Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 821: Spielberg's new film

Gwyneth Paltrow exchanged greetings with "good girlfriends" for a while, and immediately turned the topic to Yang Cheng, who was clinking glasses with David Ellison. Obviously, Yang Cheng was the real reason why she came here on high heels. .

   The clever mold immediately discovered her intentions, and cursed "Bi Chi~" in his heart, but his smile did not diminish.

"I have known Jason for a long time. Today, he specially invited me to be his female companion. He couldn't avoid it, so he followed. The party is really boring. Fortunately, I met you." Someone who doesn't know in the paintings thinks how close she is to Yang Cheng.

   Paltrow wouldn’t take it seriously. The words of these women are only three points true, and the rest are lies. Who believes and who is stupid?

   Of course, he said that he was catering, "I have heard about the name of this young Chinese rich man. I saw it today. It was really good. He was handsome and gold. How about? Would you like to win it directly?"

   After finishing speaking, he blinked his eyes with bad luck. The meaning of those eyes couldn't be more obvious, ‘this little piece of meat, you don’t want an old lady to start~’.

   Mildew was furious. Although she didn't mean to Yang Cheng, she couldn't rob a man in front of her old lady. Where would she save her face?

   sneered, "You don't need to worry about it, we pay attention to getting along naturally, and we will come together when the time comes."

The confrontation between the two women did not continue. The main reason was that Paltrow was unwilling to fight. Seeing Yang Cheng looking over, he immediately said, "Mr. Yang, it’s an honor to be able to meet you. I have been very happy to cooperate with Lionsgate before. There are still opportunities for continued cooperation."

   Yang Cheng was stunned when he heard the words, did he cooperate with Lionsgate? Then came the report submitted by Lionsgate at the beginning of the year in his mind. The film that he had filmed before the acquisition was officially released at the beginning of the year. It seemed to be called "The Noble Thief"? It is starring Johnny Depp and Gwyneth Paltrow, and the global box office is only 60 million US dollars. Fortunately, the subsequent peripheral sales can barely recover the cost, or they will lose money.

   still want to continue working together? Dreaming, Hollywood has always bought ups and not downs. Even super first-line superstars like Johnny Depp can't stand up to several toss. If it weren't for the role of Captain Jack in these years, I'm afraid he would have fallen back long ago. First line.

   smiled and said, "The film "Avenue of the Nobles" made Lionsgate a lot of losses~" This is a bit of a face, it can be said that it has not saved Paltrow at all.

   Mildew endured a smile, but tightened Yang Cheng's arms, and massaged Yang Cheng with her small hills that were not high above sea level.

Who is Gwyneth Paltrow? I don’t take this degree of irony seriously. "This film does have some problems. From the screenwriter to the director, it is purely a product of the assembly line. The box office is naturally not satisfactory. It is a pity. Up."

  The implication is that the box office is so bleak that it is not my mother's pot, but the screenwriter and director are all to blame.

   Yang Cheng didn't intend to entangle too much with this topic. If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he really wanted to leave.

   glanced at the mold and asked casually, "How is Mr. Spielberg going? Speaking of which I have been in Hollywood for so long, I haven't had a detailed communication with him yet."

Paltrow smiled and hit the snake on the stick, "The godfather is very good. I heard that he recently ordered a new yacht and is planning to invite friends in the circle to go out to sea. If Mr. Yang has time, I can represent the godfather. Send out an invitation to drink and chat together?"

Stephen Spielberg is a veteran in the yachting circle. Now his 85-meter-long "Seven Seas" superyacht was built at a cost of 180 million U.S. dollars. As a result, he was listed for sale after returning from a round-the-world trip, ready to buy a new yacht. The reason is that the "Seven Seas" is too small, but the most funny thing is that the new yacht being built in the dock is only 5 meters longer than the "Seven Seas", but for this he will spend 60 million pounds more, I have to say This Hollywood magnate is also a wealthy and willful master.

   Originally, Yang Cheng had planned to refuse, but Paltrow's next words made him swallow the refusal.

   "The Godfather is preparing a brand new sci-fi blockbuster. The total investment will exceed 150 million US dollars. The plan has been launched. Now there is a gap of tens of millions of US dollars. If Mr. Yang is interested, he can talk to the Godfather himself."

   "The sci-fi blockbuster currently being prepared should be "Number One Player", right?" Yang Cheng thought.

   In order to confirm his guess, he tentatively said, "Really? I am a fan of Mr. Spielberg, and I can finally see his new film again. I am excited to think about it. I don't know the general content of the story?"

Obviously, Gwyneth Paltrow also had ambitions for this film, so he knew the content of the script well and opened his mouth. "The main line of the story is placed in the next 2045. The real world on the brink of chaos and collapse is very exciting. Disappointed, people pin their hope of redemption on a virtual game universe.

