Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 890: Expand the estate

This time Yang Cheng came to Liverpool, in addition to personally dealing with the transfer of Messi, he also needed to go back to the North Sea Manor. Carson called before and prepared to sell an old manor on the west side of the North Sea Manor next to the Thames. Carson believes that Yangcheng Yangcheng should be bought, so that it can be connected with Beihai Manor to expand the territory of the manor, and secondly, it can also increase the value of the manor through the increase in land area. The most important thing is that the price is not too expensive. , You must know that it is not a big miracle to find such a large area of ​​land on the Thames.

The Beihai Manor covers an area of ​​only 60 acres, while the area of ​​this manor that Carson said is as high as 125 acres, which is more than 500,000 square meters. If it can be connected to the Beihai Manor, the area of ​​land owned by Yang Orange is not The duke is inferior to the past.

   And Carson is right. As a result, the value of Beihai Manor will increase exponentially. Of course, whether to buy it or not has to be investigated on the spot.

   Now, Yang Cheng arrives at Melwood Base by car. The new base is under construction. Until the end of the project, Melwood is still the main place for the daily training and life of the Red Army.

In the office of the base, Yang Cheng saw the head coach Love who had just held a tactical meeting. He hadn't seen him for half a year. Mr. Love, who was a gentleman in the past, was full of exhaustion. I don't know if it is an illusion. There are many sideburns. It's a bit white.

   Yang Cheng couldn't help feeling that this football coach's job is not something anyone can do.

   "boss~" Love showed a little tiredness in his eyes.

   Yang Cheng motioned to him to sit casually and asked Ian El’s secretary to bring two cups of coffee. Then he cared, "Have you been working hard recently?"

   Love smiled bitterly, do you want to say: Isn't it all the pressure you put on?

   The last time Yang Cheng called and sprayed Ian Al because of his performance. Looking back, although Ian Al did not scold Love, he exerted invisible pressure through several conversations.

Fortunately, the players are great. In recent rounds, they have won successively and stabilized their position at the top of the standings. The Champions League group stage is also advancing all the way. The pressure on Loew is suddenly relieved, otherwise he is not in the mood to sit and drink coffee with Yang Orange. Up.

   The head coach of the giant clubs in European football has never been a long-lived career.

"Fortunately, the current situation of the team is good, and the team members cooperate with each other more and more tacitly. The whole team is confident in all competitions. As long as there are no large-scale injuries, the championship is just around the corner." The husband's loud and loud words made Yang Cheng hear a different meaning.

   The head coach obviously has something in his words. Yang Cheng touched his chin and asked, "What is Mr. Loew's opinion on the two football superstars Messi and Ronaldo?"

Yang Cheng and Ian Ayre did not disclose the news about Messi’s transfer in advance. It can be said that they have been kept in the dark, but now there is a lot of noise outside, how could Love not know ?

   To be honest, his first reaction at the time was anger, but what followed was a surprise, and at the same time he felt that the burden on his body was heavier.

Love can understand people like Yang Cheng’s preference and obsession with stars, and such a big cause is not something that a manager can intervene. The team did not inform that there must be a team’s plan, so after the anger, Love was very angry. Calm down quickly.

No coach on this planet dares to say that he does not want to coach a superstar like Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo, but if he can really coach one of the peerless twins, but in the end he fails to get a handful of results, the fans will definitely unify their stance and direct their attention. Refers to the coach. After all, you can’t win the championship with such a nuclear weapon.

"Boss, about Messi and Ronaldo, I also said my opinion in the media before. That is what I said in my heart. Compared with Ronaldo, I appreciate Messi’s comprehensiveness more, and I have to let me learn from them. Choose one of the two to coach, and I will choose Messi."

Yang Cheng was very surprised. He didn't know much about football. Although he didn't curse the national pigs less, he really wanted to tell him one, two or three. He really didn't have the ability. He knew better about Messi and Ronaldo. Only on the surface, now I have heard such a judgment from a professional top professional instructor. It is not to blame for his surprise. Did he guess wrong? Love does not reject Messi's arrival?

"Why do you say that?"

Loew replied, "C Ronaldo is indeed a very good player, he is very professional, and is simply an incredible goal machine, but in my opinion, Messi is the most comprehensive player, he can Easily pass all the players and send the ball into the goal."

   Yang Cheng lowered his head and endured a smile. He felt that Loew was a bit exaggerated, but he didn't expect his coach to be a Mei Bing

"Now the circle has the most accurate evaluation of the two of them. Cristiano Ronaldo presupposes his position by 20 meters, while Messi retreats his position by 20 meters. The strange thing is that they have scored goals. It's almost the same.

