Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2008: British drama or American drama

Let's talk about the question of which is higher between British and American dramas. Those British drama fans who despise American dramas think that American dramas are too superficial, and they are all poorly thought-out assembly-line works, not high-quality, but in fact, there is really no shortage of high-quality American dramas. Not all British dramas are so outstanding.

"John Adams", "Rome", and "The Brotherhood" are all excellent historical dramas with solid scripts, exquisite costumes and superb performances; "Law and Order" focuses on the case and the court debate itself, which is so enjoyable for people to pursue, so that the British Babadi Came over and bought the copyright remake;

Although CSI said that the speed of solving the case is so fast that it makes people complain about it, which is not in line with scientific logic, but the process can withstand scrutiny, the story is wonderful, and the characters are full of personality, and the British counterparts can't catch up with rockets;

As for the soap opera part, it is a special product of American TV series. The names of "Bankrupt Sisters" and "The Big Bang Theory" have been heard all over the world.

However, the main point that can make many British drama parties stand at the top of the chain of contempt is: Britain can and produced sharper scripts, not in special effects, or acting skills, or soundtracks, but scripts! It is also the soul of a drama.

You can find scripts that are as sharp as a knife in the UK, and these scripts are often those Americans are afraid to shoot.

In this respect, you can refer to the film and television industry in the country of Z and the Korean entertainment industry. Korean movies have always been famous for black ZF and black chaebols. A Hwaseong serial murder case was reproduced by countless movies and TV dramas. The key is that the mastermind of this case is still present. I didn't catch it, and it's useless to catch it. After the indictment period, as long as people don't commit crimes, the court can't help him.

I don't know if the serial murderer is still alive and sees his original crime experience being reproduced on TV every day, will he feel a sense of accomplishment?

Let's talk about British dramas, like "Black Mirror", which is full of malice from the screen, Americans can't even think about it.

"House of Cards" can be regarded as filling in the ZZ satire, but the US version spent a lot of space on the protagonist’s personal experience, specially arranged for a grass-roots background, making him more humane and easier to be accepted and forgiven. ——In short, I would definitely not dare to directly put an upper-UK to play weight.

Slap a slap on sensitive issues, and there is always a glimmer of hope after great ordeal. The grassroots heroes will have a successful day so that the audience can accept it. The audience can only recover the cost if the TV station is happy.

The British do not worship optimism so much, are not so keen on litigation, and have to pay TV fees every year, so British TV stations dare to make sharp books, while American public TV stations that rely on advertisements do not dare.

So far, it is possible that only HBO and Netflix have the courage and strength to close this gap. Now it is possible to add a CW TV station, but no matter how the CW TV station is included, it depends on advertising rather than TV fees, and its ability is limited.

Another difference lies in the way of dealing with feelings. The British like to restrain and suppress feelings more than Americans. Therefore, the descriptions of feelings in British dramas are often not obvious, and a look contains a thousand words;

Americans and American TV dramas will not be satisfied with this. They must really confess their hearts and make firm physical contact before they can be satisfied.

Understand? For example, Quan You, it is real physical contact, or it is difficult to have a deep sense of substitution!

Anyway, in Yang Cheng’s view, the two countries’ film and television dramas have their own strengths and weaknesses, and it is hard to talk about who is high and who is low. The difference comes from different history and national conditions. After World War II, Britain still retains a fairly complete social class. Can maintain a so-called upper class society, and the taste of upper class society must be higher than the general public in terms of its definition.

The existence of social class makes some creators and funds flow to works that are more prosperous and snowy, have more own style, and therefore have higher risks.

The United States does not have such a stable social class division. The overall American aesthetic tends to be grassroots. Therefore, if an evaluation system with a class concept is used to score the two countries, the United States will lose at the beginning.

In fact, it is not only in the field of TV dramas, but also in other fields. There is such a chain of contempt. Once you have seen Adler, you know how important it is to a person, especially to a person with inferiority complex. This kind of formality.

The artistic works of a country reflect their historical and cultural characteristics. The great impression that Britain leaves on foreigners is gentlemanly and implicit. They are arrogant, nostalgic, conservative, they have a free soul and independent will, and they are also famous. Gentleman culture and aristocratic spirit.

However, it turns out that the so-called gentleman culture and aristocratic spirit are nothing more than a stinky rascal wearing a suit, which can't change the genes in his bones. He will always be the descendant of pirates.

Tucao returns to Tucao. This feature is closely related to the geographical environment of their country. Due to the existence of the English Channel, foreign invasion and control are not easy to produce in the UK. At the same time, the humid temperate maritime climate makes this rainy and foggy. To a certain extent, their characteristics contribute to their tepid and depressive personality traits.

In addition, the education of liberalism and empiricism, as well as the upbringing of aristocratic culture, made them not enslaved by power.

Just look at "Downton Abbey". Those cumbersome and exquisite lifestyles perfectly show this kind of aristocratic upbringing. Even the butlers and servants have their own pride, which is a bit similar to "Dream of Red Mansions", which is the upper level. The life of a family in society.

The United States was originally a British colony, and the first to immigrate was more adventurous As an immigrant country, although it does not have a long history of belonging to the country, it continues to In the process of absorbing and developing, the American culture with its unique charm was finally formed.

As a result, there are so many sci-fi films in the United States, who dare to imagine the future and are willing to explore the future.

However, because of the lack of history and natural content materials, American dramas had to learn from some British history or legends, such as "Basic Deduction" when they were written.

This makes the British drama party consciously superior: the dramas you watch are all borrowed from them, and there is no creativity at all. What is the use of no matter how sophisticated the production is?

Of course, this is definitely a bias. After all, in the eyes of many people who do not watch British dramas, American dramas are the center of true originality, including Korean dramas and mainland dramas, which have borrowed elements from American dramas.

Anyway, it is borrowing, not copying, what can be questioned?

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