Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2009: Sell ​​off

In fact, British dramas and American dramas have an essential difference in the starting point. For the entire film and television drama industry itself, British dramas are more miniature. They do not rely on advertisements to make money. Therefore, the production of TV dramas basically depends on the vision of the project team. Production, there are also small productions, and large productions due to budgetary issues, the number of episodes per season is very small, while small productions can be very long.

As for the American TV series, the competition for their ratings is extremely fierce. If the ratings are not good, they can easily be cut off in the middle. At the same time, the production cost of the series is also very high. Therefore, the American TV series are more weekly TV series. Each episode ranges from 50 minutes to 100 minutes.

Basically, one story per episode, especially for criminal themes, such as "Criminal Minds", and British dramas often have to be very comprehensive, and may only have one story per season, such as "Small Town Suspicious Cloud".

Due to the differences in the development of the TV drama industry between the two countries, it makes people think that American dramas are more commercial, while British dramas are more artistic. This is like a dispute between commercial films and art films, but this issue has never come to fruition, and both sides have no shortage of boutiques. .

However, in comparison, Yang Cheng may be more interested in the compact, exciting, and open scenes of American TV dramas. I always feel that British TV dramas are too small, but the problem is that American TV dramas are inevitably contaminated with Hollywood routines. That is, the commercialization smell is too strong, it is a product of the assembly line, and is subject to the broadcast format, it is easy to continue to pursue intense excitement, novelty and surprises to please the audience, and sometimes it seems blunt, such as forcing the 19 banned plot.

This thing, most corrupt men and women like to watch it, except for a few old-fashioned and stubborn, and as long as it conforms to the plot trend and does not destroy the script logic, there is nothing wrong with such a scene. Other actors dare to act, you as an audience Dare not look?

In recent years, American and British dramas gradually have a tendency to merge. Many major productions are co-produced by the United States and Britain, and often produce high-quality products. So when Yang Cheng finished reading the report, he decided to forward the report to Plepler. It is still necessary to increase cooperation with British companies.

As for whether to set up a separate British branch for the production of British dramas, Yang Cheng thinks it is better to wait and see.

The impact of Brexit was too wide, and he couldn't tell for a while.

From the perspective of the United Kingdom, their purpose is very strong. The United Kingdom is not a Eurozone country. It has always maintained its own currency, the British pound. As a veteran overlord who has dominated the world for more than two hundred years, the British are not stupid and unprofitable. How could the British leave the European Union early, without benefits?

So for the UK, this matter is of great benefit. First of all, the huge membership fee is gone.

Although the United Kingdom’s membership fees are very large, these membership fees also indirectly serve the United Kingdom. For a developed economy like the United Kingdom, this amount of money is not a big deal, but for the British people, it is not a small amount of money. After Brexit The United Kingdom does not have to pay membership fees at all, and will spend these fees on people’s livelihood construction and welfare, and the people will naturally support what is good for the people.

Secondly, an independent and free trade system plays a role. The EU’s trade system is that the EU negotiates with other countries around the world on behalf of each country. If the United Kingdom does not need to be restricted by the EU after exiting the EU, they can negotiate directly with the country concerned, although time Longer, but the UK can completely charge prices based on unique products.

And this time, I got rid of the problem of refugees. After the UK exited the European Union, the United Kingdom did not have to deal with the refugee problem of EU countries, because the UK would not have the obligation to accept refugees if it was not a member of the EU.

As for whether trade will be affected, don’t forget that the United Kingdom has the confidence to play the role of a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The Commonwealth is a unique resource of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom completely ignores the European Union and gives full play to the role of the Commonwealth in the economic and trade system. There is a greater right to speak within.

Furthermore, the EU has a set of strict production standards and supervision systems, which the UK must comply with in the EU. If Brexit, the UK can break away from the constraints of the EU’s 100 production standards and regulations, further reducing production costs, and for small and medium enterprises The development of the country brings opportunities and can also increase the employment rate in disguise.

In addition, the UK has to provide loans for EU students who come to the UK to study in the EU. On average, the UK accepts more than 70,000 EU students every year and lends them a large number of student loans, and the money is impossible to repay. Brexit Later, this money will be saved to develop the education industry.

All the benefits are superimposed. At present, Brexit is the general trend. It can also be seen from the choices of British nationals. But what about the impact on other industries?

Analysis can only be analysis. Only when things really follow the route of your analysis can you prove your anticipation. Before that, everything is empty talk.

Taking the current investment of Yang Orange in the UK, the hotel industry may only be affected by Brexit.