   This sentence is enough to prove everything. "

   Hearing this, Yang Cheng nodded, but decided to make it clear, "Then you shouldn't refuse Messi's arrival?"

   Love didn’t make a detour, and said bluntly, “On the contrary, Messi’s joining at this time will do more harm than good to the team.”

Seeing Yang Cheng frowned, Love hurriedly explained, "I said so for a reason. First of all, the team has been ground up and the state is getting better. At this time, Messi's joining will destroy the perfect balance of the team, and it will need to be renewed. Run-in, especially in technical and tactical aspects, must be re-constructed. The season has already started and we cannot afford to delay;

  Secondly, Messi is undoubtedly a top player, but he has never left Barcelona in his career and has never proved himself in other leagues. This is undoubtedly a big disadvantage compared with Ronaldo who is famous in the Premier League;

   Finally, I am worried that Messi’s arrival will interfere with the players’ self-confidence. They will think that they are not good enough. They can only win the championship with a superstar like Messi. This is a fatal blow to the young players. "

   Yang Cheng pressed his hand, "I understand, but you can rest assured that Messi’s transfer will have too much impact and it will definitely not be completed during the winter transfer period. You will have enough time to solve the problem by next summer at the earliest.

Mr. Love, I hope you understand that my expectation for Liverpool is not just a return on the championship. I am a businessman and I hope that my investment will get a perfect return. Messi is a crucial piece of the puzzle, so whatever How, Messi, I’m going to make a decision. I hope you can put aside all prejudices, work hard to help Messi integrate into the team, and help him adapt to the Premier League. Don’t forget that Messi’s career is limited, and Mr. Love you still young. "

Yang Cheng pointed out that it is imperative for Messi to join, and at the same time gave Loew a reassurance. Messi will not be able to play for a few years. Without accident, Loew might end up in Liverpool. The importance is self-evident. .

   Sure enough, after receiving Yang Cheng’s hint, the wise Love immediately stated, “Boss, don’t worry, as long as you give me enough time, I will definitely let Messi shine in the Premier League.”

   After a pause, Loew asked, "Is Messi already confirmed to join?"

   Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head, "Not yet, but the duck in hand can still let him fly?"

   Love does not understand the meaning of this sentence, but Yang Cheng's well-established performance is still in his eyes. It seems that Messi's joining Liverpool is already a sure thing.

  . . . . . .

   Talked with Love for more than half an hour. After drinking the coffee, Love left. Yang Cheng flew back to Beihai Manor by helicopter. Carson waited with Anna and his servants.

   Yang Cheng jumped out of the helicopter with a strong wind brought by the propeller. There was a drizzle in the air. It was clear when he left Liverpool, but when he arrived in London, he caught the drizzle. This **** weather, let me scold once.

   Carson came up with an umbrella and blocked the rain for Yang Cheng, "Master, welcome back~"

   "I haven't seen Carson for a long time, how are you doing?"

   The two entered the room, Anna hurriedly came up to take off Yang Cheng's coat, and put on a bath towel to dry her wet hair.

   "I'm great, sir, thank you for your concern, please come to the living room, I invited the real estate agent over, let him help introduce the details of the neighboring manor."

   Carson is still unsmiling and quickly enters the role.

Yang Cheng knew his character and didn't say much, she wiped her head, and took a sip of the hot chocolate from Anna. A warm current slid down her throat to drive away the chill. .

The two walked into the living room one after the other. A white man with long blond hair and a suit and leather shoes stood up and greeted Yang Cheng from a long distance away, "Dear Mr. Yang, this is the real estate agent McAndrew. I’m just like Mike. I’m very happy to be at Beihai Manor. This is really a great castle~"

   Sure enough, the real estate agent’s mouth was so tight that he closed the relationship with the client in a few words.

  Yang Cheng smiled lightly, walked forward and shook hands with McAndrew, then pointed to his big back, jokingly, "I'm glad to meet you, please take a trip, your hairstyle is very handsome~"

   McAndrew touched his blonde hair and said with excitement, "Thank you Mr. Yang for the praise. I think so too. If Mr. Yang has time, I can introduce you to the neighbor next door."

   Yang Cheng is indispensable, drinking hot chocolate and asking, "I heard Carson say that this manor covers 125 acres? The location is excellent, why is it vacant until now?"

McAndrew nodded and spread out a picture book on the table with photos of the manor next door. He gestured and said, "Yes, this is a manor with a beautiful view of the Thames and the surrounding area. It covers an area of ​​125 acres. It was once used as a racecourse by aristocratic families, and it has not been maintained for more than 30 years. Because the cost of maintenance and repair is too high, the descendants of the original owner cannot afford the cost and can only remain vacant."

  :. :

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