Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 900: Sale and leaseback

I have to say that Yang Cheng’s proposal is still very constructive. Even a layman like Recosta can see that this plan is much more reliable than the previous plan proposed by Bjorn. At least Yang Cheng can learn from this plan. Get benefits in the process, instead of being stuck on the body and sucking blood!

Recosta couldn't wait, and ran directly to take Bjorn to the side to convey it. Yang Cheng didn't care either. Some things would have unexpected effects when they were conveyed through the middleman.

No, Bi John looks over to Yang Cheng from time to time, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

Yang Cheng was too lazy to respond, walked to the stands outside the box, and looked down at the stadium with his hips akimbo. The first half was about to end. The score remained at 1:0. It can be seen how tenacious Southampton played. Liverpool couldn't attack for a long time. We gradually lost patience, and at the end of the first half, the anti-aircraft guns were frequently released.

However, sometimes luck can't stop it. Just after Yang Cheng stood up, he saw the opening assist of Harry Kane with a header from the wing fast Marsala, holding the ball on the left. Picking the opposing full-back, the ultra-fast foot frequency made it difficult for the opposing awkward defender to parry, and Salah soon passed and broke into the penalty area.

Then Salah didn't raise his head and swept the ball directly to the goal. There are too many people in the penalty area. There is no room for Salah to continue to pass. Passing is the best choice at this time.

However, the ball first swept across the opposing defender’s leg and then flew in front of the Liverpool player. It was about to leave the goal area. I don’t know who suddenly stretched out a foot and touched it. The football immediately changed its direction. Before the blink of an eye, the goalkeeper was still unresponsive. At this distance, there was a sudden change. Not to mention the average goalkeeper, even when Buffon was at his peak, he could only sigh at this kind of ball.

Who touched it on earth? Regardless of who you love, you are not a Liverpool player anyway, an own goal without suspense!


Accompanied by the high and loud cheers of the DJ's goal, the atmosphere at Anfield once again exploded. The long-term players are anxious and the fans are even more anxious. Seeing that the first half is about to end, if you enter the second half with a score of 1:0, can't it? Fortunately, this own goal calmed the hearts of the fans, and excited smiles reappeared on the faces of the players celebrating on the court.

Yang Cheng is a little superstitious about his own **** luck. Should he be so magical and score a goal as soon as he stands up. Is he the God of Anfield?

Okay, Yang Cheng was a little overwhelmed, and all his ideas about God came out.

But no matter what, scoring is worthy of joy. This time the referee did not stop the Liverpool players from celebrating. Anyway, stoppage time has passed, and the whistle at the end of the first half was simply blew. After the players celebrated, they played in twos and threes. He walked off the field with a smile and rested in the locker room for fifteen minutes to usher in the second half of the battle.

Yang Cheng in the reconciliation box saw that Bjorn and Recosta had finished speaking, and poured a glass of wine to greet him, and said, "I don't know what Mr. Jos thinks about my proposal?"

Bjorn looked complicated, "This is a perfect plan. I can't find a reason to refuse."

Yang Cheng smiled, this was an expected answer, but his voice changed, "I know that Norwegian Airways needs a large amount of capital to expand. If I use Delta Air Lines to inject capital, I am afraid you will misunderstand me and the United Kingdom. Aviation has the same scheme, what do you think of this?

I used the name of the aircraft leasing company to inject capital in exchange for a certain share of Norwegian Air. The two parties formed a partnership. In the future, the aircraft leasing company would purchase new aircraft and lease them to Norwegian Airways to minimize the embezzlement of Norwegian Airways’ cash flow. At the same time, the route can be expanded to the maximum, which further expands Norwegian Air's volume.

Moreover, as long as you agree to this cooperation, Delta's fuel suppliers can also provide Norwegian companies with jet fuel at the same preferential price, further reducing operating costs. "

Yang Cheng’s series of suggestions shocked the Viking, for fear that Yang Cheng, like British Airways, had the ultimate goal of acquiring Norwegian Airways, but Yang Cheng’s benefits were real, as long as he nodded, Norwegian Airlines dare not say that it will immediately take a step, at least get rid of the current predicament, there is no problem with peace of mind.

Do you want to agree?

Yang Cheng didn't know Bjorn's thoughts. If he knew that he would give him a thumbs up, guessing it was too right, if the ultimate goal was not to win the entire Norwegian Airline, it would not have been so hard.

Of course, at this moment, he is still playing the role of sending charcoal in the snow, let alone sending charcoal to people every day in the past two days, and he is almost sending out his feelings.

Bjorn was very entangled. The entry of Layang Orange was undoubtedly the only way out of the predicament. Not only that, but also lay the foundation for future development. After a long time, it is possible to have in-depth cooperation with Delta Airlines.

But if he accepts Yang Cheng’s capital injection, he must give up his shares. Now his shareholding in Norwegian Airways is less than one-third, and Yang Cheng’s capital will be further reduced when he enters the market. In addition, Yang Cheng is so good to talk. It also brought him no small worry.

Before coming, he reached a deal with Recosta. As long as Recosta facilitates Yang Cheng’s help, Bjorn will match him up and try his best to lobby Mr. John Frederickson to land the oil depot project in Liverpool. It is an equivalent exchange.

But now Yang Cheng's performance is beyond his This condition is too good, and sometimes it is also a problem.

Bjorn was silent for a while before he settled down and decided to listen to the detailed capital injection plan before making a decision.

However, Yang Cheng did not give a specific number, but first asked, "How much capital does Norwegian need to get out of the current predicament?"

Bjorn hesitated. It stands to reason that he should open his mouth and ask for a huge sum of money, but will Yang Cheng ask for more shareholding ratio?

After a simple calculation, he said truthfully, "According to my estimation, 300-400 million US dollars should be enough."

At this time, Yang Cheng had obtained Norwegian's detailed financial report from Susuna, which also contained a bond that was about to expire, plus the loss and the balance of the new aircraft, Bjorn did not need much.

Yang Cheng quickly calculated the accounts in his mind, plus the cash injected, and the aircraft receiving Norwegian Air. Even if the average price is 40 million U.S. dollars for 10 aircraft, it will also cost 400 million. It is also necessary to provide a sum of US$1 billion in cash for the aircraft leasing company. This calculation is a bit stressful! ()

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