Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 867: Watchdog fight (1)

   "Richard, did you know that WikiLeaks broke the news again?"

   Richard Debin's voice is stern, "I know, the people in the Qing Bureau are going crazy now, this Julian Assange is really non-stop."

   Yang Cheng didn't go around the corner, and directly stated Kari's request, "Kari wants to have an interview with you. He is planning to initiate an action against the leaker and needs your support."

Richard Debin was thinking about it for a while and he knew what Cary was thinking. "He really wants to climb up, but he had better not participate in this matter. After all, it involves the Central Qing Dynasty, and Comey's The attitude is very ambiguous, I am afraid he also has his own ideas."

   Yang Cheng frowned, "Komi also has an idea? What is he going to do? Wouldn't it be the opportunity to start a battle with the Central Qing Dynasty?"

He said this because there is a precedent. As early as 3 years ago, when Comrade Guanhai was re-elected, it stands to reason that the headline position in the US media should have been reserved for Comrade Guanhai who was re-elected for three days. Without warning, he was taken over by David Petraeus, because the boss of the Central Qing Bureau stepped down due to a scandal.

   And the only person who can oust Director C~I~A is the enemy F~B~I.

Originally, General Petraeus had a boundless future and was cultivated as an important reserve force. As a doctor of public relations at Princeton University and a four-star general, he had cleaned up the two major problems of Ilaq and Afu Khan for the United States and served in the United States. The Central Commander, Commander Bu, Commander Jun in Aramco, and Director of the Central Qing Dynasty Bureau. He has a good reputation in both terms of the US military and is likely to embark on the road of electing congressmen in the future.

It’s just that all this came to an abrupt end after it was investigated for an extramarital affair. Of course, this is not a big problem in itself. From top to bottom, there are few Americans who haven’t cheated. Men and women are the same. The mistake is magnified infinitely, and that is unforgivable.

   The first to investigate Petraeus was an F~B~I agent named Frederick Humphries. He was also famous for this incident. He was commissioned by his friend Gil Kelly.

Gil Kelly is a socialite and has received several anonymous threatening emails in a row. The content of the emails is to keep her away from Petraeus. The sender, after investigation, is the heroine of Petraeus’ extramarital affairs, Bao Labu. Rodwell.

Later, during the investigation, a series of more complicated relationships surfaced. In the end, a lively reality show was staged in which the F~B~I small agent overthrew the C~I~A chief director, but it was really shocked. The jaws of people eating melons.

   For the entire process of this matter, almost everyone who is qualified to have access to more information knows that the matter is not that simple. The evidence and the logic of case handling in the process are all very good, and everyone concludes that there must be something else behind it.

   Otherwise, an ordinary F~B~I agent, what qualifications does he have to mobilize resources to investigate the C~I~A boss?

Even the homeless on the streets of Los Angeles know how deep the contradiction between the two watchdogs F~B~I and C~I~A is. Over the past few decades, the friction between the two institutions has repeatedly evolved into Internal fighting, in some cases, even jeopardized the security of the United States.

  Various grievances continue to this day, not to mention getting rid of a director, and wishing to step on the other side as a dog is the only thing in common between the two.

In fact, in many Hollywood blockbusters about spies and agents, F~B~I and C~I~A give people the impression that they are both profound and mysterious. Surveillance, eavesdropping, investigation, and tracking, the agents in the movie seem to be all They are all responsive and omnipotent. Their work is carried out in secret, always hidden in the dark. It is only after the results are exposed to the media that the whole thing is known.

   There is a saying in an American best-selling book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus", it says: Men are more rational and concrete, women are more free and abstract, so men are from Mars and women are from Venus.

In Yang Cheng's view, agents of F~B~I are like men from Mars. They like concrete rationality, dislike abstraction and imagination, and pursue quantifiable things. For F~B~I, the criterion for success is to pass It is measured by arresting a person, cracking a case, and initiating a lawsuit.

  In contrast, members of C~I~A are more like women from Venus. They pursue freedom and rarely abide by even if they are regulated. They focus on flexible development and cultivating long-term intelligence relationships. The criterion for measuring success is the accuracy of intelligence prediction.

F~B~I’s requirements for recruiting agents are based on rules, requiring no criminal record and passing various tests, including background tests, physical fitness tests, and polygraph tests. Most agents come from top talents, military personnel, and seniors from law enforcement agencies in various states in the United States. The mission of the top scholars in universities is to bring bad guys into prison;

To join C~I~A, the conditions are much lower. Apart from being 18 years old, having a college diploma, and speaking foreign languages, there is no need to pass too many test thresholds. They mainly help the leaders of ZF in the United States. We can better understand what threats other countries have implemented or are about to implement against the United States. Of course, they are also good at conspiracy.

