Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 818: A liar named Bogle?

   (To commemorate the founder of Vanguard Fund and "Father of Index Funds"-John Bogle)

   There are a lot of acquaintances tonight. In addition to Hollywood first- and second-tier stars and hosts, there are also many sports superstars who come to join us. These giants of more than 1 meter 9 meters are too conspicuous in the venue.

Passing through the golden lobby and entering the banquet hall on the right under the guidance of the welcoming guests, David Ellison, dressed in a white suit with a windy sao, stood at the door with his xing female companion and greeted others. He should be waiting for Yang Cheng to arrive. , After all, the invitation letter is still in his hands.

"Hey buddy, you're going to be a big show again~" David Ellison saw Yang Cheng approaching, and immediately abandoning the people who were greeting him, he stepped forward and put the bear in a hug, and then winked at the mildew. Obviously, they also knew each other. of.

"Good evening, David, I haven't seen it for a long time~" Momo was unmoved by this level of ridicule, and said hello calmly. Tonight, her role is Yang Cheng's female companion, not a popular queen. What's more, in front of David Ellison, the queen's name is worthless.

   "Good evening, beautiful Tyler, I didn't expect you to come with Jason. I was also worried that this stubborn guy would walk the scene alone. I'm relieved with you." David said.

   Yang Cheng gave him a white look and pushed him inward, "Don’t stand in the way here~ By the way, I don’t know what the host of today’s party is called."

David Ellison was accustomed to Yang Cheng's complaints, shrugged, and walked two steps in to the middle-aged fat man who was surrounded by a circle of people in the center of the venue. He said, "It's him, Sandy Bogle. "

   Yang Cheng didn't care too much at first, but briefly passed the name in his mind, and then his pupils shrank, and looked at David Ellison in surprise, "Is that the Bogle I know?"

   Obviously, this last name reminded him of something.

   David Ellison didn't sell anything, he nodded playfully, "It's the Bogle you think, otherwise you think I'm so impulsive? Or do you think any kid who just came out has such a big appeal?"

   His hand flicked in the air, indicating that this huge banquet hall, hundreds of VIPs gathered together, this momentum is not small.

   Yang Cheng laughed out loud, it seems that tonight's party will not be boring.

  The mold holding Yang Cheng's hands felt the dampness in the palm of his hand, and couldn't understand the dumb riddles played by the two, so he exhaled in Yang Cheng's ear, "Is that Bogle special?"

Yang Cheng tilted her head and explained patiently, "Bogle itself is not a big family name, but if you add John C. Jack Bogle, it will be enough to deter others. If you have not heard of this name, What about Vanguard Fund? You should have heard of it?"

Mild’s ice-blue eyes are usually not conspicuous, but they are particularly dazzling under the bright lights. Especially after giving emotions, they are even more addictive. If it is not for the limitation of the eye shape, Thales Wift's beauty can take a few more steps.

   blinked a pair of big surprised eyes, moldy covered his red lips, "I didn't expect to be a big man~"

David Ellison sneered, "Don’t be surprised. I haven’t finished. He is just the distant relative of Bogle. It’s nothing. He has never worked in the Vanguard Fund. So I I’m really curious about why he has the courage to offer an annualized rate of return of 12% without relying on the Vanguard Fund."

   Yang Cheng pursed his lips and smiled, "Shall we go and see?"

   After finishing speaking, he squeezed the mold towards the center of the crowd. As soon as he approached, he heard the high-spirited fat man talking, seemingly telling his past experience?

   "In 1994, at the age of 24, I came to New York by myself. I only wanted to find a job in public relations or journalism, but the progress was not smooth, which made me very frustrated.

   Fortunately, I have an uncle who is very well-connected in the financial world, so my mother suggested that I call him.

   I knew nothing about Wall Street at the time, but he quickly arranged several interviews for me.

   The first one is Lehman Brothers. Their magnificent trading floor quickly fascinated me. I understand that this is the life I want, and I want to join!

   Unfortunately, I did not get the offer from Lehman, but I found a job as a sales assistant at MG Stanley.

   A few years later, I was promoted all the way and was appreciated. A headhunter dug me to a hedge fund company called Galen as a senior account manager, helping large clients with huge assets to invest.

   I earn a lot of commissions from private and institutional investors, and other people on Wall Street can only grab the rest of our food. Everyone wants to do business with me and does nothing to do so.

do you know? At that time, I could go in and out of any restaurant or club in the country and watch the finals of sports events for free.

   Soon, my annual salary reached 2 million U.S. dollars, which is not even a dividend. Everyday work is taken by various people to travel around the country. They desperately flatter me in order to get my help.

   Among these activities, the "Super Bowl" tour is the most common, and private jet transfer and free of charge are the basic standards.

   The craziest time was in 2002, when I was invited to a super underground banquet in Ohio. There were 40 men and the same number of beautiful women.

   I don’t know if my cologne has worked. When I got there, almost all the beauties wanted to seduce me.

   I suddenly became a star on the scene, every word of mine is humorous.

  Of Later I learned that everyone at the event was hired..."

   Speaking of this, the people around him burst into laughter. Obviously, this typical American humor got Lao Mei’s smile.

   After everyone laughed, Sandy Bogle continued to tell his glorious history, "On this trip to Ohio, for the first time, someone provided me with cocaine.

   To be honest, it’s the first time I have come into contact with this stuff, and I am full of curiosity, but I have not dared to try it. All fools know what it is! Back in the 1980s when I was a teenager, there was a basketball star who died after smoking that thing once, so I always felt that as long as I inhaled cocaine, I would die.

   But in order not to be looked down upon, I took a little bit into the bathroom but I didn’t actually **** it. I just sucked it pretentiously and then discarded it.

   It’s just that my friends around me became addicted to it and couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t help but the constant encouragement of the people around me. Finally, I tried the forbidden fruit 6 months later. To be honest, this feeling is really unparalleled.

In 2006, I would spend between US$600 and US$700 a week on cocaine. Of course, this doesn’t include what other people gave me. That thing is a sky-high price for ordinary drug patients, but for me, buy rice and noodles. The same, the cheap ones are dying, so I drink while drinking. Although I already had a girlfriend and a daughter at that time, it was really dark. "


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