Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2013: Apply for a 5-star stadium

When providing advertising services, the "Daily Telegraph" puts forward the concept of "effect first", which provides effective guarantee for the information transmission of advertisers. If a brand is promoted in the "Daily Telegraph" for a period of 6 months Before starting the advertising campaign, the newspaper will conduct market research on one of the indicators of the brand’s market popularity, consumer willingness to buy, and share brand willingness, and promise and guarantee the value of the indicator after the advertising campaign ends.

For example, "Ensure a 10% increase in brand awareness". After the six months of advertising and promotion, the newspaper will conduct market research on brand awareness again. If the increase value is less than 10%, the newspaper will make corresponding compensation. Such as advertising fee refund or more advertisements and so on.

Thanks to its advanced business philosophy, the "Daily Telegraph" can always maintain profitability under the general economic difficulties faced by the paper media. Although the profit is not much, it is hard to get so many people to worry about wages. Up.

Next, they visited the video workshop of the "Daily Telegraph". According to Faber, the "Daily Telegraph" is still a high-tech newspaper. They were the first mainstream media in the UK to have a website, even before BBC.

When analyzing readers’ reading experience, newspapers have now deviated from the traditional questionnaire survey mode. Instead, they use VR technology to allow interviewed readers to visually see the newspaper’s reports, pictures, videos, websites, etc., and monitor the reader’s Pulse, sweating, subtle movements, facial micro-expression, brain waves, eye movements, etc., through these high-tech methods to analyze the reader's true reaction, the degree of attention to the report, and memory.

The conclusions drawn by the big data team through these analyses will be used to improve the newspaper website design, text organization, image composition, video structure, advertising space placement, etc., in order to comprehensively enhance readers' reading experience and the effectiveness of advertising.

These sounds a bit legendary, but in fact it is not difficult to achieve. At the same time, Yang Cheng seems to have found the reason for the low profitability of the "Daily Telegraph". The money he makes is invested in high technology, which is the least expensive thing.

In addition, Yang Cheng’s most concerned atmosphere can be described in one word—happiness, if the scene in front of him is not deliberately arranged by the other party.

The "Daily Telegraph" newspaper attaches great importance to holding free training courses of various forms and rich contents for employees, such as supporting training on journalism ethics and first aid.

In order to improve the work efficiency of reporters and ensure the physical and mental health of employees, the "Daily Telegraph" has a 24-hour free gym for employees, and even provides employees with free massage services and is equipped with specialized doctors and psychologists.

At the entrance of the company, Yang Cheng also saw some folding bicycles. Faber said that employees can borrow these bicycles for free.

These all ensure a good operating atmosphere within the company, and how much money is made is important.

After visiting all the way, Yang Cheng couldn’t be satisfied anymore. This is a high-quality asset like Liz London. As for the newspaper’s most important circulation issue, Yang Cheng felt that it was necessary to appoint an editor-in-chief who had strict control over the content. Come here, as long as the content goes up, sales will not be a problem for this country that likes to read paper newspapers.

Downstairs of the company, just before getting on the bus, Yang Cheng said to Faber, “Let Carson contact you for the follow-up. I hope we can have a perfect cooperation. By the way, remember to add the Ritz Hotel. I don’t accept it. Spin-off acquisition."

Faber smiled from ear to ear, "No problem, Mr. Yang, I will definitely convince the seller."

Yang Cheng smiled and said nothing, and let Andrew drive.

As the car left Buckingham Palace Road, Yang Cheng squinted and asked, "Carson, do you think what we saw today is true?"

Old Carson recalled for a moment and shook his head, "It's not good to say, it doesn't look like acting~"

"Yes, ordinary employees shouldn't have that good acting skills~"

There was silence for a long time, "Okay, leave the rest to you, my bottom line is 750 million pounds, packaged to buy hotels and newspapers~"


"Now, let's go see Recosta, this guy, I can't wait to kick him into the Thames to feed the fish!"

. . .

In the UK, parliamentarians are known as the best jobs: high wages, high benefits, and the work pays off.

Needless to say, the material life, the key is that the cultural life is still rich and colorful. For example, there is a chance every month. When the boss comes to Parliament for questioning, it is justifiable to swear at the most powerful people in Britain.

But even with this kind of good treatment, the lawmakers still shouted for a salary increase, on the grounds that the family has a big business and costs too much.

The annual salary of British parliamentarians has risen to 74,000 pounds, which is about three times the average salary in the UK. A graduate who has just stepped out of university has an average annual salary of only 22,000 pounds.

The collective wage increase of more than 600 parliamentarians will make UK taxpayers pay an extra 4.6 million pounds a year.

