Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2012: Telegraph is also good

In the view of the Barclays, the Ritz London has an invincible location and good performance on the one hand, and on the other hand has a long history and an irreplaceable celebrity effect.

The Ritz London is located at 150 Piccadilly Street, directly opposite the Green Park Underground Station. It is a British Grade II listed building.

From a historical perspective, it is indeed a rare high-quality asset.

On May 24, 1906, Caesars Ritz, the founder of the Paris Ritz Hotel and Swiss hotel tycoon, came to London to establish this hotel.

After its opening, the Ritz Hotel has been favored by countless celebrities. It not only obtained the royal appointment certification from the Prince of Wales, but also became the first hotel in London designated by Prince Charles to receive royal members.

Aga Khan III, Winston Churchill, Paul Getty, Edward VIII all like to visit the Ritz.

The Ritz Hotel also specially prepared an exclusive cocktail for Churchill. The Ritz Hotel specially prepared an exclusive cocktail for Churchill.

Celebrities such as Charlie Chaplin, Noel Coward and Jackie Onassis also liken the Ritz to "paradise".

The Iron Lady Thatcher may have grown up in Grantham's grocery store, but the last time of her life was spent in the luxurious suites of the Ritz Hotel.

When the American star played by Julia Roberts, the heroine of the movie "Notting Hill", came to London to promote the new film, she also stayed at the Ritz Hotel.

In the world of fantasy "Good Omen", the two main characters, the angel Azraphael and the demon Crowley, also like Liz very much and frequently visit the hotel.

It is enough to prove the profound historical precipitation of the Ritz London. Today, the Ritz Hotel has 111 rooms and 23 suites. The cheapest room is £545 per night.

The most expensive suite costs 1,080 pounds a night.

In addition to its long history, the Ritz Hotel is also famous for its high-quality services, especially the Ritz afternoon tea and the famous Ritz Club that are popular among tourists.

The £58 Liz afternoon tea is a place for countless Londoners to check in in this life.

However, although afternoon tea is open to everyone, only members of the Ritz Club can enter.

Moreover, if you want to enter the Ritz Club, you must first fill out an application form and pay a high fee, and you need to be recommended by acquaintances and undergo rigorous review to become a member.

Ritz Club members can enjoy a series of personalized services it provides, such as using the VIP boxes at Chelsea home and Wembley Stadium, arranging a front row position on Wimbledon, and even recommending members’ children to top private schools in the UK .

These privileged services have made Ritz London's VIP more popular, and the hotel has countless loyal fans, which is the confidence of the Barclays brothers.

Last year, Liz’s operating income was close to 45 million pounds, ensuring a steady growth of more than 2% per year. Operating profit also increased by 3.5% to close to 15 million pounds.

Along with profit growth, the cash flow and net capital value of the Ritz Hotel are also rising steadily.

It stands to reason that such a profitable hotel can help the Barclays to stabilize their status. Why should they sell it?

But for the rich family, internal fighting is inevitable, and there will be disagreements when there are more people, especially in the face of such a huge asset.

To put it bluntly, the Barclays family is preparing to separate. Since everyone can't get together, don't waste time at all. Separate each other and don't get an eye on anyone.

Of course, this news was revealed to Yang Cheng by the old Carson. There are countless upper-class circles in London, and the housekeepers of each family have their own circles. The source of the news is still very reliable, and there is no way to hide this kind of thing.

Since you want to divide the family, you must show their magical powers and find ways to get more. It is definitely not enough to rely on them, and you must ask for help from external forces.

Now, the Barclays brothers are assessing the ownership of family assets. The news is circulating in the upper circles. As one of the most important assets under their name, Ritz London is definitely unable to keep it.

Because of such high-quality assets, the distribution of equity can easily cause dissatisfaction among family members. It is better to sell them directly and distribute them after you get the cash.

In addition to the Ritz Hotel, the Barclays brothers also want to sell assets including the "Daily Telegraph", online retailer ShopDirect that owns the Littlewoods brand, and express company Yodel.

However, judging from the current market situation, potential buyers are only interested in the Ritz Hotel, because the current conditions of several other assets are not ideal.

The "Daily Telegraph" sounds bluffing, and it is indeed a famous British newspaper. However, the sales of the Telegraph have fallen sharply in recent years, with a daily circulation of only 310,000 copies. In contrast, the top three newspapers in the United Kingdom have published The amount exceeds one million servings per day.

The financial report shows that the "Daily Telegraph" made a profit of only 900,000 pounds last year, which is half of the previous year.

Of course, it would be good to be a leader. After all, the daily sales volume is still more than 300,000, and the Telegraph stands to the right, which has a good ZZ meaning.

Buckingham Palace Road in central London, near Victoria Railway Station, is a very lively street.

