Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 891: Great private territory

   Yang Cheng opened the album. There were hundreds of photos, covering almost all of the manor. At the beginning, it was an aerial panoramic view of the manor. It seems that this intermediary company is very powerful and professional.

This manor is located on the northwest side of the North Sea Manor in Yangcheng, next to a bifurcated tributary of the Thames River, in an inverted trapezoid shape. The manor is surrounded by dense trees. There is a large flat emerald green pasture in the middle, and a few old buildings are scattered. The buildings are distributed in the manor, and it seems a little lonely.

McAndrew leaned a little closer, and then said, "At present, the owner of the manor is going to sell it for 10 million pounds. This price is a bit high, but considering its superior location and transformation potential, it is definitely worth the money. .

   According to the owner of the manor, the house in the manor has been unoccupied for decades, and the person who takes over needs to be thoroughly overhauled. "

When Yang Cheng heard the words, he turned to the pictures of the old house. As expected, the gardens that had not been taken care of for decades were full of azaleas and thorns and were messy. The exterior walls of the houses were covered with moss, the corners were overgrown with weeds, and the windows were black holes. Very gloomy.

   Even if he buys the manor, Yang Cheng is not going to live in this old house. Maybe there are so many wrongdoers in it.

   Well, he has watched a lot of TV series, but this house should be a good choice for shooting horror movies.

   "This manor was originally built by a wealthy businessman named James Gardner after returning from the East Indies in 1865, but it was sold to Baron Charles Howard in 1898."

   Carson suddenly interrupted, "Master, Baron Charles Howard is a distant relative of the Windsor family. If you trace it back, it has a lot of roots with Queen Elizabeth. The title of the Baron of the Howard family is hereditary."

Yang Cheng suddenly realized that before he was wondering why there is a manor with a larger area near the royal palace of Beihai Manor, and it has been abandoned for so long. It seems that the background of the manor is quite deep, of course. As a desolate nobleman, he doesn't even have the money to renovate his ancestral home. Similar things are common in the British Isles. The most indispensable person in this place is nobleman.

   But no matter how desolate they are, they are also hereditary nobles. When they go outside, they must be called by ordinary people respectfully and respectfully. It is no wonder that they can keep such a feng shui treasure land with the relationship of the Windsor family. Who dares to **** it?

   But now it’s cheaper Yang Cheng. If it hadn’t been for Prince William to buy Beihai Manor at that time, now this precious land really has nothing to do with Yang Cheng.

   McAndrew added, “It’s like this. The Baron’s family lived here and deliberately opened up their own racecourse, which gave birth to some very famous thoroughbred racehorses a century ago.”

   Yang Cheng nodded clearly. The large pastures on the previous aerial photos were supposed to be used for horse racing freely.

"Later, due to the war, the Baron and his family moved to Switzerland, and the manor slowly declined. During the Second World War, it was also requisitioned by the US Air Jun, as a rest center for US Air Jun pilots. With the end of the war After Mei Jun evacuated, the Baron failed to return to his motherland, and his descendants adapted to life in Switzerland, resulting in this magnificent manor in a state of disrepair.

   And because of the needs of the United States at that time, many major facilities were demolished. If Mr. Yang needs it, he can only re-plan and renovate. "

Yang Cheng knew that he was referring to the racecourse. After all, U.S. Jun requisitioned it to create a good training place for air Jun pilots, not for vacation and living. It is a waste of keeping the racecourse facilities. It's time for firewood.

Without swallowing any saliva, McAndrew introduced tirelessly, "Mr. Yang, the manor is shown in the picture. If you want to live in comfortably, you need to undergo a large-scale renovation. Some useless buildings and facilities can be demolished. And reconstruction, the original owner has completed the relevant document procedures, this is a small benefit."

   Yang Cheng nodded his head and said that he understood that although the manor was bought, it must be applied to the relevant department if it wants to renovate it. You can't start the work at will, otherwise, you can protect yourself from being discovered for the rest of your life.

   "The buildings in the manor include the existing master building, as well as some small buildings and coach houses where old servants live. This was expanded and renovated in 1982."

   McAndrew was afraid of Yang Cheng’s misunderstanding and explained, “The manor must be guarded for a long time. In order to facilitate the life of the guards, the manor specially renovated the servant building at a very low cost, but the main building has not been moved~"

   Yang Cheng slowly flipped through the album and raised his hand, "I know, you continue to say~"

McAndrew suddenly raised his tone, reached out to help Yang Cheng turn a few pages of albums, and pointed to a wooden house road by the river in the picture. "The biggest selling point of the whole manor is its proximity to the Thames. Although this river is a tributary, the river is wide. , The water depth in the middle is 5 meters, which can fully meet the draft of a small yacht.

