Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 864: Help your girlfriends catch the flies

When they returned to the room, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue looked at each other awkwardly, but Yang Cheng was the first to break the silence. As a result, what he said almost caused Luo Yue to spit to death, "Well, don’t worry, I’ll hold you. Do nothing~"

The process of being beaten up and beaten by Luo Yue in the middle will not be too much to repeat. Anyway, when the two came to the bar, there was nothing in Yang Cheng's body that did not hurt. This shows the world-class level of Luo Yue's women's singles.

The bar inside the hotel is designed with wild, rough wooden style, showing the wild and unrestrained side of the wild. There are various deer head specimens hanging on the wall, and there is also a sturdy man standing in the bartender. There is no Yingyingyan in Los Angeles bars. There are only hormones that people wantonly sway. However, people who come to play this season are rich and leisurely. They are all about quality and rarely noisy in bars.

Lin Ximan reserved a deck, which happened to accommodate 12 of them. After everyone was seated, Lin Ximan officially introduced Yang Orange to everyone.

"Let's welcome Luo Yue's boyfriend to join. This is Yang Cheng. He started his own company. Everyone is quacking."

Lin Ximan was very active, warmed up the venue with a few words, held up a cup of tequila, and signaled everyone to toast.

The traditional method of drinking tequila is to put a pinch of salt in the palm of your hand, take a sip, drink up the wine, and finally bite into a slice of lemon, which is exciting!

Originally, Yang Cheng was ready to be tortured, but he found that everyone was playing very elegantly and seemed to deliberately cater to the style of this bar. The discussions were all about their respective companies. Everyone complained about each other and the atmosphere was very warm. But there is an unspeakable barrier.

Yang Cheng knew that this was not an illusion, but he couldn't ask others, so he buried his head between Luo Yue's neck and whispered in her ear, "I thought they would frantically question my relationship with you."

Luo Yue felt itchy ears, unnaturally put off his hair, but did not hide, he hesitated and replied, "In fact, we rarely engage in similar parties, and everyone is very busy, but Manman has been more upset recently. This is why I want to use the purpose of the party to call everyone out to drink and have fun with her~"

Yang Cheng wondered, Lin Ximan worried? This girl is like a pistachio, and she doesn't look like someone who is willing to bury things in her heart.

Seeing Yang Cheng puzzled, Luo Yue snarled at Lin Ximan and the men around her, "Didn't you see them all? Originally I was single and often stayed with Manman, so she didn't feel lonely. Now that I have you, I have been with you for almost three meals a day. Li Qiang has been taken back to China by you. There is no one who can accompany her to eat. Can you be happy every day by yourself?"

Yang Cheng suddenly realized that, no wonder he felt that this game was so awkward today. Everyone was in pairs and she was the only one. Of course, the flies behind her were not human for the time being.

In this situation, Yang Cheng couldn't get through, but Lin Ximan was Luo Yue's best best friend, and it was inappropriate for him to not help. For a while, he was a little entangled.

Lin Ximan toasts frequently, and the frenzied drinking makes the flies around her frightened, but he is helpless and can only turn his head frequently with her wine glass in worry.

Lin Ximan’s three suitors all seem to be petty bourgeoisie successful people, all of whom can get an annual salary. For typical middle-class people, men who have the ability naturally demand the company of beautiful women. Lin Ximan is not in an absolute sense. She has good looks, but she has a cheerful and generous personality, not at all cold, and has an excellent temperament, especially when she has big red lips, and she is full of charm. This kind of woman deserves to be chased by so many people.

According to Luo Yue's introduction, these three suitors all came into contact with Lin Ximan at work, and then went out of control. The most persevering one has been with Lin Ximan for 2 years. As countless competitors rose up, and watched them disappointed one by one, but he was still with Lin Ximan, I have to say that this is also a success.

The person who made Yang Cheng admire was the man on Lin Ximan's left hand who looked quite honest, dressed very plainly, and wore high-quality glasses. This appearance was first compromised, but he was better. He is a talented scientist at a biopharmaceutical company with an annual income of hundreds of thousands of dollars and holds a patent dividend for a drug. Looking at his early 30s, he is estimated to have saved a lot of money.

However, he is obviously not good at words. This has not been squeezed to one side by the two competitors. Even Lin Ximan’s clothes can’t be touched, but he seems to have gotten used to it. He drank in silence by himself, but his eyes remained constant throughout. He hasn't left Lin Ximan before, so persistent!

Yang Cheng sighed here, but Luo Yue was dissatisfied, "Don't sit down, try to help Manman drive away the flies~"

"How do you rush this? Didn't you see that your girlfriend was drinking Zhenghuan?" Yang Cheng was also helpless, can she still play happily? He is not a confidant elder sister, and has to solve emotional problems for others.

But Luo Yue had already spoken, he couldn't do it if he didn't, so he had to bite the bullet and said, "That Manman~"

In order to show his closeness with Lin Ximan, he had to learn Luo Yue's name to call her.

Lin Ximan's action of holding up his glass was stagnant, UU reading www. chuckled her hair and smiled, "Why? It's so intimate? Aren't we jealous?"

The alcohol blushed her face, making her look pretty in the dim light.

Luo Yue severely pinched the fine meat around Yang Orange's waist, but didn't take any further action, acquiescing to this name.

"We Yueyue are very generous and won't be jealous for this little thing. I said, let's just play something? It's boring to drink. How about a real adventure?" Yang Cheng suggested enthusiastically.

This game is a great weapon to instigate discord.

Luo Yue's eyes lit up, and she had a basic understanding with Yang Cheng. She guessed Yang Cheng's purpose and immediately echoed, "Yes, Manman, staying like this is too boring, let's play."

At the same time, he blinked at her. With the tacit understanding between their girlfriends, Lin Ximan immediately understood what Luo Yue wanted to convey, and simply nodded in agreement.

Yang Cheng asked the waiter for an empty wine bottle, emptied the middle of the coffee table in the deck, and put the bottle down. The game is very simple. Turn the wine bottle in a clockwise direction. After stopping the rotation, the bottle mouth is directly opposite. People have to accept the test of the truth or the big adventure, and they don’t agree that they will be punished. In order to increase the difficulty of the game, but also to create opportunities for provocation, Yang Cheng specially made a large glass of mixed high-level spirits. "Yang's Cocktail", if this glass of wine goes down, it is estimated that most people have to lie there directly.

The game was proposed by Yang Cheng, and he naturally started to turn it around. What's so good is that after making dozens of laps, the mouth of the wine bottle was pointed at the honest pharmaceutical scientist. This tm is too back, lying on the gun. There is wood.

Yang Cheng glanced at the buddy sympathetically and asked, "Guy, do you choose the truth or the big risk?"


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