"That... can you ask about your budget?"

"3 billion~"

Yang Cheng yelled WC in his heart. The local tyrants are open and bright. Judging from the Apache order purchased by Qatar last time, as long as Yang Cheng can push the price from Boeing to 2.8 billion or even below 2.7 billion, then his small goal is It can be achieved.

This is equivalent to giving away 200-300 million US dollars in vain. It is worthy of being a local tyrant who can squeeze oil at home. Yang Cheng wants to hold each other's thigh as a pendant.

With such a big interest, is there anything to hesitate?

This is a half of Liz London, just give it to him, not a fool.

With a grin, "I am willing to take this order and work hard to promote the cooperation between Boeing and you."

Princess Moza seemed to have expected it, and smiled lightly, "It's best, then Liz London..."

Yang Cheng was also unambiguous, and quit the acquisition straightforwardly, "I am only interested in the Daily Telegraph, the hotel is too expensive, I can't afford it~"

Princess Mozah smiled satisfied, talking to smart people is happy, "Daily Telegraph? High-quality assets, I can help you talk to the Barclays family."

"Thank you very much~"

After drinking the tea, Yang Cheng said goodbye and left. After all, it was a gathering of ladies, and his man seemed too obtrusive in it.

As soon as he went out, he couldn't help but shook his fist in excitement. It is reasonable to say that he would not be worthy of his current status, but the money is not too much, and he made hundreds of millions of cash at once. He didn't think such behavior Shame, if he can make more money, he doesn't mind shame a few times.

"Should I cancel the takeover offer?" Old Carson asked with a smile of joy when Yang Cheng was over excited.

Yang Cheng hesitated, "You don't need to withdraw, as long as you give up the bid in the end."


At this time, Yang Cheng was still reminiscing about the princess's ostentation. It was too big to give away a few hundred million.

Well, he also understands that people's money may still have an element of wooing a relationship.

Yang Cheng's current status is also worth the high price paid by the other party.

Arms is only one aspect. Yang Cheng’s greater value lies in its media and mobile Internet. In the past year or so, New Times Media has invested more than US$5 billion in the Middle East and North Africa for channel deployment and Marketing.

Thanks to the help of local powerful figures, the effect is very good, and the users have been rising steadily, following Facebook and Twitter.

Immediately after the establishment of the Middle East branch in Dubai, it also attracted a large number of high-quality talents. Among them, a dozen of them were transferred to the New York headquarters due to their excellent performance and began to feed back. Such a surprise was that Yang Cheng did not expect it before investing. of.

He never expected the Middle East market to surprise him so much.

Not only him, it is estimated that most people did not expect that in the past one or two years, these 22 Arab countries have such great potential, a game market of up to 1 billion US dollars and the overwhelming advantage of mobile devices, plus the host platform The cultivation of it has made it one of the fastest growing markets in the world.

We must know that the Middle East is the most concentrated region in Arab countries. Conventional laws and religious customs are often closely linked. However, the Middle East is not as many people imagine. The Internet and mobile Internet are developing very slowly. On the contrary, some countries The region even leads many Western European and American countries in some evaluation indicators.

Moreover, the Arab countries in the Middle East are not in fact resisting or opposing the "web" itself, but the content brought about by the Internet and mobile Internet.

With the increasing expansion of the Internet market, countries in the Middle East have naturally attracted the attention of countries in the Middle East, especially in countries like Qatar that value education and the development of emerging industries, their desire for the Internet has reached the extreme.

However, Moza's tentative contact made Yang Cheng realize that there may be even greater opportunities waiting for him in Qatar next.

. . .

As soon as Yang Cheng got in the car, William called, "Are you still in London?"

"Yes, I'm about to go back, what's the matter?"

"Great, don't leave, eat together tonight, and tell you something."

"Well, I'm at Liz, why don't you come over?"

"You can also wait for me."

William hung up the phone and rushed over without stopping, for a total of 20 minutes.

In such a hurry, Yang Cheng thought something serious had happened.

But William said, "You know BAA, right?"

"BAA? I only know BBC~"

Yang Cheng is not joking, she does not know the name.

"It's the abbreviation of the British Airport Authority~"

"Oh oh, I know what you say, what's wrong?"

"In 2006, BAA was maliciously acquired by the Spanish Railway Group. However, recently because of Brexit, I heard that the Railway Group was preparing to release some shares. I will come to you as soon as I receive the news. How about? Isn't it interesting?"

Yang Cheng smiled, "Interestingly enough, you tell me in detail what is the situation of this BAA? Shouldn't this kind of company be managed by ZF? How did it sell to the Spanish?"

