Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 866: Cary's ambition

   "jason, jason, are you listening?"

   Yang Cheng wanted to get into his mind, and forgot that he was still on the phone, and answered, "I'm listening, you just called me, as if you knew in advance that WikiLeaks wanted to expose information?"

Kari affirmed, "Yes, WikiLeaks has caused us a lot of trouble over the years. In order to eliminate this scourge as soon as possible, we have also sent a hacker to lurch on the website. This time it is the news from undercover. It’s just that he knew it too late, and it’s too late to wait for the news to reach us."

   Yang Cheng thoughtfully, "That's it, then what are you going to do now?"

   "It is definitely necessary to cooperate with C~I~A to investigate the person who leaked the file, and we must never spare him~"

  Kari’s fierce voice was not taken care of by Yang Cheng. As the leader of the global intelligence agency, face provocation must be returned. It’s okay. The key is how to get back.

   "This is also the reason why I called you. I want to report to Mr. Richard Debin in person, because this matter is very important and needs his support."

   Yang Cheng groaned, "You can talk about it first~"

Kari hesitated, Yang Cheng was not an outsider, and there was nothing to say, so he said, "I am going to brew a major "hunting" to catch possible leakers. Once the action is successful, I will stand at the headquarters. Keep your heels steady, and you can also become famous in one fell swoop, play prestige, and completely open the situation."

Yang Cheng frowned, "How specific? If it's just an action, it shouldn't be necessary for Richard to take action? You know, you use his opportunity once less once, do you think about it carefully? After all, you There are also directors and deputy directors, as well as the heads of various departments. It is not your turn to top the tank."

   Carrie hesitated for a while, and then firmly said, "No, this is a good opportunity, there is no risk, it would be a shame to miss it, Jason, you don't need to persuade me, I have decided!

   The bureau is now intensely evaluating the harm caused by WikiLeaks files and the panic that may be caused by the files released in the future.

At present, some civilian officials in the bureau believe that the WikiLeaks revelations will accelerate the failure of the United States in the battle with cybersecurity opponents, and the disclosure of these documents may also affect the United States and Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, etc. The cooperation of the intelligence agencies of the allies, and more importantly, this revelation may lead to a collective protest in Silicon Valley. It will inevitably be even more difficult for others to cooperate in the future.

Therefore, no matter whether there is my proposal or not, we will never let go of the culprit of this leak. Instead of giving up this credit, it is better to be in my hands. At least it can be a merit for me to continue to climb. . "

Yang Cheng was noncommittal about this. Although the reason why he helped Cary introduce Richard Debin was because of Cary’s ambition, what he didn’t expect was that it didn’t take long for the General Administration to make this ambition grow again. Struggling for a higher position, don't you know how to praise him for being motivated? Should he say that he has no farts?

Moreover, according to what Kari said, this is to eat alone and do everything. If this makes him successful, let’s not say anything else, the real boss Komi definitely doesn’t have a good face for Kari, but that person’s heart is The little one, the person who offended him, can't wait to write a book to scold his family, even if Richard Debin is covered, Kari's life in the bureau will not be better in the future, after all, the county magistrate is not as good as it is now.

   Yang Cheng did not say a word, Kari had no choice but to continue to persuade, "Jason, trust me, I have considered it thoroughly, no matter what the outcome is, I will not be affected too much. This is a business that makes money without losing money."

   rubbed his temples, Yang Cheng hesitated for a long time and finally let go, "Well, let me talk to Richard on the phone first and see what he thinks."

   Kari was helpless, but he couldn't directly contact Richard Debin, so he could only reluctantly agree through Yang Cheng.

   hung up the phone, Yang Cheng felt someone walking behind him, and suddenly turned his head to find Luo Yue who was holding his mouth pitifully and tearfully looking at him, "Are you angry with me?"

Yang Cheng knew that this girl had misunderstood, too, she had never accepted Wen with her own fiancé, but she kissed other people in front of so many people. It was still the most intense kiss, even if the other party was. A good girlfriend is a woman. It's hard to accept if you think about it.

However, she is a bit different. Yang Cheng is not an ordinary person. If Lin Ximan and Luo Yue are willing, it is not impossible to have a threesome, cough cough~ well, he knows he thinks too much, but he passes After the initial shock, I don’t feel relieved about it anymore. It’s just that the atmosphere inside is too embarrassing, and I am unwilling to participate in Lin Ximan’s love triangle. This is how I escaped to breathe, who knows that I haven’t breathed well. Cary posed another problem for him.

   But it is better to comfort Luo Yue for now, "Don't think about it, what a big deal, I won't take it to heart, but only this time, if you dare to have intimate contact with men, you will die~"

   Yang Cheng amused Luo Yue by pretending to be fierce, and suddenly burst into laughter, "Why~"

   touched the air bangs in front of her forehead, "What's the situation inside?"

   Luo Yue sniffed, "When I first came was still drinking, and the game was very lively~"

   Yang Cheng nodded, "That's good, I won't go in, it's meaningless, what about you? How about we go back to the room first?"

   Luo Yue looked back at the noisy bar, "I mean it too. By the way, I just saw you on the phone. Do you want to be busy?"

   Yang Cheng held his fiancee's body and said softly, "A call from an ambitious guy, don't worry, I will handle it."

Luo Yue didn’t ask, but cleverly leaned in Yang Cheng’s arms, “I know, I don’t understand those conspiracies and they can’t help you. I just hope you will be more cautious in everything in the future, because you are no longer the same People, not just a family of the Yang family. If the pressure is too great, you can tell me, I promise to be a tree hole that can only get in."

Yang Cheng smiled comfortedly and pecked at Luo Yue's raised face, "I see, my little housekeeper, I will tell you if I can tell you, there should be no secrets between us. ~"

   Luo Yue is still a bit shy, but she didn't avoid it. The relationship between the two of them is now, and it is time to go further. Of course, it is only limited to the intimate contact between the skins, and the deeper it will be after the wedding is over.

   After returning to the room, let Luo Yue go to wash, Yang Cheng sat on the sofa, took out an antique machine that he carried with him, and called it to Richard Debin. . . . . .


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