Many people think that under the current economic environment, public expenditure should fall, not rise. Therefore, the wages of parliamentarians should not rise. But raises for parliamentarians are never calculated by the people. Raw rice is cooked. It's no use saying more.

In fact, wages are only part of the income of parliamentarians. They can also enjoy the high housing subsidies provided by ZF and the high monthly reimbursement funds in London, where housing prices are expensive.

In addition, since the salary is paid, it is a matter of course to go to work, but if British parliamentarians can go to the office every day, they can still get extra high subsidies.

Just go to the parliament for a few minutes every day and receive an attendance allowance of 300 pounds.

Isn't it very uncomfortable? Just go to work and pay the salary, and there are allowances available.

Of course, even after receiving such a large salary, members of Congress often complain.

For example, members of the House of Commons are full of resentment about the food in the Parliament Building, and they often complain about undercooked fish, rubber-like tofu, and insufficient portion of French fries.

Members’ complaints also included the porridge being too thin, the vending machine was not sufficiently stocked, the tableware was not clean, the ham was fried too old, the curry was cold, the soup was like shabu-shabu, and there was not enough British food.

According to regulations, British members of Parliament can enjoy 75% of the food and beverage subsidy in the Houses of Parliament; this expenditure is paid by the taxpayer and reaches 5 million pounds a year.

But even so, the high-paid parliamentarians with high subsidies will still have a situation where the baht must be compared. For example, once a parliamentarian put a 2 pound coin in the coin slot of a vending machine and bought a 1.75 pound sandwich. Without asking for money, he complained and asked how to get the change that should be given to him.

In addition, there are people who are dissatisfied with the lack of wine inventory in the parliament restaurant, but in fact it is not that the inventory is insufficient, but the members are too good to drink.

You know, now that parliamentarians spend more than £1 million in the nine bars set up in the House of Commons in the UK, considering the price subsidy factor, you can imagine how much wine they drank in a year.

In addition, drinking too much alcohol will inevitably cause trouble, and quarrels and even fights are common.

The most important thing is not to do anything about him, at best, he is forbidden to drink in Parliament.

For such a good job, people must think: I can do it instead of me!

Just like the fans of Country Z believe that the salary paid by the national football team can be replaced by them. Anyway, the stops are three meters away.

It is this group of guys with high wages and vegetarian meals who can always make some mess and let people wipe his ass.

For example, for the Recosta in front of him, Yang Cheng took great effort to send him in for a while, but he went to lobby for a project of a small real estate developer, but was caught by someone. Now he can only accompany the bottle of wine at home. day.

Yang Cheng frowned, covering her mouth and nose with her hands, staring at the other person very uncomfortably, "Hey~ can you speak normally now?"

Recosta was drunk and confused, grinning, "Are you here to taunt me? Whatever~"

Yang Cheng said in his heart: It's no help~

Originally, for the sake of Ian Ayer's face, he felt that at least he should do something. He couldn't make his generals feel chilled. He didn't expect to let him see such a scene and save him a fart.

He took out his mobile phone and took two photos of Recosta's ugliness and sent them to Ian El.

After about ten seconds, the phone called.

It came up with a sentence, "Boss, I have nothing to do with him, I have no idea how to deal with it~"

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows and asked, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, in fact, I have persuaded him many times, he has given up on himself~"

Yang Cheng can understand the feeling of falling from the clouds, but understanding does not mean accepting. If the other party can cheer up, he will be given at least one chance, but in this way, giving him ten chances is useless.

"I know, but you should send someone to watch him. You can't kill anyone~"

"Boss, I have sent someone to guard nearby, and I can deal with it as soon as possible~"

"That's good, hang up~"

"Wait for boss, there is something I want to ask, is it convenient?"

Yang Cheng walked out of the room, took a few breaths, and asked, "Let's talk, what's the matter~"

"At present, Anfield has undergone a series of transformations and improvements. UU Read has sufficient conditions to apply for UEFA's five-star stadium."

Yang Cheng said, "Then apply, what do I need to do?"

"May need to use your network resources, we need someone to speak for us in the UEFA meeting~"

Before Anfield had not had enough conditions to apply for a five-star stadium, naturally it was not eligible to bid for the UEFA Champions League final. Now Liverpool fans' wish is to see the Red Army win the cup at their own door.

The current strength is enough, but if you want to win the cup at home, you still have to see UEFA's face.

The judging standard for five-star stadiums is very strict. First of all, the capacity should be at least 50,000 people, and all seats must have backrests. Watching in high-level stadiums, fans can experience not only passionate games, but physical comfort. It is also very important. Before Yang Cheng took over, Anfield's capacity was far less than 50,000, but after two offseason renovations, when the final phase of the project is completed, Anfield will accommodate more than 60,000 spectators. Watch the ball.

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