There is also a houseboat, including a wet and dry dock. The interior includes an entrance hall of 15,000 square feet, reception living room, study room, kitchen, dining room, indoor swimming pool, game room, wine cellar, 6 bedrooms and There are 5 bathrooms, and occasionally staying by the river for a few days is quite comfortable. The small dock has certain maintenance capabilities, so parking and repairing a luxury speedboat is not a big problem.

   Drive a speedboat to London from here, a few minutes faster than driving. "

   Sure enough, Yang Cheng's interest in this dock is greater than that of the racecourse. It is definitely a good place for vacation after a good renovation and expansion.

The houseboat in the photo is located under the towering trees. In front of the door is a wide branch of the Thames River. The green drinking water flows quietly, and the golden sunlight penetrates the dense canopy like a light curtain covering the houseboat, just like a beautiful picture The oil painting is quiet and serene.

  "The American pilots also liked this houseboat very much, often sitting on the wooden pier to fish, so the houseboat was kept intact, and after the rest of the Americans, the interior decoration was full of American country style.

Behind the    houseboat is a vast garden, which includes an orange grove, a walled garden overgrown with weeds, a greenhouse and an abandoned outdoor swimming pool.

   There is also a sports home complex behind the courtyard, and a series of surrounding buildings, including two three-bedroom cottages and a series of office entertainment centers, as well as parking lots and paddocks.

   Compared with the old house in the center of the manor, this houseboat is more like the life center of the owner in the past.

  As a property valued at 10 million pounds, the manor has a closed driveway to prevent uninvited tourists.

   In addition to the main house, outbuildings and houseboats, there is an indoor tennis court that has been in a bad state for nearly half a century in the east of the entire estate.

Generally speaking, this is a rare treasure place on the Thames River. It not only has a rare small oasis, if it is properly renovated, it is like a secret garden in the book, with various facilities and plenty of space for the master’s paintbrush. Shiwei.

   The president of our company described this manor as a paradise forgotten by time. It needs time and money to restore life.

  As a real estate agent, I still said that, on the banks of the Thames, a classic English country house with such a large area is very rare. The opportunity should not be missed. I hope Mr. Yang can think carefully. "

   Yang Cheng held the photo album and looked at it for a few minutes, and then told Anna, who was waiting nearby, "Take Mr. Andrew out for a stroll~"

   turned his head and smiled at McAndrew, "Sorry, I need to discuss it with Carson, please give me some time."

   McAndrew responded happily, "No problem, Mr. Yang, it just so happens that I also want to visit this great royal palace~"

   "I hope your trip is worthwhile~"

  Waiting for Anna to take someone out of the castle, Yang Cheng snarled Kasen, "What do you think?"

  Carson answered cautiously, "Master, your decision is my opinion~"

   Yang Cheng laughed and shook his head, "Don't think too much, we are family, 10 million pounds is not a small amount of money, I hope you can give me some suggestions."

Carson hesitated and said, "Master, I have already said my opinion on the phone. After listening to Mr. Andrew's explanation, I have a clearer understanding of the value of this manor. If it can be included in the North Sea Manor, I We are confident that North Sea Manor will become the most majestic and beautiful private sector in the UK."

   Yang Cheng was already but it still needs a gentle push. Carson’s words happened to be in his heart, so why hesitate?

  "When McAndrew comes back, you can confirm directly with him. I want this manor. After that, we can entrust him to come forward instead of us to purchase all the private farms and territories in the middle of the two manors.

   Is there any money in the manor account? "

   Carson said solemnly, "There is still money in the account, enough to complete the acquisition."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Then take it from the account. In a few days, I will reinvest a sum of money in it for repairs, renovation and subsequent acquisitions. This matter is handed over to you, how long will I see the results? "

   Carson lowered his head and thought for a moment, "I believe that all construction will be completed before next summer arrives."

   Yang Cheng calculated that it would be half a year, considering the rain in the UK, this time is not too slow, "OK, then I will wait for next summer to go fishing on the river."

   "As you wish, sir~"

After   , Yang Cheng no longer pays attention to it. Carson's ability will keep things done without leaking. Yang Cheng doesn't need to worry about it.

Going upstairs to the bathroom for a wash, changing into dry and comfortable home clothes, and returning to the first floor. Carson was docking with McAndrew for the transfer procedure. Yang Cheng glanced at it and walked directly through the living room to the indoor swimming pool. When passing by the small kitchen, a scent of butter permeated, and I couldn't help asking Anna behind him, "What is the kitchen doing delicious?"

  :. :

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