Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 822: I'm scamming

   "I'm not kidding, I'm serious~" Sandy said solemnly.

   Yang Cheng and Ellison can't hold back their faces now, and their faces are more ugly than the other.

  Sandy may still feel that the fire is not strong enough, so he added a handful of dry wood, "And I also hope you two can join together, and we will make a fortune together."

   Yang Cheng laughed angrily. It's really wonderful every year. There are so many this year. You just tell us that you are scamming, and you want to bring us into the group? Do you really underestimate the world or feel that your God has reincarnated?

   He felt that the fat man was crazy, and there was no need to continue talking, and it was a waste of time, so he might as well go back and flirt with the mold.

Pulling David Ellison around to leave, Sandy hurriedly said, "Two of you, wait a minute, it’s not too late to leave after listening to me. Don’t you two want to know why I dare to expose the scam? Say?"

   Yang Cheng paused, he was really curious, David Ellison also wanted to know what this guy was going to do, so the two stood tacitly and turned around to look at the fat man, waiting for his answer.

Sandy put down the dinner plate and roughly swallowed the food in his mouth. His squinted eyes swept around. After making sure that no one would hear his voice, he pressed his voice and asked, "Do you know Bitcoin? "

   Yang Cheng and David Ellison shrugged at the same time. Of course, has the financial market been hotter than this in recent years?

Bitcoin was first proposed by a Japanese-American Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. It is a decentralized P2P form of digital currency. Unlike most currencies, Bitcoin does not rely on specific currency institutions to issue. A specific algorithm is generated through a lot of calculations.

The Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database composed of many nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transaction behaviors, and uses cryptographic design to ensure the security of each link of currency circulation, in order to ensure that the total number of bitcoins is permanently Limited to 21 million.

To put it bluntly, Bitcoin is a kind of network currency. Based on human intuition, it is easy to know that this is a ridiculous scam, but it has not disappeared from the dust, but it has become more and more popular. It reached once in 2017. The highest price exceeded $20,000.

Sandy opened his hands. "Look, everyone knows that Bitcoin is a scam. Why are so many people flocking to it? Just like what I do now, even if I tell everyone that the Sandy Fund is essentially a scam. , But there are still people who will give me the money, and look forward to one day, I will return them with interest."

Yang Cheng settled down and thought about it. Suddenly, he felt that this fat man made sense. Humans are greedy. As long as you make good use of this, even if you know that Bitcoin is a scam, some people still accept it, plus the huge behind the scenes The forces, as long as there is no strong external interference, this deception will never be exposed.

In fact, the principle of this scam is very simple. Junior high school students understand it. First, first compile a set of algorithms to make Bitcoin, and then build a trading platform. This algorithm uses p2p, blockchain, decentralization, etc. These professional terms are unclear and seem to be understood, but in fact they seem to understand or not. Maybe even the person who came up with this algorithm would not understand it himself.

The next step is to publicize and tell others the meaning of Bitcoin, saying that its quantity is constant and it will become more and more valuable. This is the most attractive part of Bitcoin. As we all know, the RMB, U.S. dollar, Japanese yen, etc. used now These currencies are called sovereign currencies, because in order to collect currency taxes, the issuing agencies will continue to issue excessive amounts, so the currencies will gradually depreciate.

   40 years ago, a catty of rice only cost a few hairs, and now it has risen to three or four yuan, an increase of almost 10 times, and Bitcoin is a product created out of thin air by using people's mentality to maintain and increase in value.

   But there is no shortage of smart people in this world. A discerning person knows at a glance that Bitcoin is only issued by a group, that is, a kind of network currency. If it is issued in large quantities, it will be worthless.

   In fact, Bitcoin is less credible than sovereign currencies, because the latter is backed by the government as an endorsement, while the former can change the algorithm at any time to over-issue as long as it wants.

Regarding this point, since the birth of Bitcoin, many people have questioned, saying that this is a Ponzi scheme at all, and even the behind-the-scenes people have not denied it. They just used the money of latecomers to increase market prices, and then the people in front There is money to be made, so the group behind it must build momentum and continue to promote that the number of bitcoins is stable and will continue to increase in value in the future.

The whole routine is as simple as that. It is created, and then constantly promoted, saying that it will appreciate, and then there will be a large number of followers, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, Infinitecoin, Dogecoin, etc., although the famous various The same, but the method is the same, that is to induce people to buy at a low price and then sell at a high price.

   What is the difference between this and Sandy's routine? First use your reputation to establish a fund, offer high enough return terms to make anyone's heart beat, and then spread the word around the world to make your name known. As the crab-eaters put in the first funds, the scams are officially launched and continue to flow. The funds poured into until the scale swelled to the point that no one would allow it to go bankrupt, the scam was perfect and successful, and it might even be possible to witness the birth of another giant like Vanguard Fund. .

   That's why Sandy has no fear and generously exposes the scam to the public, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, ordinary investors are not qualified to know the inside story.

   Then why is it not someone else, but Yang Cheng and David Ellison? The answer is simple. The two are well-known and have enough funds. As long as they have reached an agreement to determine the investment, Sandy will reveal the news in the next second. Those who are still on the sidelines, take a look at the rich. They are all invested, what else can they hesitate? There is no chance when it is late.

  Obviously, Sandy’s fund has an upper limit, but if the limit is really touched, he will 100% find out tens of millions of reasons to continue to absorb funds, and there will never be an upper limit.

   With a large amount of money, just drop it into the stock market, which can raise the water level by a few points, worry about not making money?

   Just like Madoff, this scam will last forever as long as there is no wave of cashing out at the same time.

The routine is classical and practical. In fact, most fund companies follow this routine. It’s just that Sandy Art is bold and daring to blatantly pull Yang Cheng and David Ellison into the partnership. This is definitely not a whim. It's well thought out.


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