Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 862: Basic dish of donkey party

"White, help me prepare some things for camping. I have more food, drinks and alcohol. Fill the trunk of that Land Rover and the gas tank. I will leave at 2 o'clock."

White responded with a smile, "Of course sir, I will be ready soon."

Since it is going to camp, driving a sports car is certainly not appropriate. Land Rover’s off-road capability and powerful space loading capacity are essential for home travel.

"You go to the room for a while, it will take more than 6 hours to go to Yosemite, so you can refresh yourself in advance."

Luo Yue obediently accepted Yang Cheng’s suggestion and randomly found a room to take a nap, while Yang Cheng went to the study to call Richard Debin. A while ago, Bennett was ruthless to the Elephant Party. With a fierce blow, the party seems to have died down, ready to suspend this inexplicable battle, and make every effort to prepare for the election.

It's just that Yang Cheng doesn't feel right. With the attribute that two dang jail defects must be reported, this is obviously not a normal phenomenon.

"Jason~" rang for a while before Richard Debin answered the call.

"Richard, do you have time to talk now?"

"There is a meeting in 30 minutes~"

Yang Cheng relaxed, and said, "Don't you think that the quietness of the party is a bit abnormal recently?"

Richard Debin pondered for a moment, "I have this feeling too, but I still don't have a clue. We can only watch the changes."

"The Bennett incident was caught off guard by the Elephant Party. Losing an important person must have to be retrieved from other places, but the other party hasn't heard anything from him until now. Obviously he is planning a big conspiracy." Yang Cheng said. His thoughts.

"So, what are your guesses?"

Yang Cheng stood up, looked at the garden outside the window, and said faintly, "I recently took the time to study the American big xuan in recent decades. It can be said that the elephant party has started to decline since Reagan.

In 1992, Zipten defeated his success in coming to power with various tax reduction promises and the incompetence of Xiangdang Lao Bu Shi, amnesty illegal immigrants, and introduced immigrants from war-torn and poverty-stricken areas such as Chechen, Lao Mo, Afu Khan, etc., and won a great deal. The support of most black Lao Mo, Bai Zuo, and some white blue-collar workers, and the continuous development of the White Left has expanded the basic plate of the Donkey Party;

By the year 2000 of the new century, the Donkey Party’s basic market has even gone from lagging behind the Elephant Party by about 30 votes to slightly ahead of the Elephant Party. It’s just because Xiaofeixie’s opponent Kerry and others are really mediocre and not good at canvassing votes and making speeches. The Busch family’s Latin American descent was supported by some intermediate voters such as Latinos and women, and only won twice. Unfortunately, for various reasons, Xiaofeixie messed up the internal governance and caused an economic crisis, and fell into the quagmire of war. Dissatisfaction with it caused the support rate of the Elephant Party to reach a record low;

At this time, Comrade Guanhai who has black skin jumped out, relying on the incitement of flicks and speeches, he made good use of his black identity, and the old opponent McCain who belonged to the Elephant Party was incompetent. Comrade Guanhai succeeded in taking office and continued to let him go. Illegal immigrants entered the United States, regardless of the risk of national bankruptcy, greatly increasing the welfare of the people, using black status to gain support from more Hispanic blacks, and the basic plate of the Donkey Party further expanded.

Moreover, the Donkey Party has continued to control media resources since the beginning of the moment. By the time of Comrade Guanhai, this grand strategy has been basically completed. It is an indisputable fact that the direction of the media has been biased towards the Donkey Party, and conscious propaganda has also led to some lack of assertiveness or inconsistency. The voters who care about ZZ change! "

At this time, Richard Debin suddenly interrupted, "How do I feel that you are not talking about a conspiracy like the party, but the big conspiracy of our donkey party."

He jokingly hinted that Yang Cheng did not take these words to heart. At the same time, he also reminded Yang Cheng to pay attention to his words. It is best not to say these words outside.

Yang Cheng's heart was moved. Isn't this equivalent to admitting the truth of his guess in disguise?

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet~"

"OK, you continue~"

"By the end of the 12th year, the Donkey Party’s basic board will have almost 40 votes more than the Elephant Party. Actually, Luo Mu Ni, the last candidate of the Elephant Party, has a very good ability. He can be regarded as a practical faction, at least in terms of macro-level ability. It's far better than Xiaofeixie or McCain and others, but even this way, there is no suspense of losing!

The reason is that the basic board of the Donkey Party has completed the crushing of the target party, and the traditional elephant party elite such as Romuni can only keep the traditional basic board. The middle voters and the comrades in the sea are half, nothing more, the basic board is small. At the same time, several swing states all lost about 5 percentage points, but of course they couldn't win!

On the other hand, Comrade Guanhai used the power of the general tong, united with the white left to promote equal rights, tied the blacks, the old ink, and the white left **** together, and controlled the media’s misleading propaganda, introduced refugees, continued to expand the basic plate of the donkey party, and tried his best The parliament recovered the disadvantages, but it was not successful. The Elephant Party successfully blocked the strategy implemented by Comrade Guanhai in the Finally, Comrade Guanhai introduced a limited number of refugees, and the conspiracy of completely amnesty illegal immigrants was also Failed!

However, if this situation does not change, the basic market of the donkey party next year, even if it is conservatively estimated, will have about 60 more votes than the elephant party, and most swing states such as Pennsylvania and Ohio are obviously biased towards the donkey party. In this case, if the Elephant Party doesn’t want to make any tricks, anyone in the Elephant Party’s election will only be worse than the loss in 12 years. It’s even more likely to be hanged. Even Romu Ni’s 206 votes will not be saved. This may be very big. I am afraid that the Elephant Party has already made a similar prediction, striving to turn the tide in the next year’s Great Xuan. "

Richard Debin was silent for a long time and sighed, "What you said is basically correct, and I cannot refute it. Expanding the basic market is also the unswerving general direction strategy of the Donkey Party. No matter who in our dang succeeds, it will Stick to this strategy.

As for what you said that the elephant party is plotting a big conspiracy, there is no such possibility, but what about it? Now that the donkey party has become a big trend, I don't think the party can come back through strange tricks. "

Yang Cheng snorted in his heart. If he is not familiar with the future, I am afraid he will also follow Richard Debin's words. After all, what he said is the truth. Who can refute it?

But the reality is that if the Donkey Party doesn’t do something, they will smash their heads in the next year. The Elephant Party will not hesitate to offend Wall Street and anger the White Left, and let Donald say that many people want to say but dare not say anything. , Has won the approval of a large number of middle voters, and even the support of white, blue-collar, Asian, and hard-working blacks in the basic board of the original donkey party. This is also the key to Donald's victory by shocking everyone in the world. Sexual factors.


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