Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1989: Libra Project

Yang Cheng suddenly remembered, this guy won't be looking at Yuanshan Bank, right?

In fact, the nasty thought in Xiao Zha's heart really didn't escape Yang Cheng's expectation. He was indeed thinking about cooperating with Yuanshan Bank.

Yuanshan Bank bears the brunt of the first batch of experimental cooperative banks for Facebook Pay. Why? Because Xiaozha struck up the idea of ​​his Chinese wife again.

Last year’s Datagate, Facebook’s reputation plummeted. Xiao Zha wanted to restore his reputation, so he naturally had to rely on the kind-hearted Chinese. There was no way. His wife was too smart to marry, but from a human perspective, Xiao Zha’s character Inferior guys are far less worthy of Chen.

However, Yang Cheng may still underestimate Xiao Zha's ambitions. Not only does he have to forcefully launch a payment system, he is also preparing to create cryptocurrency.

Xiaozha said ambitiously, "In my plan, Facebook will launch its own currency system by 2020 at the latest, which I named the Libra Project.

Facebook will use the world's emerging blockchain technology to create an open financial ecosystem and provide so-called characteristic financial services to the world by issuing encrypted currencies.

This project is not operated by ourselves alone, but will be jointly operated by a large number of large American companies and new companies including Visa, Uber, PayPal, eBay, Lyft and Spotify, and share resources with Facebook to develop competitive services. Of course, I now formally invite you to join us to realize this great plan together. "

Yang Cheng listened with a bewildered look. Listening to what he said, Facebook not only plans to establish a headquarters in the United States, but also opens branches around the world to carry out cryptocurrency business locally. His ambitions are amazing.

This is entirely an attempt to establish another financial and monetary system that is completely reborn and free from traditional supervision and restriction in addition to the existing financial and currency markets, transactions, and regulatory policy systems in the United States.

Xiao Zha was a bit reprimanded Fang Qiu, "For Facebook, this may be a major strategic innovation and business expansion. As the world's leading social network platform, Facebook has a huge influence and is active every day. There are about 1.5 billion users, which is the strength of the Libra project."

Yang Cheng couldn’t help but reminded, “Your plan is bound to have a huge impact on financial and currency supervision and stability in the United States and the world, and it will also promote more than 1,500 cryptocurrencies around the world to become more active. Do you think ZF will pass you Your plan?"

Xiaozha defended, “We launched this cryptocurrency intensification, not to make money in the first place, but to innovate US financial services. Without financial service innovation, US sanctions may be at risk;

If the United States cannot quickly modernize its financial currency, the global financial system may become fragmented;

If the United States cannot lead the decentralization of the financial services industry, its national security may be in danger. "

Yang Cheng heard a black thread in his forehead, damn, how could this set of rhetoric be so familiar, it was completely shameless rhetoric of Zhengke.

"Can you talk about this plan of yours? I have no idea~"

Xiao Zha thought Yang Cheng was interested. "The core of the Libra project is Libra. This is a subversive digital currency between Bitcoin and PayPal, so I named it Libra. It can As a balance currency and platform.

Although the functions are similar, Libra is different from PayPal and other competitors in that it is mainly aimed at users without bank accounts.

Unlike Bitcoin, the value of Libra is linked to the currency issued by ZF, especially a basket of trusted currencies.

This means that Libra is not used to create profit, but more like changing a dollar into a euro, or changing a currency into a more stable currency.

This currency can provide online business and financial services to one billion people outside the banking system at the lowest cost, just as the Internet once provided information to people at the lowest cost, we can achieve greater stability.

In addition, as part of the plan, we will form a partnership with a number of financial companies such as Visa, MasterCard, and online companies such as Spotify and Uber to establish an association headquartered in Switzerland to oversee the development of this new financial tool.

The way you want to get it is very simple. You can get it through an e-wallet app called'Calibra'. After that, users can use this app or other instant messaging software under the Facebook company that supports this app to connect with the world Anyone in any corner trades with Libra, and even no bank is needed anymore. "

After listening to Yang Cheng, his first impression is that Xiao Zha wants to launch this long-deprecating cryptocurrency plan, with multiple strategic purposes. It is not going to seize and expand the global Internet information position, but expand to the financial currency field. , In order to fully cooperate with the national strategy of "No matter how great America is".

If all goes well, as long as Facebook persists for 10-15 years, it can operate half of the world and maintain the United States' lead in digital currencies.

Of course, this is a relatively ideal prediction. I am afraid that more people will face deep worries or fears when facing the Libra Project. After all, this is not what Facebook should do.