  As long as people wear VR devices, they can enter this virtual world that contrasts sharply with reality.

In this world, there are prosperous cities, players with different images and glorious players, and classic characters in film and television games of different dimensions can also gather here, even if you are a loser struggling on the edge of society in reality, In the game, you can still become a superhero, and even distant dreams are within reach.

   Godfather said that this is a film that satisfies his personal fantasy. "

Yang Cheng was sure that it was "The Number One Player". Maybe he could participate in it and take the remaining investment gap, but David Ellison jumped out first, "Mr. Spielberg's film is beyond doubt. How much money is missing? Just ask me~"

   pushed him helplessly, "Don't follow the chaos, your Tianwu Films has no advantage that can be valued by Mr. Spielberg."

Gwyneth Paltrow also wanted to get along with Yang Cheng. How could he allow others to make trouble, and quickly helped out, "Yes, this film will be produced and distributed by Warner, and the rest of the investors are also because You can participate in it only if you own the IP copyright. If you just need money, I believe that with the godfather’s own charisma, you can find countless investors from Wall Street."

   Being despised by the two one after another, David Ellison finally put away his greedy gaze, took a sip of champagne unhappily, and said nothing.

   Upon seeing this, Yang Cheng quickly settled the matter, "I will let New Era Pictures contact Mr. Spielberg, and I hope Ms. Paltrow can help communicate with Mr. Spielberg in advance."

   Paltrow responded happily and succeeded in getting on the line with Yang Cheng. She was in a good mood, completely forgot about her previous sordid relationship with mildew, and invited her to find friends for a drink.

Only Yang Cheng and Ellison were left drinking boringly, waiting for Sandy Bogle to relax to say hello to the party host. This guy is a well-deserved star tonight, surrounded by the crowd from beginning to end. , I can't find a chance to talk.

Finally, after more than half an hour, the crowd around Sandy Bogle was finally reduced. Yang Cheng and Ellison looked at each other, and they were not ready to wait any longer. They stepped forward and stopped the preparation. Sandy Bogle, who changed a glass, greeted him, "Mr. Bogle~ Good evening, the party tonight is great."

Sandy Bogle subconsciously showed an impatient expression, but when he saw the two people blocking him, he immediately changed his face, as if he had met an old friend he hadn’t seen for many years, and smiled happily, “Sandy Just call me Sandy. The arrival of the two makes the party tonight not wasted. It is my honour for you to have fun. I am very happy to meet the two, Mr. Yang and Mr. Ellison."

Yang Cheng and Ellison also made a few polite words and asked him to call themselves by name. The three of them moved away from the center of the banquet hall, and under the attention of the caring people, they went to the side cold dining area together and chose a few of them. Snack, chat.

"Jason, six of the ten sentences in Wall Street's current talks are related to you. New Times Media is one of the few Internet companies that New York can take. You are the pride of us New Yorkers." Sandy trembled. With a face full of flesh, he said flatly.

"Don’t dare to be, luck is better, the momentary jokes have been recognized by so many people. Speaking of Sandy, you are the proud son of heaven. This is not the case when a fund company named after you was established. Wei came to talk to you, the 12% annualized income is really eye-catching.” While Yang Cheng was talking about the scene, she calmly followed the other party's words, trying to find flaws to prove her conjecture~www.wuxiaspot .com~Who knows that Sandy saw through Yang Cheng's thoughts at a glance, "To be honest, jason, do you think I'm doing the Ponzi scheme?"

   The wise eyes and the fat body are completely out of touch.

   Yang Cheng's heart was shocked, and he was cautious about being punctured. Is there anything more embarrassing than this? He smirked and didn't know how to answer the conversation.

David Ellison had the intention to help Yang Cheng cover up a few words. Before he could say anything, Sandy waved his hand and offered him the steps, "It doesn't matter. Since I dare to offer this condition, I am ready to be questioned. It's normal. Everyone's money is not brought by a strong wind, and careful investment is a must. I will also question it if I change it."

   I have to say, this sentence touched Yang Cheng's heart, and it also changed his inherent impression of Sandy Bogle. He couldn't help but doubt his previous thoughts. Did he really think wrong?

   However, Sandy's next sentence shocked him and Ellison, like a bolt from the blue!

   "Actually, you guessed it right. In essence, the investment model I designed by myself is a Ponzi scheme~"

   Yang Cheng and Ellison looked at each other, what's the situation? And his own thunder? Feeling that you didn't die fast enough? Are you kidding me?

   David Ellison asked the same, and gave a dry smile, "Sandy, you can really joke, it works!"


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