Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 816: Liar from Wall Street (2)

Back then, the scam was cracked. Many New York magazine covers portrayed Madoff as a demon, but they didn’t want to think about whether there was any pie in the sky. After all, the losers were making excuses for their failures, and they were unwilling to admit it. Own greed.

It’s not that no smart people have been suspicious, because whenever Madoff is asked what investment strategy he uses, he either refuses to answer on the excuse of confidentiality, or the answer is more confusing than a secret code, various professional vocabulary The accumulation of, the top analysts on Wall Street have been crippled. The so-called model formula is difficult for mathematicians to crack. This has left a very strong potential impression on the outside world. After all, people are always It is full of awe.

   But the truth is very simple. His strategy is to continuously absorb funds and use the money of latecomers to pay dividends to the first comers. Of course, he also pays dividends to himself by the way. As long as the capital chain does not break, he can always snowball.

This is his biggest business secret. As long as there is a clever mouth and enough social status, anyone can play a routine. In fact, Ponzi schemes fill the streets and alleys of the people. Bank lending is essentially a Ponzi scheme. Variant.

  One time, an old woman was always worried about the money she gave to Madoff, and she kept chattering to make it clear. In the end, Madoff, who was troubled with it, wrote her a check directly, and the old woman looked at it-my God, it has changed so much! Immediately, he happily returned the check to Madoff, and rushed to persuade his relatives and friends to invest too. Perhaps Madoff thought these people deserved it. It was not unreasonable. Greed is the original sin!

But no matter what, greed did not violate the law, and he did not necessarily deserve to be punished for nothing, and it was not his turn for Madoff to walk the way for the sky. Of course, he was not so noble. The money he got was just for himself. Yachts, Bordeaux manors, custom-made clothing and private jets, of course, these properties were later sealed up for auction, and part of it was used to compensate the victims.

Deception is a deception. No matter how it is packaged, it is a crime, and there will always be a day when the truth will come to light. This day until the financial crisis in 2007, there were fewer new funds hooked up during the huge crisis, and the redemption was required. The demands increased, and Madoff finally couldn't settle this huge hole no matter how he put it.

   At the 2008 Christmas party, Madoff told the truth to his sons who had been kept in the dark-wealth was obtained by fraud, and now they have nothing.

   After some emotional venting, Madoff's two sons called the police, and Madoff was arrested a few hours later.

In June 2009, the 71-year-old Madoff was found guilty of 11 counts of fraud, money laundering and theft by the court and sentenced to 150 years in prison. It is roughly estimated that he has defrauded a total of 65 billion US dollars in wealth during his deception career. Until today, This is still recognized as the largest financial fraud case in American history.

It is said that at the end of the road, Madoff and his wife had thought of swallowing medicine to commit suicide, but they were unsuccessful. After all, they did not have the courage to die. However, what is unexpected is that two years after Madoff’s arrest, there were really people. Committed suicide-his young son Mark.

For Madoff’s other son, Andrew, what happened around him was an unforgivable nightmare. “What he did to me, to my brother, and to our family is unforgivable.” This is Andrew’s original words, "and what he did to thousands of other people~ I really will never understand, and I will never forgive him, I will never talk to him again in my life."

The wife is not as unfeeling as her son, and occasionally visits her husband in jail. Although she has not been held criminally responsible, her life has been ruined, and she must get a bankruptcy guardian for every expenditure over $100. Approved.

Faced with such a situation, Madoff occasionally regretted in prison. In an interview, he lamented, “This is a nightmare for me. I wish they caught me six years ago or eight years ago. "

   But more often, he still feels good about himself, and always emphasizes to others: "I am not a liar, I am a businessman."

People who have been to the prison recalled that he also had a group of admirers there, just like big stars, and Madoff, like outside, still refused to sign any place, because he was convinced that "people will take their signatures on eBay. Sell".

This is an extremely confident person, and it is hard to believe that he will regret it. Everyone understands that if Madoff is asked to do it again, he will still take this path, and even come up with a more perfect way to survive the financial crisis. , To make this scam perfect.

Now, another Ponzi scheme is about to be staged in front of him. Yang Cheng doesn’t know how he feels. Anyway, if it weren’t for David Ellison to force him, I’m afraid he would not go. As for the end of those who were deceived Misery is not in his consideration. Anyway, he was not guilty, and he did not feel the slightest guilt. Besides, all the celebrities who participated in this gathering would not survive.

He is now thinking about who to take at night. This is the first time he appeared in the outside world after the But it can't let people see a miserable self, so the choice of female partner should be very particular. , Those flesh and blood are not in his consideration.

   Of course, he doesn't want to have entanglements with those celebrities, these women are much more difficult to deal with than those gold worshipers who want to cling to the rich.

He took the towel from White’s hand and wiped the water on his body, but accidentally touched a pile of letters on the side table, bent over and picked it up, White said, “These are expired letters and a bunch of invitations, I It's about to be crushed."

Yang Cheng helped pick up a few letters, but his eyes were attracted by the white letterhead on the top, because the signature on the top was Taylor Swift. The name of the little country queen should not be misunderstood. He opened it and glanced at it. An invitation to a new house party, I looked at it before and after there was no time to mark it, and asked, "When was this delivered?"

  White took a glance and thought for a while, "It seems to be last week, when you were in F~B~I."

   "She bought a house in Beverly again?" Yang Cheng asked amusingly. It is true that this queen loves buying houses too much. There are more than ten well-documented houses.

  White also knew this stalk, and then laughed, "That's it, her moving party last week made Beverly Hills a lot of fun."

   Yang Cheng blinked, and her thoughts moved, she was worried that she had no female companions. This is not ready-made.


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