Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 851: Paparazzi! (happy New Year)

(New Year's greetings to everyone, thank you for your support this year, I wish you all a happy family, success in the "pig", youth and eternal "pig", and most importantly, wealth from all directions!)

"The two will meet tomorrow night. Your mother will fly to Los Angeles tomorrow morning. Remember to send a car to pick you up."

After eating for a while, Yang Sen suddenly said.

Yang Cheng nodded silently. This is the end of the matter. He has no other ideas. The marriage partner is good, and the other party can help his family. This is enough. Anyway, he won't have unforgettable love in his life. , So the resistance to marriage itself is not that big.

"In addition, I sent the information you want to your mailbox. I have checked them one by one. The information is true. Luo Zhenhua still has the ability, but he has been suppressed in Hawaii before and his talents have not been used. This time he can enter the Senate. I believe he can spread his wings and fly high."

Yang Cheng disagrees. Compared to Luo Zhenhua, he prefers to rely on the interest relationship between himself and Richard Debin. Although this relationship will not last long, after all, Richard is getting older. In this important position of dang whip, he must not be A dim-eyed old man, of course, Richard Debin has at least 5-8 years of tenure, this time is enough to find a spare tire.

As for Luo Zhenhua, he just wants to know what kind of person this is. Well, to be honest, he just wants to see if this person is in control. If he is obedient, everything is easy to say, but if he is not obedient, then Yang Cheng has to use his brains. , Let him "obedient".

After dinner, the father and son briefly talked about Luo Zhenhua's problems and then went back to their rooms.

After washing, Yang Cheng lay on the bed holding the pad and carefully read the information sent to his father.

The information is very detailed, including Luo Zhenhua's scores for each academic year from childhood to adulthood, as well as the friction with a classmate during university, all have records.

And his wife, Luo Yue's mother, is also from a big family, and Luo Zhenhua came together because of the same marriage. Fortunately, although the two can't talk about affection, they are also respectful and respectful, and they put all their energy on cultivating their daughters. , Is a typical female representative of a big family in the old age.

When Yang Cheng saw this, he basically knew it. Luo Zhenhua must have the ambition to rejuvenate the family. For this reason, he did not hesitate to lose his only daughter, and he also gave the family’s only source of income to her daughter as a dowry. From this point on Look, Luo Zhenhua has the courage and courage to break the boat. Such a person will definitely give up everything to protect himself in a critical moment.

He laughed, he liked this kind of person the most, he was afraid of death, this is a person's biggest weakness, and it is easy to deal with a weakness, whether it is to hang him with money or life, he can be obedient.

Of course, this matter cannot be brought forward by herself, no matter how old she is, her parents' attitude is very important whether Luo Yue can accompany her wholeheartedly in the future.

Let the bad guy do it.

Putting down the pad, I was about to close my eyes to sleep, but I heard the door knocking. The sound was not loud but very hurried. I didn't dare to delay. I turned over and jumped off the chuang, picked up my nightgown and ran to open the door.

Hansen was at the door, with an anxious face but with a hint of joy, "Boss, we found through monitoring that there was indeed a sneaky figure hiding behind a big tree, but because the night was too dark, the other party chose a good angle. The front face was just covered by the tree trunk. We tried several angles, but none of them were photographed, but this person is certain."

Yang Cheng frowned and asked immediately, "What's next? He must leave after filming the video? How did he leave?"

Hansen nodded, "This is exactly what I want to say. He stayed behind the tree for about 5 minutes, and then ran back down the mountain. The route he chose was all in the shadows. Don't talk about your face. He couldn't see the shape clearly, and finally he disappeared at the corner at the foot of the mountain."

Yang Cheng frowned and squeezed her chin, "Listening to you, how do I feel that he was shooting with a purpose? Doesn't it seem like he had accidentally encountered it?"

Hansen echoed, "Yes, I think so too, and judging from the running posture of the opponent, although he has not received professional military training, he is very experienced. Obviously he exercises regularly and knows how to avoid surveillance."

The two fell into contemplation at the same time. According to this clue to analyze who might meet the above conditions, after about a minute, the two seemed to think of something at the same time. They looked at each other and said in unison, "paparrazzi!"

If one person thinks about it and is not sure, but they both think about paparazzi at the same time, then it is basically certain.

It’s not surprising to think of paparazzi. First, the other party has a wealth of secret trading experience; second, the other party knows how to hide his identity, and the main subject of the shooting that day should not be him, but the celebrities who also participated in the party, but just happened to see the season. In the scene where Moshchuk climbed the wall, with his keen sense of smell, he took a video, and then ran away unhurriedly to ensure that he would not be discovered by Jing Fang, which led to the unconditional seizure of the evidence he had taken.

Yang Cheng scolded MMP secretly, but she didn't expect that one day she would point to the paparazzi for help.

