Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 2018: Atmospheric Princess

In the past 10 years, the Qatar National Investment Authority has become the strongest buyer in the international art market. Moza once sold Cezanne's "The Card Player" with a high price of 250 million US dollars, and created the price of art again. new record.

And Qatar, a small country, has four world-class art galleries, which not only enriches the spiritual world of the people, breaks the banner of cultural traditions, but also greatly stimulates the country's tourism industry.

By 2012, Qatar has truly become a country rich and strong. Not only is the unemployment rate close to zero, even the lowest-income people have cars, houses, and foreign nanny. In addition to high wages, Qatari citizens can also enjoy free water, electricity, medical care and Education and other benefits.

When building a private house, you can even get free land and long-term low-interest loans from ZF.

Therefore, when other Arab countries in the same period were in war and turmoil, their citizens were very supportive of the royal family and especially loved Moza, claiming that she was the greatest miracle in Qatar's modern history.

Moza's vision has never been limited to the economic field. For decades, she has tried her best to fight for the people, and also the opportunity to receive world-class education.

In 2000, she opened a large area of ​​land in the suburbs of Doha to build an education city. Georgetown University, the University of Virginia and many other prestigious American schools were established here. Young people in Qatar and even the Middle East can receive the best at home. education.

Later, under the auspices of Princess Mozzar, the Qatar Foundation established an education city. Up to now, the Qatar Education City has become the world's top education and research mecca, providing world-class degree programs.

In fact, after his own citizens became rich, Moza has been considering how to do international charity.

With her efforts, Qatar ZF has provided good welfare benefits and legal protection to foreign migrant workers who account for 60% of the total number of residents.

After the trip to Yilaq, she set up an education fund specifically for this war-torn neighbor country to help children persecuted by the war.

As the target of assistance expands to refugee children in South Sudan, Yemen, and even Bangladesh, Kenya and other regions, she needs more and more funds. The Al Thani family investment group under her name has become the largest private charity fund of this kind. Backing.

These social undertakings have laid a solid foundation for Qatar's future.

The spider web invested by Moza is spread all over the world, from the Z universe tour to the London Olympic Village, to the, she can be seen. Now she is one of the 100 most powerful women in the world and is among the best. Occupy the top spot all year round.

Such a legendary woman is next door, how can Yang Cheng not meet?

What's more, the two are likely to have a ‘fight’ in the near future.

"Mr. Wei Mingsi, are you interested in seeing the legend of Qatar with me?"

Wei Mingsi was taken aback for a moment, and nodded in surprise, "Of course, this is my honor~"

Old Carson immediately got up and went out first, went to the side to communicate for a while, then came back and signaled to Yang Cheng that everything was arranged.

Yang Cheng got up and adjusted his suit, confirmed that there was no problem with her manners, and then moved towards the next door.

The door of the private room next door is open, and you can see the powerful Princess Moza sitting at the main seat of the long table at a glance, and the guests sitting around are all women, both whites and Arabs.

"Dear princess, good afternoon~" Yang Cheng leaned slightly and greeted respectfully.

The princess got up, without the mentality of avoiding men at all, just like other western women.

"Mr. Yang, you are as handsome as in the legend~"

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Thank you, it's hard not to accept this compliment~"

"Of course I have to accept it, this is what I say in my heart~"

"Sit down and have a cup of tea together?"

"Of course it's good~"

. . .

The waiter moved a chair and placed it across from the princess, asked about Yang Cheng's taste, and helped him pour a cup of tea.

"Unexpectedly, we, as competitors, could actually meet here~"

Yang Cheng was surprised, "The princess already knows?"

"I knew it the first time your housekeeper contacted Faber~"

It seemed that Moza's success was by no means accidental, and even Yang Cheng did not expect this caution.

I couldn't help but admire, "Awesome, but I won't give up easily. I think Liz London's afternoon tea is very delicious, I want to come often in the future~"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the private room suddenly changed, and the tense momentum made the waiters step back unconsciously~

However, the princess waved her hand lightly, naturally dissolving Yang Cheng's sharpness, "Of course you can come often, when I take the hotel, I will invite you to become the hotel's lifetime VIP, afternoon tea is free for life~"

The tone of the two of them was very calm, but no one was polite in their words!

Through this trial, Yang Cheng learned about the other party's attitude towards the acquisition of Liz London.

After a brief confrontation, Yang Cheng sipped his lipstick black tea, and further probed, "The princess came to London this time just to buy Liz London?"

The princess has experienced a lot of battles, her mouth is very strict, "By the way, buy some clothes. By the way, Mr. Yang, I haven't thanked you for your help in the last arms purchase. I regret that I cannot have a glass of red wine with you. "

Yang Cheng shrugged, "You're welcome, I'm only doing business. If you need it in the future, you can always find me."

It was a polite sentence. Who would have thought that the princess would take it seriously, "Okay, there happens to be a list, I don’t know if you can eat it~"

Yang Cheng became vigilant instinctively. Wouldn't this be a bait for herself to turn her attention to arms orders and thus give up competing with her for Liz London?

Not to mention, his instincts are very accurate, that's what Princess Mozah thought.

However, she is more majestic than Yang Cheng imagined. This is not a simple bait, but a real benefit.

"24 AH-64E~"

Yang Cheng took a breath unconsciously, AH-64E has a louder name-Apache!

How much do 24 frames cost? Nearly 3 billion U.S. dollars, UU Reading Yang Cheng, if you use dim sum, this single change hands can make 2-3 billion! Dollars!

He suddenly fell into entanglement. This was not bait. He just threw a big fish over. Should he eat it?

If you eat, you have to abandon the Ritz Hotel you are looking at. If you don't eat, you will probably get nothing.

From a businessman’s perspective, it seems more reasonable to make easier profits.

But Liz London represents long-term interests. One is the present and the other is the future. Which one should you want?

Don't talk about children making choices. Adults need both. You must have the necessary strength first.

You get the fish and bear paws, God can die of anger!

After much deliberation, he remembered that he hadn't asked the price yet, and that 2-3 billion was just his ideal estimate.

"That... can you ask about your budget?"

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