Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 817: Mildew

Yang Cheng took this expired invitation and drove a convertible Maserati GT out of the garage, all the way down, behind the Beverly Hills Hotel, hidden in the jungle, a simple and historic manor Came into view.

Stopped at the gate, raised his sunglasses, looked at the wrought iron gate, found the doorbell on the stone pillar at the gate, pressed it, and waited with his hands behind his back.

The bell sounded for about half a minute, and a familiar voice came from the intercom, "jason?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand to the camera, showing a sunny smile, "Hey, Tyler, are you not going to invite my neighbor to sit in?"

Taylor Swift was obviously startled by Yang Cheng's sudden visit. He heard Yang Cheng speak, and then he realized, "Of course, please come in soon~"

The wrought iron gate opened, unexpectedly, it was still electronically controlled. It seems that the renovation cost Taylor a lot of money.

In fact, the relationship between Yang Cheng and Tyler is not familiar, it is so much better than a nodding acquaintance. They are barely ordinary friends, but they are definitely not the kind of frequent phone calls.

Get in the car again and walk along the private road paved with slabs. The scenery in the manor is paved in front of you. Tennis courts, outdoor swimming pools, and a small terraced field with tulip flowers planted on it. Unfortunately, it’s past the tulip blooming season. .

Bypassing a small fountain, Taylor Swift was already standing at the door and beckoning to Yang Cheng.

Taylor set up an awning with his iconic big red lips evoking a bright smile. Objectively speaking, the moldy looks are not pretty, the sunken and round eyes are not beautiful, and the nose is not outstanding among Europeans and Americans. The facial features are simple. It's not exquisite even if you take it out, but it's pleasing to the eye when you get it together.

In Yang Cheng’s view, the beauty of mildew is unique and not aggressive, but with a slender figure, slightly raised hills and those long legs that provoke crime, it is enough to suffocate a man. The beauty with a dangerous breath, especially the slightly curly blond short hair style at this time, that belongs to her laziness, is especially charming in the sun.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng is not a young child. After holding back a trace of heart palpitations, he decisively stepped on the brakes and turned off the flames, supporting the door frame with both hands and jumping out directly.

Sunglasses were thrown into the car casually, and after embracing the veneer with Moyu Mo, timely praise was given, "Look and see~ I said that the sun is very strong today, it turns out to be the credit of our big star."

Mildew smiled sweetly. He didn't wear high heels at home. Even so, he looked as tall as Yang Cheng, and his simple home clothes couldn't hide the superstar aura.

"Jason, I have lived in New York for so many years and I haven't seen you take the initiative to find me. I didn't expect you to come to Beverly when I moved to Beverly. Is this a surprise?"

Mildew seems to know how to please a man by nature, no, no, to be precise, how to make a man fall in love with her, the hug with Yang Cheng is not touched, but it is very natural to stick to Yang Cheng’s chest, the upper body is slightly He leaned back on Yang Chenghuan's arm around her waist, blinked and joked.

Yang Cheng didn't dare to let go, fearing that she would not stop and fall over. He came to invite the other party to be a female companion, not for a prank.

"That's definitely my mistake. I came here to make up for it today. You know I stepped on **** a few days ago and caused a lot of trouble. I didn't catch up with your new home party. It's really a shame that I didn't come here to follow You apologize, and take a bottle of good wine as compensation." Yang Cheng used this perfect reason to successfully dispel the worries of mildew.

She is also a wine lover. As expected, when she heard that there was good wine, she jumped away from Yang Cheng and ran to the side of the car. She swept her big eyes and saw the red wine gift bag on the co-pilot. She couldn't wait to pick it up from it. Pulling out the wine bottle, this is a bottle of red wine with an old shape, a red seal, and a mottled label. The mold that knows the wine can be recognized at a glance, and he exclaimed, "This is the dry wine of the White Horse Winery in 1947. Red Wine?"

Yang Cheng smiled and said affirmatively, "I have a good eye. This was taken at an auction I participated in in 2006. It was mostly drunk by my family and I. Now there are only two bottles left, and you have one of them. "

White Horse Winery is one of the four Grand A-class wineries of Bordeaux Saint-Emilion. Since the 20th century, White Horse Winery has produced many fine wines, but only the 1947 vintage is cherished by the world. It is known as the greatest and best of Bordeaux The wines of Baima Winery have rich tannins, restrained aroma, balanced and elegant taste. Its outstanding feature is that it has the most perfect performance at any time.

At that time, Yang Cheng took a total of 10 bottles with a unit price of more than US$130,000. They were extremely expensive, not the price, but the level of cherishment. One bottle is a non-renewable resource.

Mildew naturally knew the cost of gifts, hesitated, but refused to let go.