Of course, he stated in advance that he does not discriminate against this profession. A top paparazzi and his team can generate millions of dollars in income a year without any problem. He even entered the media world as a capital member of chess. There have also been cases. Compared with theft and crime, at least paparazzi's work is relatively bright.

However, after all, it is not a respected job, and it is common for people to be blinded. After all, they are doing the work of spying on the privacy of others, although the celebrities also point to the paparazzi to increase the exposure rate, and even some unknown little stars , Will spend money to ask paparazzi to take a photo of them, but it is always unpleasant.

When Yang Cheng became famous, he was also followed by paparazzi, but Hansen and the others tried several times and caused the paparazzi to suffer. As time passed, no one followed Yang Cheng. Everyone was trying to earn money. No need to lose a little life.

No matter what, Yang Cheng finally knew what the identity of the "person in the dark" was, and the investigation became targeted.

He told Hansen, "Find a big man in the paparazzi circle and ask him to help investigate who was hanging around the West Hollywood party villa on the night of the incident, and then disappeared for a few days."

Generally speaking, paparazzi’s information is shared, especially the news of big stars. Everyone wants to get exclusives, but everyone knows the difficulty of getting exclusives. Instead of doing this, it’s better to shoot together and share the bonus. Of course, who If you are lucky enough to have an exclusive clue, you will definitely treat it as a treasure, let alone share it with others, you will be beaten up, as long as you can keep the clue, it's worth it.

Hansen went out to investigate, and the result is not easy to say. Anyway, Yang Cheng didn't want to sleep. Perhaps this "person in the dark" never thought he had guessed his identity, right?

Blame him for being too greedy!

. . . . . .

In this way, Yang Cheng tossed over and over all night, and didn't fall asleep. He was happy when he thought that he could take off the little things on his ankles immediately. Unfortunately, he waited all night and didn't wait for the good news from Hansen.

It was just getting dark, Yang Cheng got up with a sigh and went to the gym downstairs to divert her attention.

After stepping on the bike for a while, changing into swimming trunks and going to the pool to toss the water, it took a full half an hour before crawling out of the water exhausted, closing the bathrobe and lying on the lounge chair by the pool, talking to the servant I ordered a vitamin drink and took a picture of the rising sun with my mobile phone.

Bored, he took pictures of the sunrise scenery, from the initial soft pink to the hot orange red later, coupled with the smooth texture of the clouds, who would have thought that this was a photo taken with an Apple phone?

After enjoying it for a moment, I felt that the beautiful scenery could not be enjoyed exclusively. The edited message was sent to Luo Yue. Maybe this girl is sleeping soundly?

When Yang Cheng was thinking about it, the prompt sound of the text message came. He was stunned for a moment before clicking to check it. It was Luo Yue's reply, "It's so beautiful.

He knocked on the virtual keyboard dumbfounded, "I haven't slept all night, I just saw this scene after swimming, and I want you to see it~"

After clicking send, I realized that the words were a little sweet. Sure enough, Luo Yue replied with a shy expression, and then wrote, "It's really beautiful. Are you in Beverly Hills?"

Yang Cheng gave up an impenetrable smile, "Well, at home, you will be able to see this beautiful sunrise with your own eyes in the future."

"I'm looking forward to it~"

Yang Cheng hesitated, and wanted to ask her why she got up so early, but the text was edited. When she clicked to send, she suddenly became hypocritical, quickly deleted the text message, and re-edited, "Our two families will meet each other in the evening. ,nervous?"

This time Luo Yue replied after a while, "I was nervous. I talked with my father for a long time last night, but didn't fall asleep after tossing and turning."

Yang Cheng lost laugh It turned out that it was because of this, "Will you take a vacation and take a good night's sleep? I hope you will appear at the party tonight in the best spirit."

"This is a good idea, then I'm going to bed, and you can make it up too, right?"

Yang Cheng wanted to sleep too, but he still had a problem. He definitely couldn't sleep, so he didn't go upstairs to toss. He told White to pick up his mother at the airport. Then Yang Cheng took Andrew out to find Hansen. This matter should not be resolved sooner. There is always a big rock in this heart.

At this time, Hansen was squatting outside an ordinary residential area in the city center. This is a relatively poor residential area in Los Angeles. It is different from the slums. It maintains a modern living atmosphere, but the people who live here are relatively The workers at the bottom of the society are mainly Mexican, Turkish, and Middle Eastern immigrants who have first arrived in the United States.

The houses here are low and there are few wide front and rear yards. There are also cheap hatchbacks parked at the door, but the street is kept clean and there are various shops on both sides of the street. There is nothing beautiful to live here. The scenery and the bustling business district, but the overall life is still convenient, anyway, much better than the slums. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site

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