In fact, for ZF, the rise of global cryptocurrency is not a good thing.

But for Facebook, the most direct benefit of the Libra project is to achieve the same effect as wechat in the West.

Furthermore, it is to compete with mainstream currencies of various countries.

And this is what ZF countries need to be most vigilant about. At the end of the first decade of this century, as the world’s new round of information technology revolution advances by leaps and bounds, after the Internet, mobile Internet, Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing, Out of the blockchain.

Blockchain is a new application model of computer technology such as distributed data storage, peer-to-peer transmission, consensus mechanism, and encryption algorithm. In a sense, it is a revolution to the open, shared, and interconnected traditional Internet.

In 2008, a mysterious scientist under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto published a sensational article "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System". Since then, blockchain technology has been born, a new kind of global Digital currency-Bitcoin also came into being.

Bitcoin is particularly mysterious because it is a cryptocurrency. Although it is still not well-known and used by most people, it has been quietly growing and spreading, and its price has continued to soar.

As a brand new digital currency, Bitcoin is not only different from various partially recycled virtual currencies in the virtual world, but also different from the early digital gold currency named and priced by the weight of gold. It mainly uses P2P peering. Network technology relies on technologies such as checksum cryptography for mining, creation, distribution, circulation and management.

Theoretically, it is completely different from the existing gold and currencies in the world. It basically avoids the strict approval and supervision of the traditional official financial and monetary institutions of various countries. It not only gives everyone the right to mine, create and trade, but also This type of currency can be issued.

One Bitcoin will let the ZF of all countries grab the head, and then another Libra coin, or is it based on a platform with a wide range of influence such as Facebook, once the implementation is successful, is it worth it?

As we all know, the minting, issuance and market circulation of any country's currency in the world has always been an extremely serious matter and is subject to very strict supervision.

If there is a currency problem, the national economy will be in chaos and even cause social unrest.

Blockchain and Bitcoin have innovative and positive aspects in terms of human technological innovation, protection of privacy, ease of traceability, and opening up of currency monopolies, but they are a huge subversion of global governance and the traditional management of the country.

However, some people have blown up cryptocurrency supernaturally, and the price of Bitcoin has indeed risen from the earliest tens of dollars to hundreds or thousands of dollars. It has more than doubled in the last two years. If you continue to let it go crazy Rising, it is estimated that after a short correction, it is not impossible to reach $20,000.

The outside world is not clear about who is working on Bitcoin, and the financial and monetary and cybersecurity regulatory authorities of various countries may not be in control.

The scary thing is that after Bitcoin, a variety of cryptocurrencies such as Ether have emerged in the world, and Ether, etc. are still being upgraded.

Ether is an open source public blockchain platform with smart contract functions. It provides a decentralized Ether virtual machine to process peer-to-peer contracts through its dedicated cryptocurrency Ether, which is more advanced than the earliest Bitcoin in some aspects.

Now Ether has become the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin.

According to reports, the number of cryptocurrencies in the world has increased to more than 1,500, with a variety of creation systems, platforms, logos, transactions, circulation, and service models.

Due to the lack of strict supervision, network hacking attacks, and the lack of sophisticated technical security, the international cryptocurrency problem is quite serious.

Currently, about one-quarter of Bitcoin users and nearly half of Bitcoin transactions involve illegal transactions and activities.

About 76 billion US dollars of illegal activities worldwide involve Bitcoin each year, which is close to the transaction scale of the illegal du product markets in Europe and the United States.

Some experts believe that if a global consensus and regulatory decision-making actions cannot be formed as soon as possible for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, the consequences and risks are difficult to imagine.

Judging from the current situation, there is a certain international consensus on cryptocurrency, but it is far from enough.

Countries with more developed digital technology and digital economy such as Germany and RB have their own understanding and understanding of cryptocurrency and do not advocate complete suppression and bans. More countries, especially those with underdeveloped economies, technologies and markets, are very worried about anxiety , Requiring these cryptocurrencies to survive, issue, and circulate, they must be declared in accordance with traditional financial and monetary regulatory policies and regulations, and they must accept comprehensive supervision.

For example, Yilang clearly puts forward laws and regulations that it is illegal to trade Bitcoin in Yilang, and it is even prohibited to sell Bitcoin.

Under such circumstances, Xiaozha bucked the trend. Was it too ambitious or his brain broke?

With Facebook's influence, it is equivalent to starting a 400-meter race from 200 meters. Even if Bitcoin and Ethereum run for 10 seconds, it is difficult to offset the advantage of Facebook.

Will ZF in various countries allow Xiaozha's strong attitude? Yang Cheng is skeptical.

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