Yang Cheng laughed loudly, "Just accept it, if you really feel bad, can you be my female companion at night and accompany me to a party?"

Mildew groaned, "I said you didn't have a good heart. If that's the case, I will accept this bottle of wine with peace of mind."

He beckoned and asked the servant to come over to take the gift, and told her to carefully put it away. Then he came to take Yang Cheng's arm and said, "Go, show you my new home."

Yang Cheng, of course, didn’t have a problem. He walked and listened to Taylor’s introduction, “This manor is a bit old. It was built in 1934 and is older than your bottle of wine. It covers an area of ​​11,000 square feet and includes four bedrooms. The owner is the heir to Hollywood producer Samuel Gorewyn, and the co-founder of MGM.

After I bought it, I asked the designer to retain the historical features, so what you see now is almost intact inherited from the 1930s. Of course, the tennis court and swimming pool have been refurbished.

Historically, this manor has witnessed many Hollywood stars, including Marlene Dietrich, Charlie Chaplin, Clark Gable and so on. "

Yang Cheng touched the mottled stone wall and sighed, "There are really not many buildings with a historical atmosphere today."

Taylor believed it very well, "Yes, so I am going to apply to the local council for the requirements of ‘Historic City Landmark Building’ in the future, hoping that it can be recorded in the annals of history and be better protected.

One day in the future, when I no longer live here, I will donate it and open it to the world to visit. I think it is a real social wealth. "

Yang Cheng couldn't help taking a different look at the woman who was dangling in this style. He really didn't expect the mold to have such a mind.

"If the application is successful, that would be great. Others only remember the luxury of Beverly Hills, but forget that this place is also a symbol of the times."

After a brief circle on the terraced fields, I entered the room. In a small quaintly decorated living room, Yang Orange and Moyu sat opposite each other. The servant brought coffee and dessert and left. Mold has not had time to hire a housekeeper.

"What is the party at night? What is the theme? I can let the stylist come over to match the outfit." Momo took a sip of coffee and asked happily. She still likes to be lively, and behaves like in front of the camera, especially with acquaintances. , It's not like other entertainers at all.

"It's a public equity fund manager from Wall Street who can organize a party. When they first arrive, they have to recognize the rich people in Hollywood and Los Angeles." Yang Cheng said disdainfully.

Moldy was surprised, "So, you don't know him?"

Yang Cheng reluctantly explained, "I don't know it, but David Ellison is still pulling me to participate. It is estimated that he intends to make a fortune, so we just follow it and see~"

Moldy nodded thoughtfully, "I see, the styling doesn't need to be too formal. A slightly grand party outfit is more suitable."

Yang Cheng echoed, "Yes, even if you don't dress well, you will be the most dazzling one~"

Moldy licked her red lips charmingly, "The mouth is so sweet~"

Yang Cheng looked at the time, not to wait too much, and said goodbye in unison, "Then you can work first, I have to go home and pick you up at that time."

"OK, thank you for your wine, I will taste it well~" The mildew and mildew did not stay, what will happen if you stay, women have always been sensitive ~ especially her kind Among the countless beauties of Yue Nan, the * in Yang Cheng's eyes was caught upright by her, of course, she did not reject it.

. . . . . .

As night falls, Beverly Hills luxury cars shuttle like a dragon, from Rodeo Drive all the way to the front of various hotels on the hillside, full of all kinds of luxury cars, and most of them are customized models, with strange color schemes. The neon light is weird and fluent, and Yang Orange’s Mediterranean color Gust is like a drop in the ocean, not conspicuous at all, except for the security guards and the parking brothers who are watching Liulu, from time to time, it is also for Yang Orange’s wallet. The cash, usually at this time, the rich and powerful people who used to be stingy in the past will also be rare and generous, and the income from tips is more than five times the usual.

Of course, Yang Cheng brought his own driver. Except for the doorman who helped open the door and got a tip of $50, the parking boy here could only be disappointed.

Yang Cheng didn’t pay attention to these beings. When he showed up with the mold in a burgundy sling and low dress, it attracted everyone’s attention in front of the hotel. In Hollywood, Yang Cheng’s status as a rich man is far from a singer queen. That kind of appeal.

Mildly dressing up today is extremely low-key, but the iconic blonde and red lips are not at all elegant, showing the aristocratic style in every gesture, compared to pretending to be a celebrity.

However, in order to match her high heels, Yang Cheng was forced to use the internal heightening. This is not the case. It is not difficult to find out that he is still a few centimeters shorter than the mold, so he is tall and straight, which is a defect. It was not discovered by anyone.

The two did not arm their hands, but adopted a couple's interlocking posture to enter the venue, which also made the person who recognized Yang Cheng's identity show a strange look. When did the Chinese rich and the lang dang queen confuse? One piece?

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