In the short term, the UK's tourism industry will definitely be impacted, but in the long term, the UK is still a relatively popular tourist destination. When people find that the UK is still safe after Brexit, they will naturally buy air tickets to play, as for re-applying for visas. The cumbersome, for those who really want to come to play, not too much trouble.

Looking at it this way, as long as you survive the cold winter, you will be welcomed by the warmth of spring.

From another perspective, is this an ultra-low good time?

What's more, this so-called cold winter may not freeze to death~

Why do you say that? Because since the idea of ​​Brexit was born in the UK, the pound has entered a depreciation channel. In other words, those tourists from non-EU areas can spend less money to visit the UK. This attraction is still quite big. The tourism industry is hotels. The biggest reliance is that as long as there is a constant flow of passengers, the basic operation of the hotel can be guaranteed, even if the occupancy rate drops for a short time, it is not unacceptable.

After all, the UK hotel industry has always been known for its high value retention rate.

Take a step back and say that London is the ZZ economic center of the UK, and the main business activities in the UK are concentrated in London.

Even if the UK's economy declines after Brexit, other regional cities will be most affected by the hotel industry, and London will show its good resilience at this time.

On the other hand, if the British economy declines, the domestic tourism market in the UK will shrink accordingly; and the depreciation of the pound sterling will attract more international tourists.

London is the largest tourist destination in the UK and also a top international tourist destination. Calculated by the number of tourists, London is the second largest tourist city in the world after Bangkok, while other tourist cities in the UK will be mainly affected by the decrease in domestic consumption And be shocked.

?? Due to the depreciation of the British pound, London’s asset prices in foreign currencies have fallen compared to previous levels. London is one of the most mature and stable investment destinations in the world. In the eyes of people like Yang Cheng, entering the London investment market at this time is An excellent opportunity to obtain core assets at low prices. The booming development of the hotel investment market in the UK in recent years reflects this trend.

??Based on the judgment of the continued good operation of the London hotel industry, holding London hotels can obtain ideal cash flow, which is also an important reason for attracting capital to invest in the London hotel industry.

?? Due to the massive inflow of funds, which pushes up asset prices, London hotel assets have significant potential for asset appreciation.

On the one hand, hotel owners have higher profit margins because they are buying at the bottom. On the other hand, investors see the capital appreciation capabilities of London hotel assets and good operating conditions and hope to enter the market. It is expected that the London hotel investment market will remain active in the future .

So Yang Cheng is already considering selling off some of its assets in cities outside of London in exchange for funds to buy the London hotel.

As for the assets outside of London he said, it is naturally the castle hotel project in cooperation with William and Hugh Grosvenor.

Thinking of this, he picked up his mobile phone and called William, ready to ask his opinion first.

"Hey buddy~"

"Are you comfortable talking?"

"Of course, I'm at Kensington Palace~"

"I want to discuss with you. I am going to sell my shares in the castle hotel project. Are you and Hugh interested in taking over?"

"What? You want to sell the shares? Why? Are you having trouble with funds?"

"That's not true, it's related to the company's investment plan~" Yang Cheng said vaguely.

However, he never concealed from William, "Comeon, you cunning businessman, you must have a better investment project to change funds, right?"

Yang Cheng is speechless, can you guess this? Is it the roundworm in the stomach?

He hesitated, "Well, I am optimistic about the future hotel market in London, so I am going to buy the bottom~"

"Shit, I knew, your kid was holding back the idea of ​​making money, if I didn't find out, you would have slipped away~"

Yang Cheng held his forehead, "First of all, I am not sure about 100% success. Once I fail, I can bear it. Can you bear it?"

"I didn't invest much money, what can't afford it? I don't care, man, you don't want to run unless you bring me~"

Yang Orange laughed, "Then tell Xio yourself, we will sell the shares to him, and then go to London to buy the bottom with the money~"

"Yes, you can, just do it, this kid has money~"

"Go tell him?"

William hesitated for a, I'll talk to him, but I don't know if he can agree~"

"This project is still very promising in the future, and his family is rooted in the UK, which can be said to be bound to this country. What he looks at is long-term investment, not the immediate vested interests. This is different from me~"

William murmured, "You said as if I am not English~"

"Hey~ you are British, but you have no money~"

In this world, Yang Cheng may only dare to face William and say you have no money!

"Well, compared to you, a tyrant, I am definitely a poor man, so I want to make money with you~"

"Again, I'm not responsible for the results. This kind of bargain hunting is gambling. Everyone loses."

"It's okay, I believe you~"

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