Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2011: Liz London

To what extent can a Middle Eastern royal princess come to Britain to escape the summer heat?

Anyway, the Queen of England can't match it.

The way the hotel received her was almost like a military operation. There were so many staff members from a unit who were sent to handle her 200 boxes of luggage, yes, 200 boxes, which were delivered by a truck.

The price of her room was 7000 pounds a night, and it was completely arranged according to her preferences. One of the rooms was arranged as a playroom for the children according to her requirements, and the bedroom was specially equipped with blackout shutters.

In addition, she also reserved rooms for her nanny and servants, so that the cost of spending a night in the hotel is about 20,000 pounds.

Of course, Mandarin Oriental will not think she is too much. On the contrary, the more you ask, the more they like it, which means they can earn more. A princess like this is definitely among the top ten VIP customers in this hotel. One of them.

After all, the local tyrants from the Middle East, every top hotel in London has no time to swear by them, so it seems that Mandarin Oriental will not be able to fight for the upper hand.

No matter what kind of requirements, such as a bride who lives here wants to bring an elephant to your party, or a business woman wants to send your breast milk from London to Boston, USA for your children to drink, all is fine. The hotel can do it all!

For the employees of Mandarin Oriental, when participating in the training courses, they have already been educated on the "speciality" of the Middle Eastern customers and the degree of eccentricity to them. Even if the local tyrants check out at any time, there is no problem.

Even if these local tyrants leave without paying, they can bear it.

Here, except for a small part of the working hours of hotel managers, they are used for daily management, but most of them are spent on how to communicate with these fund owners to pay the bills, because the rich are different from the common people, and they have the right not to tell the hotel. Your credit card information.

But the most wealthy customers have a quirk, that is, they don't like to pay the bill immediately.

For example, the Middle Eastern royal tyrant, when she left last year, did not pay at all, but no one dared to say to such a large customer, "I won't let you go without paying."

After she left, the hotel also tried to ask her to pay the bill in a polite way, but the princess completely ignored them. Later, it took the hotel nine months to get the money through emails, phone calls and other various methods.

Of course, the reason for being so capricious is that the hotel specifies that you don’t need money. You are just a customer who doesn’t like to pay immediately. If you are an ordinary guest and want to stay in Bawang shop without paying, it’s absolutely impossible. The security guards at the hotel are not vegetarian.

In fact, not only Mandarin Oriental, but every top hotel in London treats VIP in this way.

In contrast, many of the staff in the hotel are paid not much higher than the minimum salary.

For example, in the laundry room at the bottom of the hotel, where you can see the sad side of the hotel industry.

A cleaner in his 20s may only be paid 7.2 pounds per hour. His job includes washing socks for those who have not washed their socks in their lifetime. The hotel charges 6.5 pounds per pair for washing socks for guests. It's more expensive than buying a new pair of socks. Sometimes customers want to expedite and pay 13 pounds to wash the socks.

Sometimes, he will be asked to help guests vacuum compress the clothes in their suitcases. The price is 1,500 pounds. All he has to do is take out the extra space.

For another example, the hotel’s garage is full of Ferrari, Rolls Royce and other luxury cars. Many of these cars have been parked here for a year, but the hotel’s employees are also responsible for daily cleaning and maintenance. Let the car fall to dust, after all, the VIP in the VIP also spent money to park the car.

There are also jokes commonly used in cross talk. When you have money, you can order an entire menu. However, in Mandarin Oriental and London, this kind of thing is very common. Any local tyrant can order an entire menu. , But he has only one person, and it is impossible to finish the meal. He just wants to see what the dishes look like and get over the eyes.

Anything you can't finish eating must be thrown into the trash can. Employees are not allowed to touch them.

In addition, local tyrants can spend 200 pounds just for a dinner reservation, while ordinary people have to hesitate for a few minutes to eat steak for 30 pounds.

However, there are still many services that are understandable. For example, as a guest, you can take a bath with four towels and throw them all on the floor after you use them up. Where is this thing not done in the hotel?

At home? Are you afraid of being scolded to death by your mother?

In a London hotel, you can fully understand the true meaning of the saying that guests are God.

As long as your requirements are ethical and legal, the hotel will meet them, provided that you have to pay the corresponding money.

Even some extraordinary things, when the money is in place, some hotel managers will try to satisfy them, and understand what they are.

Therefore, how can it be possible to open a hotel in London without making money? Except for foreign tourists who come here only once a year or once in a lifetime, those local tyrants in the Middle East who enjoy life in London all the year round are enough to use pounds to maintain the entire London luxury hotel Make a living.

However, now that Yang Cheng is asked to buy the bottom, I am afraid that he can't buy the luxury hotel he wants, or can he buy a building or an ordinary hotel with a sense of history?

This is a good idea. Take a walk on the streets of London. There are many houses that have been built for hundreds of years. Now they are all prices for cabbage.

Press the intercom on the table, "Carson, come to the study~"

"Yes, master~"

Soon, Carson knocked on the door and came in. He was always not far from the study, just to respond to Yang Cheng's call at any time.

"I want to shop for hotels in London. Do you have any good recommendations?"

Old Carson said without hesitation, "Since 2015, there have been reports that the Barclays wanted to sell Liz London, but the price has always made them dissatisfied~"

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up, Liz London? There are brands and foundations, which is exactly what he needs~

Old Carson said, "This is a great five-star hotel. Once it comes on the market, it will definitely trigger competition from many bidders. However, the £800 million price set by the Barclays brothers for the hotel is still difficult to achieve. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cóm"

Yang Cheng nodded, "800 million? It's really expensive~"

You know, the Barclays brothers bought the Ritz in 1995 for only 75 million pounds.

Adding a zero to the price in just 20 years may be common in Country Z, where opportunities are everywhere, but it may be difficult in the UK.

But the price can be negotiated, "first contact and see?"

"No problem, I went to contact immediately, I heard that they have appointed their son-in-law Richard Farber as an intermediary, who is solely responsible for the sale."

Yang Cheng vomited, "It's really fat and water that doesn't flow into outsiders' fields, and the intermediary fees have to be left for his own people."

However, it is the truth that he recognizes the fact that the Ritz Hotel is a high-quality asset. Old Carson is right. Once the news spreads, there will definitely be many investors trying to acquire.

But it has not succeeded so far, but the price has not been negotiated.

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