Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 852: Paparazzi-Miles (Happy New Year)

  Like Los Angeles, the urban areas of many so-called big cities in the United States are not as prosperous and luxurious as they might be imagined. Most ordinary people and poor people live in cheap apartments.

   The subway and bus facilities in the urban area are dirty and old, like living in the old society, but this is the means of transportation that ordinary people rely on.

   The wealthy people live in single-family villas with front and back gardens in the suburbs. They drive their own cars to and from get off work. Few people go to crowded public transportation. Public security in the city is much worse than in the suburbs. The crime rate soars at night.

And many people who live in the suburbs and are located in high-end neighborhoods, if they do not go out for a long time, many people do not need to lock their doors. This is unthinkable in the city. Of course, this is a very rare example. , And only a few small towns far from the hustle and bustle can do it. In the United States, at most, people forget to lock their doors.

  The poor living in the city is also a last resort. The rent here is often much cheaper than in the suburbs. The large houses in the suburbs can't afford their hourly income, let alone raising a decent car.

This situation is completely opposite to Country Z and even many Asian cities, but in the early days of the United States, like Country Z now, the rich lived in the city center, the poor lived in ravines and remote places, and now there are many children from Texas ranches. I was ridiculed by my classmates in the city as being a countryman or a peasant. Later, with the advancement of urbanization, many people transformed their houses into apartment-style houses. Many people lived in one house. The living environment deteriorated, public security was in chaos, and the residents were troubled. Do not choose to withdraw from the city.

With the increase of low-income people in the city, people with financial means are reluctant to huddle with these people. In addition, the scenery in the suburbs is more beautiful, there are fewer and quiet people, and the people who move to the suburbs are passed on. More and more, and gradually formed a situation where the poor live in the city and the rich live in the suburbs.

   Obviously, the quality of life of the paparazzi is not high. The people who live here are trying to make money and enjoy a high-quality middle-class life in the suburbs, and the paparazzi is no exception.

  In an inconspicuous old van on the side of the road, Yang Cheng met Hansen and several of his team members.

   This is a modified van. The seats have been removed, monitoring equipment has been installed, and there is a small weapons arsenal. The team members are all sitting on the floor with carpets on the floor, which is quite comfortable.

   After everyone greeted Yang Cheng in surprise, Hansen asked, "Boss, why are you here?"

   Yang Cheng looked out through the filmed car window. The stream of people was bowing their heads to work. No one noticed the broken van parked here motionless.

   "I don't worry, come and have a look, how about it? What did you find?"

Hansen didn't dare to ask more, and hurriedly replied, "I found a big man in the paparazzi circle. He has very rich connections in the circle. It didn't take long to find out that a few paparazzi went to West Hollywood to try their luck that day. Screened one by one and found that there was only one person who remained mysterious, rarely communicated with his colleagues, and often walked alone, and was rejected by the circle because of this. Many paparazzi scolded him behind his back, saying that he ate alone."

   Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully, "So you suspect that he is the most likely person to take the video?"

"Yes, judging from his performance, this person is cautious and close to the character described by his peers, and among the suspects we have identified, several others have an alibi, then this mysterious paparazzi naturally becomes our first priority. The object of doubt." Hansen explained.

   Yang Cheng affirmed Hansen's analysis, "Well done, then, what else have you found about this person?"

Hansen patted his forehead, "By the way, his name is Miles, he was born in New Jersey, he is a mixture of Mexican and black people. The exact time he entered the industry has not been found yet, but he became famous because he took a picture of Taylor Swift. The photos of changing clothes on the balcony were sold to the Daily Mail for $10,000.

   is also because of this incident that made his name spread among colleagues. "

   Yang Cheng glanced at Hansen in surprise, "Zoom out the photos?"

Hansen shook his head and pulled out a newspaper from the back of the front seat. This is half of a certain issue of the Daily Mail. A blurry color photo occupies half of the page. The photo is the young mold. The scene of changing clothes on the balcony of my own villa, unfortunately, is not the light, otherwise I can definitely sell one more zero.

   "It seems that this kid has some strength." Yang Cheng put down the newspaper and exclaimed.

   You must know that most paparazzi may follow for a year and may not be able to take exclusive photos of superstars. This kid has achieved such a proud record when he is a young man. No wonder he likes to be a lone ranger and there is no need to share the fruits with others.

"According to our investigation, Miles moved from New York to Los Angeles three years ago, and has been renting a small house on it since pointed to the Turkish pizza restaurant through the window. Said a household in the building.

   Yang Cheng also followed his head and looked around. He didn’t see him, and looked back, "He hasn’t gone out today?"

"I don’t know yet. We just arrived more than an hour ago. When we came, the doors and windows of the house were closed and the curtains were closed. We didn’t know if anyone was inside. We didn’t want to disturb him, so we could only wait quietly. As long as he goes out, he will definitely not escape the palm of our hands." Hansen patted his chest confidently.

Yang Cheng nodded. After all, they are not law enforcement officers. The crime of robbing people is not impossible to do, but they cannot be done during the day when there is a lot of people. So he understands Hansen’s approach, but he doesn’t want to wait anymore. Go and make up a person as a salesperson of an insurance company to see if he is in the house. If he is not there, we go in and search for it. The best evidence can be found."

   Hansen thought about it carefully and thought this method was feasible. Just about to speak, Andrew, who couldn’t stand the loneliness, volunteered and shouted, "I’ll go, I’ll go~"

   Yang Cheng grabbed him angrily, "You can't, just your muscles, smile as if you want to kill someone, fools can feel something is wrong, no matter how disguised is useless."

   His ridicule amused the other team members in the car, and Hansen followed and patted Andrew on the back of the head to signal him not to make trouble.

   Yang Cheng glanced around in the car and motioned to the man in the driving seat, "How is he? Is he good at disguising?"

This buddy wears glasses, it is very confusing at first glance, and his figure is similar to ordinary people, there should be no flaws in a suit, but to be cautious, he still seeks Hansen’s opinion, after all, his people He knows best.

  .. m.

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