook owns four applications: Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram.

In addition to the "Mothership" Facebook, the "Troika" each has more than 1 billion users. The four applications are like the "city square" of the digital world, helping people connect with each other.

Such a matrix is ​​incomparable to headlines that have just been established less than four years ago.

However, the problems that Facebook has successively exposed in recent years, such as the leakage of tens of millions of users’ private data; involvement of "foreign powers interfering in U.S. election ju"; condoning "inciting violence" remarks; the profit model of collecting user data and accurately placing advertisements has caused doubts, etc. , Have worsened the reputation of Facebook, and its share price has suffered.

Under the embarrassment, Xiaozha's bald apology is no longer useful. Something must be done to reverse the decline, otherwise Facebook will not be far from the end.

But Facebook has already formed a scale, and any change may involve the overall situation. At this time, Xiaozha can actually do not much.

In Yang Cheng's view, perhaps Facebook will follow the example of Wechat. Privacy-focused social interaction and cross-platform social interaction are two more popular elements today.

Now more users tend to communicate one-on-one or in small circles in the "living room", so privacy-focused platforms like wechat make open platforms like Facebook more important.

But the first thing he needs to do is to resolve the interoperability between the "mothership" and the "troika", which means that billions of users may be able to achieve cross-platform interaction through an "end-to-end" "super APP". Quite the meaning of a long time.

Needless to say, the benefits of this move will provide users with a more convenient and attractive experience, or more users will be activated again.

But the disadvantage is that each port has its own unique comfort zone. Once it is opened up, not to mention the software integration problem, just whether the user can adapt to this "super APP" is enough to kill tens of billions of brain cells. After all, the comfort of social experience is the key factor to win the overall situation.

Of course, this idea is good. If you think about the monopoly of wechat in country Z, you know how powerful the western version of wechat will be once Facebook is integrated and transformed.

Imagine: Suddenly want to drink a drink on the street, you can buy a drink right away with your phone; you don’t need to run to withdraw money when you pay with your friend AA, and you don’t look clumsy; buy tickets online, you don’t have to line up to catch a train... It is so ubiquitous and indispensable in people's daily life, which is so powerful for foreigners who are still using different apps separately.

The direction is there, but can it succeed?

Yang Cheng is also uncertain, because the two business models are completely different. Many Silicon Valley technology giants, including Facebook, rely heavily on online advertising for their development, but WeChat, which has 1.1 billion monthly active users, shows other models, especially those Based on payment and business models, large-scale digital services can be supported.

One is based on advertising and the other is based on customers. Can Western users adapt to and get used to two completely different consumption patterns?

And the biggest attraction of Wechat is payment. Penguin has entered the retail, education, and healthcare markets. Payment is their stepping stone to enter these areas. After you embed digital payment in the system, you can expand and provide other services.

So if Facebook wants to follow the example of, the first thing to do is to get through the payment system. Of course, they are already doing it. Their Messenger has already begun to try to provide payment functions, but they started too late and it might be difficult to catch up. .

You must know that wechat's payment system is based on a country in Z, and if Facebook wants to form a WeChat scale, it needs more than just the banking and financial systems of the United States, but also other countries.

Otherwise, wechat can realize the integrated service of taxi, shopping, and ordering, which will never be realized by Facebook.

In order to do this, Facebook may have to apply for payment business licenses in many countries. With the time and effort required, can Facebook afford it?

Let alone other countries, but Wall Street and the Federal Reserve are enough for Xiaozha to drink a pot.

Wait, Yang Cheng suddenly remembered, this guy won't be looking at Yuanshan Bank, right?

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