This has also caused the two agents to encounter a problem often at work, because they are not the same type of people, which makes it very difficult to communicate. To put it more vividly, F~B~I must pass execution The law completes the task, and C~I~A will do whatever it takes to complete the task, often violate the legal system to do things, and only pursue the result without caring about the process. How can the rigid and conservative F~B~I accept it?

   The huge differences and missions of the two institutions have attracted two different types of talents. In the process of carrying out their tasks, they have gradually created two different institutional cultures, and cultural conflict is the essence.

F~B~I's idea of ​​cracking the case must be based on reasonable grounds, not just suspicion and speculation. What F~B~I wants is a clear clue that can be verified; but for C~I~A, doubt And guessing is the "fuel" for their continuous work. Compared with a single fact, C~I~A pays more attention to the connection between multiple facts. They integrate the collected intelligence fragments to conceive the entire picture of the matter. .

C~I~A members attach great importance to protecting their "informants", because these "informants" hold important information in their hands, and many C~I~A officials believe that they are responsible for protecting their informants from persecution. , So that it is easy to fall into a state of paranoia-except for "informants", they will not disclose information to anyone outside the organization, because the nature of intelligence is exactly the opposite of news, and it requires fewer people to know. Reliable and safe, this is the initial reason for the poor communication between C~I~A and F~B~I.

The well-known "9-11 incident" was pushed forward three years, that is, in 1998, C~I~A once provided F~B~I with a piece of information, however, this piece of information was submerged in F~B. ~I among the numerous files.

   The content of this piece of intelligence is that a group of Arab terrorists may be planning to maneuver a plane full of explosives through landmark buildings in the United States.

   The reason F~B~I shelved the intelligence at the time was that this intelligence had neither evidence to support this terror plan, nor any on-site investigation, nor the source and means to obtain it.

  For C~I~A, providing these evidence contents is simply a fantasy, because it will endanger C~I~A's ability to continuously obtain intelligence.

   But for F~B~I, an unverifiable source of information, just a vague prediction, is useless.

   The huge institutional and cultural differences between the two institutions are fully reflected in this. There is no doubt that this miscommunication of intelligence should be largely responsible for the failure to prevent the "9-11 Incident" from happening.

   Since the "9-11 Incident" caused great harm to the American people, in order to protect the United States from terrorism, the common mission to force the two agencies to try to cooperate, the US Congress has repeatedly called for the reform of the intelligence agency.

   However, the institutional cultures of the two institutions are so different that it has been difficult for cooperation to make progress so far.

   In the history of the United States, apart from the "September 11" in 2001, there are two more typical vicious incidents due to the institutional and cultural conflict between the FBI and the CIA.

   One is the Kennedy assassination, because C~I~A belittles F~B~I's intelligence source.

Some historians in the United States believe that the "communication problem" between F~B~I and C~I~A caused Kennedy's assassination in 1963, and the subsequent investigation into the truth of the incident was due to the infighting between the two. And to no avail.

   The focal point of this incident is that F~B~I and C~I~A clashed over the loyalty of this person in Yulinoshenko, the former su-defection agent.

Noshenko claimed that Lee Oswald, the killer of Kennedy, was under the surveillance of Kgeb, but Kgeb never tried to recruit him. This issue is critical because Kgeb’s interaction with Oswald may It implies that the former Su League was involved in the assassination.

At this time, the defector codenamed "Fedora" controlled by F~B~I confirmed Noshenko's statement But the complicated thing is that "Fedora" was ultimately regarded as Two spies working in the former US Union, and two polygraph tests conducted by C~I~A proved that Noshenko lied about Oswald.

   As a result, F~B~I and C~I~A have inconsistent judgments. F~B~I believes that Noshenko is telling the truth, and C~I~A is convinced that he is protecting Moscow by lying.

In 1970, F~B~I and C~I~A confirmed their judgments through witnesses obtained from different sources. When the conflict reached its peak, the then director of F~B~I was also the founder of Hoover. Called Mr. Nike Song and asked him what he thought of the report provided by F~B~I. Nike Song replied that he had never received a report.

Hoover found out that the C~I~A counterintelligence department actually claimed that it was false information and detained them. Hoover was extremely angry. You should know that C~I~A has been belittling the entire F~B~. I's intelligence source, but did not expect to overthrow this matter.

   This is also the beginning of the two organizations' tearing apart. Since this incident, the struggle between the two has never stopped. It is commonplace to engage with each other's leading brother.

Richard Debin can understand Yang Cheng’s doubts, and the facts are also true. Comey really wants to stumble C~I~A. This time C~I~A’s own intelligence personnel made a big oolong, if he was If you don't seize the opportunity, you won't be able to call yourself Hoover's son.


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