The Daily Telegraph is in a large office building at 111 Buckingham Palace Road.

In recent years, British paper media have generally faced operating difficulties. Although the sales volume of the "Daily Telegraph" has declined, it is also considered a standout in the British newspaper industry. While ensuring the quality of news reports, it has maintained a good business situation. Don't get me wrong. Good business conditions refer to profitability, although this profit is trivial.

But as a well-known Western media with a history of more than 160 years, the Daily Telegraph is certainly not worthless.

"Ask if the other party is willing to package and sell, Liz London and the Daily Telegraph, I am only interested in these two assets~"

After a pause, he asked again, "By the way, who are the competitors we will face?"

"Blackstone, there are also some sovereign wealth funds."

"No one?"


"Who is most interested?"

"It should be the royal family of Qatar~"

"As early as 2015, the Qatar royal family spent £1.5 billion to buy the Mayborn Hotel Group, which is owned by the Barclays Brothers, which owns five-star hotels such as the Berkeley Hotel, Claridge Hotel and Connaught Hotel in London. Class luxury hotel.

Both parties have a good foundation for cooperation~

Then there are some bank capitals in country Z. They have a strong desire to invest overseas. "

Yang Cheng nodded when he heard the words, "Let’s get in touch, if possible, I hope to visit the Daily Telegraph~"

He wanted to see the current operation of the newspaper. Are the employees lifeless? Still have confidence in the newspaper, if it is the former, he may give up the acquisition.


. . .

Carson’s efficiency is very high, and he quickly contacted Richard Faber. When the other party heard that the owner of the North Sea Manor plans to buy, he immediately showed 120% enthusiasm. Now who knows, the richest man in London Live in Shoreson.

This guy can be the son-in-law of the Barclays family, and he is not an ordinary person. He borrowed the family's Rolls Royce to pick up someone at Beihai Manor early in the morning and invited Yang Cheng to ride with him. But Yang Cheng declined. He still liked to sit by himself. Car, but he also invited the other person to sit in.

The two talked all the way, food, wine, and beauties, but they didn't get the topic.

Until I walked into this modern office building on Buckingham Palace Road, walked through the spacious and bright lobby, took the elevator to the second floor, arrived at the entrance of the "Daily Telegraph", and saw a sign on the floor of the entrance that said "Best selling in the UK Good quality newspaper," Richard Farber and You Rongyan introduced, "Welcome to the UK’s largest newspaper, the Daily Telegraph."

This sign stands here, allowing visitors to immediately understand the position of the newspaper in the British press.

Richard Faber led Yang Cheng into the editorial hall like a central kitchen. Faber said that all the editorial staff of the newspaper work in this open hall.

When Yang Cheng arrived, it happened not long after the start of work. The editorial hall was full of editors and editors, and they were nervously preparing for the day's report.

According to the division of their respective departments, the editors are arranged in different corners of the hall. The center of the hall is a circular area with about 10 computers. This is the office location of the heads of each department.

Faber said that the heads of different departments are concentrated in such a small area to help them communicate, communicate and coordinate better.

As he walked, he was attracted by some data on the huge screen in the editorial hall of Yang Orange, which intuitively showed the current operating conditions of the Daily Telegraph.

In addition to the current total number of registered users of the newspaper, the large screen also displays the number of newly registered users and subscribers from the previous day.

The screen also shows the number of new users attracted by different editing departments, as well as some of the reports that have contributed the most to the increase in the number of users. These data allow all editors to clearly see which types of articles are most popular with readers.

During the visit, Yang Cheng was slowly attracted by the advanced editorial, management and business concepts of the "Daily Telegraph", and from time to time showed an emotional look.

This central kitchen-like acquisition and editing model is worth learning from the newspapers under his name-the material obtained by reporters interviews will be put on a unified platform, and different pages can be used at any time.

In this way, one collection of content can be used multiple times, which effectively improves the efficiency of collection and editing and saves the cost of collection and editing.

On the other hand, the "Daily Telegraph" has been at the forefront of mainstream British media in terms of quantitative evaluation of report influence and advertising effectiveness.

In the period when major mainstream media websites used page views as the evaluation criteria, the "Daily Telegraph" first proposed the concept of "guaranteed page views".

Later, with the growth of its big data team, the newspaper put forward more quantitative evaluation indicators, once again leading the trend of mainstream British media. For example, when analyzing users’ reading habits of reports, the Daily Telegraph did not click As a simple criterion, the quantity is put forward the concept of "reading stay".

When counting ad clicks, the newspaper suggested that if an ad did not stay in front of the user for more than 6 seconds, the clicks could not be counted. Later, this time standard was increased to 10 seconds.

At present, many British colleagues have introduced this concept.

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