Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 863: Go to Yosemite

Yang Cheng's confidence in Richard Debin is not surprising, even if he is a scheming donkey party dang whip, no one feels that he will lose when he has the advantage.

Of course he will not tell Richard that he knows the future. You will be planted in the hands of a nouveau riche in the future. No one will believe this.

Of course he didn't have the need to remind him, after all, he was not a member of the donkey party, and there was no need to touch other people's taboos.

It’s just that he needs to judge the current situation from Richard Debin’s words. In recent months, Washington has been overshadowed by clouds. At present, the Donkey Party is slightly better. Just like the situation in the past 10 years, the Donkey Party people are not allowed. The avoidance produces pride, and people are often in bad luck at this time. The reason that the arrogant soldier will lose is not groundless.

The old stock god's theory can also be applied to the current situation-when others are greedy, you have to be vigilant, and when others are wary, you should be greedy.

The current situation obviously applies to the first kind. The Donkey Party members are complacent and even feel that the position of the leader is already in their pocket. Then, Yang Cheng will continue to deepen the relationship with the Donkey Party?

The answer is no. Yang Cheng thinks it is a good idea to deepen the relationship with the Elephant Party.

There was no communication on the phone with Richard Debin for too long. After Yang Cheng strengthened his mind, he stopped paying attention to these annoying things, and it made him even more excited to go out with his fiancee.

But when he was taking a bath and preparing to set off, he suddenly saw the shackles on his feet and curled his lips. How could he go back about what he had promised Luo Yue? There was no way, but he had to trouble his old friend Cari again for help and temporarily lift the restrictions on the range of activities For this reason, he also specially arranged for White to send some warmth to the comrades of the F~B~I Los Angeles branch. There is no beauty, but eating and drinking is not a big problem.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a silver-white Land Rover full of food in the trunk appeared at the entrance of Highway 5 and met Luo Yue's friends here.

Of course, the main purpose of Lin Ximan's temporary preparations was to test Yang Cheng's character for Luo Yue, a good girlfriend. A short trip was enough for everyone to see a person's character.

Secondly, I also take this opportunity to go out and have fun. I have been in the United States for a long time, and I know how to enjoy life more and more. Only by combining work and rest can I have better design inspiration.

Lin Ximan has a lot of friends, there are 10 people in 3 cars, and the pair of Yang Cheng and Luo Yue, a total of 12 people form the team of this camping trip.

Yang Cheng parked the car, Lin Ximan trot over, hugged Luo Yue's arm, and blinked at Yang Cheng, "Young Master Yang, would you please be our driver this time?"

I don't know when Lin Ximan's name started, anyway, Yang Cheng didn't succeed in correcting it several times, so she simply called it.

Shrugged, "This is my honour, so shall we go now?"

He probably glanced at it. Most of the 10-member team are in pairs and they are all Chinese. Of course, there are also a few more men. Seeing that their eyes follow Lin Ximan, I am afraid they are still followed by this girl. Who came.

Lin Ximan nodded, "Of course, it's late, let's set off quickly, I will take your car~"

After speaking, he opened the back door and got in. He didn't give the suitor a chance to speak at all. He waved to everyone in the car to signal everyone to go.

Yang Cheng lowered his head and smirked. It seemed that this trip was interesting.

This is not the place to talk, so Lin Ximan didn’t introduce Yang Cheng to everyone. At this time, everyone didn’t know Yang Cheng’s true identity, let alone that he and Luo Yue were already engaged, and thought it was Luo Yuexin. The boyfriends they made nodded their heads in a kind manner, and then each drove their cars onto Interstate 5.

After driving out of the short section of the congested city road in Los Angeles, I went straight to Highway 5. Compared with the winding highway of Highway 1, Highway 5 is easier to drive and straight. It may also be because of working hours. There were very few cars on the road. After the first more than one hour of driving, there was about 170 miles (250 kilometers) of road thereafter. It was almost a straight road without any forks, and the scenery was different from the magnificent scenery of Kilometer 1. , It is unique and magnificent, very enjoyable.

In the United States, slow driving is punished, and of course speeding will result in arrest.

The traffic laws here are very interesting. They are completely different from those in Country Z. Cars caught speeding on the camera will be punished. In the United States, there are often police officers hidden on highways. Only the cars that lead the speeding are fined, and the cars behind are hardly punished. .

Therefore, when ordinary people are driving, as long as they clearly feel that the car in front of you is fast, regardless of speeding or not, they can safely drive boldly. Once there is no leading car ahead, then you must pay attention to the speed.

Just like now, the leading Audi A4, even if there is no one in front of him, he dare not run into a car racing. He may get out of the road when a police car will chase you and let you stop.