"This story will be longer, let's go, go eat first~"

Went to the hotel restaurant, asked for a private corner, just ordered some food, William said, "This is still the case when Iron Lady was in office, she decided to sell the British Airport Authority, which is BAA, on a public listing.

At that time, this decision created a precedent for the privatization of global airports, making privatization from theoretical discussion to real practice in one fell swoop. "

Yang Cheng slapped her lips, "But she never thought that BAA would become a monopoly group today, and its services have brought bad consequences to passengers and airlines."

William spread his hands helplessly, "Yes! But there was no better way at the time. Due to the limited funds of the airport manager, it was unable to meet the investment required by the airport completely relying on ZF investment.

In this context, private investment is on the desk of ZF. Private investment can not only solve the funding gap, but also private management has better commercial operating advantages. "

Yang Cheng shook his head and said nothing. Privatization has always been a double-edged sword, and there are always two sides, so the key depends on the user.

Copenhagen Airport, which began to be gradually privatized around the same time, has been praised for its high-quality customer service and operational efficiency.

In the first 10 years of privatization, BAA has indeed made great contributions to the British aviation industry.

William also said the same, "It was very good at the beginning. At the beginning of the listing, 1.3 billion pounds was raised for infrastructure investment.

Immediately afterwards, BAA has drastically implemented changes to actively help airlines expand domestic and foreign business.

Then, privatization directly led to a substantial increase in employee efficiency. At that time, employee efficiency increased by more than 40%, and service levels and quality were significantly improved.

In addition, BAA has a unique way to expand retail revenue. Part of BAA’s retail products are duty-free products, and their prices are naturally lower. For ordinary products, BAA also stipulates that they must not be more expensive than stores outside the airport. First stipulate this condition, otherwise you cannot rent.

This approach made BAA's non-aeronautical revenue once ranked among the top. It can be said that BAA has created multiple models of airport groupization, privatization, commercialization, and diversification. "

Yang Cheng waved his hand. "The hero doesn't mention the bravery back then. In recent years, London Airport has been scolded like a dog.

Privatization can certainly raise funds, but this brings about a possibility, because ZF often considers the group with the highest bid when bidding. Once this group owns the airport, they will of course consider recovering the investment, so the airport charges are often increased. Project, which is detrimental to airline operations. "

"This is no way. After more than ten years of development, BAA already owns 7 airports in the UK, accounting for 60% of the UK's passenger flow.

In recent years, BAA has relied on its monopoly position in UK airports and has repeatedly asked for an annual increase of 12.3% in airport usage fees. "

Yang Cheng quipped, "For the airport, which has only one monopoly service provider, you have implemented privatization, and you just transfer the monopoly from the public to the private. It is not beneficial to the airline.

It may even cause concerns for airlines because they lack an independent economic control system, especially those large monopolistic airports sometimes do whatever they want.

The original BAA privatization was based on making the airport more dynamic. However, because of its monopoly position, BAA has no intention of increasing investment and failed to expand capacity in time. This has reduced the global competitiveness of British airports and violated the original intention of privatization. Now, it is time for the UK to carry out a reform of the airport industry system. "

William turned, "But for other investors, this is an opportunity, isn't it?"

Yang Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up, "What did you hear? Is it because the British ZF is about to start the BAA? Forcing the Spanish railway group to give up its monopoly position, introduce more investors, and promote internal competition, so that BAA will be rejuvenated vitality?"

He guessed that he was basically the same, and William admired him with a thumbs up, "It is almost the same as the news I received."

Yang Cheng kept tapping his fingers on the table. He was considering whether the business was profitable or not. Regardless of whether it was a monopoly, the airport was also expensive, and the situation of making ends meet happened frequently. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This is related to the operating model. The positioning of the US airport's operation and management method is relatively reasonable. The US ZF characterizes the airport as: "a public product that is not for profit and provides public welfare services to the society is an urban infrastructure."

To put it bluntly, the airport is owned by ZF, and ZF is responsible for investment, construction, and management. Airport management agencies are mostly commercial organizations, with specialized management agencies instead of operating agencies. The personnel are quite streamlined and clear, and they are only responsible for formulating airport development plans. , Open air routes, rent and daily maintenance of airport facilities.

Moreover, the airport employment system is flexible and diverse, and the degree of socialization of operating projects is very high. Furthermore, ZF has given great support to the government policy, not only exempting the airport from tax, but also subsidizing the construction and operation of the airport by the ZF and the Federal Aviation Administration at all levels;

In this way, the airport management agency outsources ground services, terminal operation, parking, catering, retail, advertising and other businesses through franchise bidding, formulates service standards, and implements unified contract management.

This is the model that can maximize the healthy operation of airports, including airports in Canada, Brazil, RB, and South Korea.

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