The speedometer of American cars is calculated in "miles". For example, 80 miles per hour is equivalent to almost 130 kilometers per hour, which is also the maximum speed limit for California highways.

People who are new to the United States don’t pay attention and they are very uncomfortable. As long as they are on the road, all the cars will drive quickly, but they will keep a certain distance. They will not change lanes randomly. Will slow down and give way.

But on the contrary, if you want to enter the highway, you must wait until there are no cars before you can enter, otherwise no one will let it. This should be the US traffic law system.

Because California is exposed to sunlight all year round, rain is not enough. It can be called the rainy season. Only the winter in California. Almost all year round rain ends at this time. Of course, it rarely lasts for several months. At that time, at most a few days to a week is over. At this time, it’s autumn, the weather is cool, and there have been a few light rains in the past few days and nights, so Yang Cheng and the others are lucky to be able to see a large area of ​​beautiful green hills. The scene is very gratifying.

Although the terrain is undulating, the road is straight, and it is refreshing to see the horizon and the blue sky all the time.

Occasionally driving through a small piece of low-lying land, there is still water in it, forming scattered small lakes. Luo Yue quickly took out the phone to take pictures. Of course, she did not lower the car window. This is not allowed by traffic laws, but In the arid and water-deficient California, freshwater rivers and lakes are super rare. The sight of such a small lake on the side of the road really surprised Luo Yue, so he quickly took a picture and was shocked.

Yang Chengdekong looked aside and saw Luo Yue patted the horse drinking water by the lake. He couldn't help but smiled, "Next to Highway 5, there are a large number of open-air pastures gathered, and they all cover a vast area. It’s not surprising to see horses in this super ranch."

As he was talking, he happened to pass a vast pasture, a group of white inlaid in it, it was the flock of sheep grazing leisurely, there were probably thousands of heads, and no one was grazing, but lying on the flock. The shepherd dogs on the periphery are taking care of the sheep dutifully.

After a while, tens of thousands of cows were grazing in the pasture fence on the edge of the highway. Suddenly a strange smell rushed in along the outer circulation system of the car. How to describe it, it is probably a mixture of cow dung The smell of green grass is very intoxicating!

Since I was a child, I have played big Yangcheng in the Liuyuan Mountain Ranch. Naturally, it is clear that this smell is a sign that it is about to enter the range of the ranch.

Just like this, all the way, except occasionally stopping to rest in the service area, other times are on the road.

Other cars can also change drivers, but Yang Cheng is more bitter. One of the two beautiful women in the car has a driver’s license but has not driven a few times, and the other simply does not have a driver’s license. They can’t share the burden with Yang Cheng and hurt him. I could only drive for 6 hours, and finally arrived at the small town of Oakhurst near Yosemite National Park at 21:00.

The hotel that Lin Ximan booked is located in the Sierra Sky Ranch next to the town. Because it is adjacent to the national park, the natural scenery is beautiful, and the overall decoration style of the hotel is close to the window is the Bays Lake and the rolling mountains Beautiful scenery, breathing the freshest air, and experiencing the purest country life, I have to say that Lin Ximan chose a good place to stay.

The Sierra Sky Ranch was originally a ranch for raising beef cattle, but it was acquired by a hotel group in 1945 and developed into today's tourist ranch. The service facilities are very complete, so there is no need to worry about any inconvenience.

Yang Cheng got out of the car. Although the field of vision was pitch black, the fragrance of green grass in the air still made him relax and relieve his fatigue.

Luo Yue came over with a sweet smile and said hard, Lin Ximan jumped out of the car, blinked at the two of them, and joked, "Okay, don't get tired of it, there is time to wait for the room."

After speaking, he clapped his hands again, focused everyone's attention, and raised his voice, "Everyone will go back to the room to clean up, and I will see you at the bar inside the hotel at 10 o'clock. I won't be drunk or go home tonight~"


"Just waiting for this moment~"

Obviously, everyone is very satisfied with this arrangement~

Lin Ximan patted Yang Cheng and raised a small fist to demonstrate, "It's cheaper for you, because there is no extra room, so I can only let you and Luo Yue live in the same room, but if you dare to bully her, I am absolutely forgiving. No way for you~"

The dark night couldn't hide Luo Yue's blushing face, gave his girlfriend a fierce look, took Yang Cheng and turned away.

What else can Yang Cheng do besides an awkward smile? At this time, if he shows anxious appearance, let alone Lin Ximan, Luo Yue will have to blow up his hair, but he is really not in a hurry. Anyway, he is engaged. The early and late are the same. Wait until the wedding night It’s also a good choice to start the gift yourself~


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